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Privacy Policy.

We inform you through our privacy policy about the proper conditions of use on this site.

The use of these implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every provision of this Legal Notice, so if you do not agree with any of the conditions set, shall not use and/or access this site.

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time. Your continued use of any portion of this site following notification or posting of such modifications will constitute your acceptance of such changes.


If you are not interested in receiving notifications from Mexican Timeshare Solutions, make sure you did not select the option “I wish to receive MTS newsletter”. If you are still receiving notifications and you are not interested, you can email us at info@timesharescam.com and you will be removed from the notification list.

Policy on Personal Data Protection

To use some services or access certain content, you must provide certain personal data, which will only be used for the purpose it was collected.

The type of information that will be requested includes, name, email address, phone number, etc, it is not mandatory to provide all the information requested, but the one that we considerate convenient, so you do know.

As general policy, this site does not reveal obtained information, it is only used to contact the people who entered their information and are interested in receiving a free consultation or use our services.   

Responsible Care.

All the information provided must be truthful.  At these effects, you guarantee the authenticity of all data provided as a result of completing the necessary forms to use our services and access contents of the website. In any case you will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damage caused to this site or others for the information provided.


If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, don’t hesitate to contact us any time via the contact form available on the site or via email at info@timesharescam.com.

Should Mexican Timeshare Solutions help you today?

Our work is based on a Contingency Basis: NO RESULTS, NO PAY.

Contact us now: 888 275 3595