Home » Resort Black list » PLAYA GRANDE Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Playa Grande Resort & Spa, Grand Solamar Land's End Resort & Spa

  Legal Name:
Centro de Promociones Los Cabos San Lucas, SA de CV
  Resort sales locations
Los Cabos
Hotel Representatives:
Vicky Real

Common Complaints:

  • Verification form states that there are no rescission provisions in the agreement, which contradicts the 5-day cancellation period allowed by Mexican law.

  • Salesperson makes false promises of rentals that could be generated

  • Salesperson misrepresents the value of the property and resale value if the client decides to sell in the future

Playa Grande Phone Number:
Toll Free 1-800-745-2226

To receive more information about Playa Grande timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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60 Complaints
  • Lariza June 16, 2016, 3:43 pm

    Biggest mistake ever, me and my husband acquire a timeshare in 2010 with playa Grande, actually we have only used our membership one time, Playa Grande told us that we need to do and "upgrade" to make usefull our membership , i mean really ? the ask for an upgrade , upgrade = $$more money $$ , we cannot accept that , we want the cancellation of our "full premium membership all inclusive " right now.

  • Renato KellyJanuary 11, 2016, 1:00 pm

    Al fin logramos mi esposo y yo librarnos de la pesadilla de playa grande, al principo parecia que todo iba de lujo , sin embargo fueron solo mentiras , promesas que jamas nos cumplieron , lo peor es que los costos de mantenimiento eran el triple de lo que nos habian dicho en la presentacion , jamas se acerquen a playa grande.

  • Aby G.November 9, 2015, 10:25 am

    Actualmente tengo un tiempo compartido con estas personas, y la verdad que por lo que pago no vale la pena, al principio si estaba todo muy bien, pero cada vez me quieren cobrar mas y mas, sobre todo las cuotas de mantenimiento es lo mas caro , estoy decidida a cancelarlo.

  • Joyce NicholsJune 22, 2015, 2:22 am

    me and my husband we went totally scammed , we went to that resort only for a few weeks and at the end the salespeople convinced us to buy some timeshare weeks, we thinked that could be a good idea, but we dont had any clue about where we had gotten us, we lost a lot of money with this resort

  • Kevin O.June 1, 2015, 10:02 am

    I had many complaints with those people, my experience was in mexico , mazatlan , that after a timeshare presetation i accept to buy some months, at firts eveerything looks legit, but the first problem that we had is the cost of the extra services or the maintenance fees, super high prices that anybody told us before , i dont had any clue of what is going on , actually im in the cancellation process, such a shame

  • Isa T.May 11, 2015, 1:28 am

    hi there, my boyfriend basely was cheated and scammed by this timeshare people, yes the stoled him , promised him a thousand things and benefits and could never use it or anything, if that were not enough he was demanding to renew his membership, i dont know how rat could be timeshare people, stay away from this resort pls

  • Neto P.April 5, 2015, 3:22 pm

    we want to invest in something that could help us on a future, timeshares in this case is a very risky thing, actually im on a process of cancellation for my timeshare, the guys that sell the timeshares are the firs persons that disappear, in nowdays i dont have any clue of that person .

  • IgnacioJanuary 28, 2015, 12:17 am

    Buscando soluciones de como poder cancelar una membresia de un tiempo compartido llegue a este lugar , la vd es que este resort tiene un pesimo servicio , tanto en sus instalaciones como su personal , lo que todo mundo sabemos es que por tal de venderte algo te promete cosas imposibles, pues bien ese fue mi caso , pude librarme hace poco de este resort y sus altos cobros de mantenimiento , pero aun sigo pagando unas cuotas que tenia vencida lo cual segun su contrato por ley tengo que pagar si no me demandan , son un asco

  • JoshuaNovember 24, 2014, 6:45 pm

    They will keep bringing you drinks so you are not in the right state of mind. Anything the salesman tells you will be a lie.

  • JeremyNovember 13, 2014, 9:16 am

    I am furious with these people.I have been threatened - laughed at and intimidated.

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