Occidental Allegro Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial Adam & Sharon

Occidental Allegro Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial Adam & Sharon

I highly recommend Timeshare Solutions if you want an honest,responsive means of getting rid of your Mexican timeshare.Previously I had wasted money with timeshare selling companies who were smooth talking,took money up front and then nothing happened.

I also consulted a U.S attorney who was unable to make any progress with my timeshare company as they wouldn't even put him through to management.

Timeshare Solutions took no money upfront .I paid them after they sent me documentation from the Mexican court that my timeshare was revoked.I am so relieved to not have timeshare payments anymore and feel that their fee was fair and it was money well spent.

Occidental Allegro Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial  provided by

Adam & Sharon


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