Home » Resort Black list » PUNTA PACIFICO, Encanto Bahía Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Punta Pacifico, Encanto Bahía fractional ownership, Diamond Bay by Bloom

  Legal Name:
Compania Hotelera Nadia S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
  Rental Companies:
Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Premier Vacations, Swap Global Vacations
Hotel Representatives:
Alfredo Marcq, Vladimir Jimenez.

Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía is a small, relatively new resort in Mazatlan, Mexico. It is only partially built, and they are selling units on a pre-construction basis. The clients often complain about their lack of compliance with the 5 day cancellation policy and their lack of availability to book when they want to use it. They also use rental and resale scams to increase their sales.

Common Complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that they prefer if the client does not use the timeshare week. Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía offers to pay the client a high rental price per week for the next five years to not stay at that particular resort because they wanted to keep as many units available as possible to have enough rooms available for other prospective buyers who might come to view the property.
  • Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía uses resale agents that guarantee the sale of an old timeshare within a 90-120 day period. They promise high resale prices, so that they can induce buyers into purchasing larger amounts for their Punta Pacifico/ENcanto Bahía timeshare package.
  • Have clients sign a Cardholders Acknowledgement that states "I realize and understand that the earnest money deposit I have credited towards my purchase contract is non-cancellable and non-refundable, as my purchase agreement has no provisions for a rescission period." This statement is in opposition to the 5 day rescission period allowed by Mexican Law.

Punta Pacifico o Encanto Bahía Phone number:
Toll free 1866 978 6826
mex. 6699 101400

To receive more information about Punta Pacifica Timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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116 Complaints
  • EduardJuly 17, 2012, 11:38 am

    We bought into La Jolla in Mazatlan last year with the promise of our other time share being sold and some weeks being rented for profit. Of course, none of this has happened. We sent a letter to Profeco but have not heard anything.

  • LSSJune 27, 2012, 10:39 am

    Nuestro caso es similar al de todos;compramos un tiempo compartido en La Jolla Resort de Mazatlan,con la promesa de compra de un tiempo compartido existente, y el pago de 8 semanas bono que otorgaron.El siguiente año con promesas,falsas expectativas y sobre todo el incremento en el valor de las semanas bono y el tiempo compartido,volvimos a comprar mas puntos,en esta ocasion al doble de la primera vez, hemos investigado en internet y sabemos que esto es un fraude y jamas va a suceder lo que nos prometieron, queremos hacerles llegar nuestra experiencia a todas las personas para evitar que estas situaciones tan desilucionantes sigan pasando.

  • La jolla tipperMay 20, 2012, 9:01 am

    I was put off by the fact that they charged me 100 pesos for a mandatory "tip" for the "free" breakfast of french toast. Nothing was mentioned to me before this. I should have said something about it but I just figured mexicans do things differently and maybe that was just the customary tip to give there otherwise the waiters get nothing. I see now that $8 tip on a $6 breakfast is just a money grab. I almost purchased but had to leave mexico in a few hours so had no time for the 1/2 hour of paperwork after the 3 hour presentation. The bald sales guy almost followed me back to my hotel with the portable credit card machine!!

  • Blue63April 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    I went to a timeshare presentation at LaJolla Nuevo Mazatlan. An agent named Alfredo Marcq made the presentation to me and at the end I told him that I was not interested in purchasing a timeshare because I own a condo at Pueblo Bonito. He, then, said that his company was not licensed to rent their units out, they could only sell timeshares, so they were looking at units that they could rent to "pre-qualified" people from the states. He said that his company had done research and found that they only sold timeshares to about 15% of the people off the street and to about 40% to people who were invited to come and stay "Free of Charge" for 3-4 days. One of their requirements was that those coming had to attend their presentation. He went on to say that he knew my condo and the manager, and that he thought Premier Vacations would agree to rent my unit for $2,000 per week. They would actually agree to pay more during the Winter months. He went and asked the Premier staff and they agreed that they could rent it and would agree to send me a check for $20,000 within 60 days. Alfredo said that he would be responsible for the coming and going of the pre-qualified families. I told him that I would be willing to rent it out, Alfredo then went on to say that in order for them to Lease my property, I would have to buy one of their timeshares. I agreed to do it on the basis on his agreement that I would receive a check for $20,000 within 60 days. Now, I find myself out of the $15,000.

  • WalterApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    We purchased in October 2009 from Boutique Resort La Jolla, Mazatlan a fractional point system. We could not get accelerated points with RCI. Now they have our money USD18,000 and we have tried to get our money back thru La Jolla, Profeco. We can't use RCI now and La Jolla does not allow us to stay there. We got scammed and La Jolla has our money and we feel like there is nothing we can do.

  • MipApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    Just more of the same from us here in Utah. La Jolla promises all kinds of things and then turns the table on you. All I can say is this: It is my own fault for being so stupid. I fell for the biggest con of all time and that is buying something that sounds too good to be true. If I can prevent one person out there from making the same mistake, then I guess that some of my 6000.00 dollars will not have been totally in vain. I just got off the phone with La Jolla and finally got to the "big guy" in charge and without going into a novel, he admitted to me that La Jolla is in the business to sell timesahres and not in the business to sell them. That is why they get "in bed" with this other company and turn all of those empty promises over to them. "Mr Big" actually admitted to me that La Jolla would NEVER sell your current timeshare, not now, not ever. So what happens is you end up with two timeshares and another 6 or 7 hundred dollars a year in maintenance fees. So please, please, do NOT BUY! Tell all your friends about this, it is a big money making scam for La Jolla. I wished I would have looked on the computer before I got sucked into this :(

  • juan ricardo manzanaresApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    si hay disponible una semana del 30 al 4 de agosto

  • steve strouhalApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    we attended their presentation in June of '09, on a Wednesday.  After thinking it over, we decided to cancel. We went to a notary, then to the Post Office in Mazatlan on the next Friday.  We notified PROFECO.  We jumped through the hoops.
    Now it is 2 years later.  We have received $1876.70 refunded of our $11,500 initial purchase...Now we are looking into hiring an attorney to persue this for us. 

  • JanetteApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    I had the same experience as all the rest. Why cant we all do a class action suit against them? They have our money and nothing in return. They didn't hold up to their end of the contract if you can't stay there.

  • Adrian KoppejanApril 12, 2012, 10:17 am

    In March 2010 we fell for their scam. They sold us on trading in our 2 timeshares that we already have in Mazatlan plus paying $6,000 for them to sell our timeshares for us. We called them and sent them an email the next day that we wanted to cancel. They told us that we should come to the resort and they would settle it for 10% of what we paid. We knew that in Mexico there is a consumer protection law of 5 business days to cancel a contract like this. We kept contacting them and they kept giving us the run-around. We also visited PROFECO within 2 days. Finally after a year we got a cheque from La Jolla for $1500 (not $6000) which is not cashable here in Canada. We’ve asked them to wire the money and have given them all the bank info they would need a few times, but they refuse to do that. Then they sent another cheque, the same thing, not cashable. They are just trying to drag this out and make us give up. They don’t obey the laws of Mexico. We wish we’d never gone to their presentation.

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