Ocean Coral, Ocean Turquesa, H10
- Legal Name:
- Jacktar, S.A. de C.V.
- Resort sales locations
- Puerto Morelos, Riviera Maya
- Rental Companies:
- Vacation Timeshare and Rentals, Holiday Equity LLC
Ocean Coral & Turquesa phone number
00 52 998 287 21 00
00 52 998 287 21 01
I have a timeshare that my wife and I tried to cancel a week after we signed the paperwork, (we were told we had 10 days to cancel). The "salesman" would never return our calls and the "manager" told us we were wrong about the misrepresentations we felt they made. This now shows up on our credit report as a delinquent mortgage and is keeping us from buying a house. We called them and tried to work out some type of settlement, but they claim that they are only the loan servicer, not the bank, and they claim bank refuses to speak with us (Fifth Third Bank). We don't know what to do.
We went to the Mayan Riviera and stayed at the ocean tourquosa H10 resort. We attended one of the time share hard sales scam and got suckered in. The contract is nothing like what we were promised. We got home and I sent them a letter stating that we wanted to get out of our contract . To date have not heard a thing.
We bought into H10 at Ocean Coral & Turquesa, and like everyone else, feel we were lied to and taken advantage of. I would love to hear what we can do to get out of this situation.
Hi there, We purchased a timeshare at H10 Ocean Coral & Turquesa When we recently went to book we were told we have to pay extra money per person per day to be able to use our timeshare. When it was offered to us, they did not mention this extra cost whatsoever. We haven't been able to pay for the past few months and now they've also sent us a letter saying they will send it to collection.
Estando en unas vacaciones no sinvitaron a una presentacion de tiempo compartido, ya sabran la "oportunidad" de nuestra vidas para hacer negocio, tontamente confiamos en ellos y ahora no sabemos como librarnos. Tengan mucho cuidado en cuanto escuchen la palabra tiempo compartido salgan corriendo!!!
Please help me to cancel my contract of time share at Ocean Coral for misleading information about the sealers!!!!! we just buy it in October 2010. we are young, we have 22 and 24 yr old,we were not qualified to buy it!!! we were scammed...
Mi papá compró un tiempo compartido en Ocean Coral y le dijeron que si queria podía hacer reservaciones en el extrajera, todos sus pagos los ha hecho a tiempo y el día que se lo vendieron pagó un adelanto de $50,000 pesos. Cuando quisimos ir de vacaciones y reservar en el extranjero nos dijeron que no se podía, mi papá esta molesto y por supuerto que ya no quiere seguir pagando sus mensualidades.
I purchased a timeshare at Hacienda del Mar in Puerto Morelos - in June of 2010. We were definitely scammed! I believe we are victims of fraud, as our sales agent misrepresented many of the facts. Can you help us get out of our contract?
hola, nosotros lamentablemente fuimos estafados por Ocean Coral, como una pareja joven con muchos planes por delante invertimos todos nuestros ahorros en este negocio, ellos no nos dijeron que nos estaban vendiendo un tiempo compartido, a nosotros se nos dijo que estabamos comprando una oportundad de negocio con el cual podriamos hacer una cantidad de dinero considerable y si es que queriamos en ciertas ocaciones ya que ganaramos nuestro dinero podiamos darnos el lujo de utilizarlo también. Desafortunadamente, en nuestra motivación por ganar más clientes nos encontramos estas historias tristes y decepcionantes que nos hicieorn darnos cuenta del error tan garrafal que cometimos.
A mi me ofrecieorn una cosa y ahora resulta que es otro hotel, nada de lo que me dijeron es verdad, por consecuencia no es lo que esperaba y no lo quiero, de que manera puedo comprobar todo esto si yo firme un contrato porque confie en que lo que me estaba diciendo el joven era verdad. Si alguien ha pasado por mi situacion y pudo solucionarlo por favor diganme que hacer!!