Royal Elite Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Manuel & Rosario

Royal Elite Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Manuel & Rosario

It all started when a travel agent sales contacted me by telephone offering me a 4 nights 5 days vacation package to Playa del Carmen Quintana Roo, as by this time I was getting married and was an excellent choice for my Honeymoon, I paid by credit card, waiting for the reservation and giving the dates of my vacation, he sent me a letter saying that I had to go visit another hotel (this talk takes away a day of your vacations because you depend on the hotel transportation).

The day and time of the conversation came, the person who greeted us, a very nice and polite guy gave us a tour of the very luxurious, comfortable and with a good infrastructure hotel until it was time to talk about business, as we had no option we agreed, he described the different packages the hotel had, the first thing he said was that this was not a timeshare, he gave us many packages options that we could not afford or were not willing to pay, until he gave us one that suited our budget. The problem started when the sales agent told us that the years that we could not go on vacation he could rent our weeks and the hotel would pay us, and gave us 10 trips to their hotels that  if we wanted we could sell or enjoy; at the very end of the talk we did not believe in such beauty, when the seller realized our refusal took out a bottle of champagne, at the final part he told us that would also give us a trip to Europe when we wanted, and we agree to sign the contract. When I started to read the contract I realized that there were two clauses stating that the hotel is not responsible for rent the rooms for us, when I questioned on that clause, got an answer (a lie) and he convinced me to sign the contract.

I did not enjoy the last 3 days of my honeymoon, thinking if I had done the right thing.

Back from the honeymoon and planning my budget and expenses, I called the hotel and told them that I could not vacation this year and if I could rent my weeks, for my surprise they said they were not responsible for renting my weeks, I had to rent them on my own. So I will lose my money for the unused weeks, we fell in the first lie and about the trip to Europe we don’t even what to talk about it. We had been covering the monthly payments in time and as they charged us, when I realized the injustice that was happening to me, desperately and angry, I started looking on the internet people who had the same problem as me and how they had solved, with the first two queries the first thing that appeared on the screen were Mexican Timeshare Solutions testimonials, I contacted them and they agreed to take my case. It took approximately three months for the resort to give the release of my contract but thanks to Mexican Timeshare Solutions the released was achieved, also they are very clear when you question them about the case. The resort was sending me very intimidating emails, but Mexican Timeshare Solutions told me the reasons why they do that and not to be afraid. As of today I am free from that horrible timeshare nightmare thanks to Mexican Timeshare Solutions, who did not charge me a single penny until I got the letter of release, and the method of payment is fast and easy, so I highly recommend them.


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