Residence Club La Jolla Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial - Rebecca & Roger

Residence Club La Jolla Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial - Rebecca & Roger

We were at Residence Club La Jolla for several hours listening to their sales pitch. We were initially not interested.  However, their salesman, told us that if we don't use our week, then the company would rent out our timeshare week to help pay for the cost at $3200 per year.  He spoke to his manager and they promised to rent it out so that we could make money at the end of five years.  He convinced us that it would be a worthwhile investment. The next day we tried contacting him about the promised rental income but he did not respond.  After researching the Internet, we discovered that same false promises were made to others.  We were outraged at this common fraudulent practice to making a sale.

We then contacted Mexican Timeshare Solutions and received counsel from Roberto Guzman.  Since we were within 5 days rescission period, Mr. Guzman was able to help us cancel the contract and get the entire deposit refunded within a month.  We are grateful to have the Mexican Timeshare Solutions team in our corner.

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