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THE REEF Playacar Resort (Leading Vacation Club)Timeshare COMPLAINTS

The Reef Playacar Resort & Spa, Leading Vacation Club, The Reef Coco Beach

THE REEF Playacar Resort (Leading Vacation Club)Timeshare COMPLAINTS
  Legal Name:
Inmobiliaria Kasamarina S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
Playa del Carmen
  Rental Companies:
Elite Guest Circle & Strategic Marketing Solutions
Common Complaints: 
  • the 5 days period to cancel is never mentioned in the presentations, they also state that "Saturday" in Mexico is a "business day" which is not. The 5 days period to cancel is a legal right which cannot be waived. 
  • The sales people promise to “trade-in” timeshares as part of their sales tactics. the sales man refers you to a resell or rental company for the sale or rental of your previously or new timeshare to paid off your new purchase. At the end, the resale and/or rental company does nothing for you, the client are stuck with your two or more timeshares. 
  • they promise no further fee besides the "All-Inclusive". but the special assessment fee keeps going up and up every month for unknown reasons.
  • His Timeshare´s program Leading Vacation Club doesn´t work as the salespeople promised

The reef phone:
Phone: +52 98 48 73 41 20
Fax: +52 98 48 73 20 01
Toll free number
USA : 1 866 384 3656
Mexico : 01 800 714 0220

To receive more information about The Reef Playacar and Leading Vacation Club timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
104 Complaints
  • vicky jewettDecember 25, 2012, 1:12 pm

    Agree totally with the guy who said the sales tactics for selling your other time shares are totally a scam. Reef did this to us in Jan 2012, resort management solutions has not kept in contact with us, nor have they sold our weeks for 2012 (and it's Dec 25th) I was told to expect $1000 for our 2 bdrm and $500 for our one bedroom, that would be about $3000 due back to me and we've seen nothing. Also this management company charged me twice for their services, luckily I watch my credit card carefully.

  • patriziaDecember 24, 2012, 9:36 am


  • wendyDecember 8, 2012, 2:54 pm

    Reef timeshare scam!! Do not buy from those phony, fake thiefs. They tell you it will be rented and you will get $2,000 per wk yearly. Yes, it seems like a great investment, too bad you never get anything from them but lies. We call and they say the check is in the mail, another lie. They use RMS and say they are in touch with them and everything will be okay. They pass you on from one salesman to another. They say it's RMS that is holding it all up. AAron, Larrie, Thomas all fakes. Where is the check you promised us after 90 days? BEWARE!!! Contact us if you have been scammed by The Reef. Let's institute a class action suit.

  • kenNovember 27, 2012, 5:57 pm

    We are from Canada and we bought in last spring. So far none of the promises have come true. I see a pattern here with the comments. After they have the money the old timeshare is not sold and then it is very difficult to book weeks. We were also offered a downgrade in accommodations with less weeks just to shut us up. I have not totally lost faith but we are getting very nervous too. We were called with an offer for our Mayan palace time share two months ago which we accepted. However we have not heard back and no one we call seems to know anything about it. I would love to hear from more satisfied customers I want to believe this is legit.

  • Ex ReeftimeshareworkerOctober 14, 2012, 9:05 am

    I worked at the Reef
    let me tell you it's all a big lie, none of its true , the $2000 a week lol that's complete BS, everything they tell you is a lie !!!!!!!!, There is no such thing as RMS there is no such thing as huge discounts on car rental or flight, Do your self a big favor DON'T BUY ANY TIMESHARE from these con artists , I quit working there because I couldn't steel from good hard working people, The manager there is name is Thomas and he's a burnt out Scottish drug and alcoholic thief , then there's Aron he's the biggest lier of hem all , he will promise you the world add extra diamond weeks for your money ( it's all BS none of its true) do your self a favor keep your money and vacation the right way , Remember if its to good to be true , then it is

  • brewbakerOctober 11, 2012, 11:59 pm

    We were sucked into the Reef timeshare scam last winter. We bought "Reef weeks" to use at the resort and other Elite weeks to use at other holiday locations around the world. Some of those timeshare weeks we could "sell" to essentially pay for our vacation for the year. A bit too good to be true.

    Doing things backward, we slapped down the money and then did the research. We did a domain name lookup on the Strategic Marketing Solutions website (strategicmktsolutions.com) and at the time it was only a few months old.

    On the website its address is embedded as a JPEG, so unreadable by search engines. It's supposed San Francisco address at 548 Market Street is actually Earth Class Mail -- a post office business that gives other companies legit looking San Francisco addresses. Google street view is good for something.

    There were some serious red flags there -- Strategic Marketing Solutions doesn't really exist, and these are the people supposedly "selling" your timeshare weeks.

    A domain name lookup on Elite Guest Circle also showed it to be a recently registered website, not a company around for years as suggested by salespeople at the Reef. It also didn't show up easily in google searches. More red flags. And both websites looked pretty cheap and quickly built.

    We went back the next day and demanded a refund under the five day rule. They tried to play hardball and even brought in the Reef developer to offer us more weeks and a sweeter deal. We stood our ground, but they wouldn't refund our credit card immediately but we got a signed document by the Reef detailing the cancellation of the contract. We also send a registered letter the same day from Playa del Carmen demanding cancellation of the contract.

    Our credit card company said the signed letter and receipts from the registered letter could be used to dispute the charges if the money wasn't refunded to our credit card.

    To our surprise, the Reef did refund our money, slightly more than a month later. Whew!

  • ShaftedOctober 8, 2012, 12:18 pm

    This is a total scam. We purchased a timeshare and were given Elite Weeks. Good luck booking the Elite Weeks. They do not answer the phone or return emails so the best part of the program is totally useless. So much for the personal concierge they promised us
    We were able to book a week at the Reef against our contract but once you factor in the All-inclusive fee it is cheaper to go to anoother resort!

  • MargiroseAugust 24, 2012, 9:53 am

    We signed up with the Reef after much pressure and guarantees in February 2012. RMS was to sell our timeshare at Wyndham within 180 days; this has not happened. Now as I try and book one week at the Reef I am told I will be on a waiting list until mid November. The whole thing is a scam!!!

  • CarlosAugust 20, 2012, 1:35 pm

    We bought in Dec. 23, 2011. Two weeks later we start receiving emails from The Reef stating that they are no longer working with SMS due to customers complaints (we were told they were a reputable company 2 weeks prior) and now RMS will be marketing our weeks. We continue to receive emails from SMS, one congratulating us because our timeshare is almost sold and the $ soon coming to us. Yet another telling us we might have to pay The Reef all the $ if we don't sign with SMS. In addition to SMS, The Reef sold us 5 weeks to use at The Reef and 5 Elite Guest Circle which we could market with SMS and receive $1,100 for each one (guaranteed in writing per our request). A month in and we kept on writing about how The Reef had changed and not honored our agreement. That we also had not received our contract or the password to access Elite Guest Circle. Days later The Reef responds that they are no longer with Elite Guest Circle and now we will have the services of Diamonds Travelers. We enter Diamonds Traveler website and it did not offer anything that was promised. As of today they are still working on "improving" it. After so many emails and phone calls from our part, now they are offering to apply the $ we paid already to a new contract that gives us less weeks, months in the year and smaller accommodations. The Reef sold us a vacation package which they knew was going to change very soon because of complaints, but because The Reef did not have substitute companies at the time we bought, they just lied and told us wonders about them and sold them to us.

  • CarlosAugust 20, 2012, 1:34 pm

    We bought in Dec. 23, 2011. Two weeks later we start receiving emails from The Reef stating that they are no longer working with SMS due to customers complaints (we were told they were a reputable company 2 weeks prior) and now RMS will be marketing our weeks. We continue to receive emails from SMS, one congratulating us because our timeshare is almost sold and the $ soon coming to us. Yet another telling us we might have to pay The Reef all the $ if we don't sign with SMS. In addition to SMS, The Reef sold us 5 weeks to use at The Reef and 5 Elite Guest Circle which we could market with SMS and receive $1,100 for each one (guaranteed in writing per our request). A month in and we kept on writing about how The Reef had changed and not honored our agreement. That we also had not received our contract or the password to access Elite Guest Circle. Days later The Reef responds that they are no longer with Elite Guest Circle and now we will have the services of Diamonds Travelers. We enter Diamonds Traveler website and it did not offer anything that was promised. As of today they are still working on "improving" it. After so many emails and phone calls from our part, now they are offering to apply the $ we paid already to a new contract that gives us less weeks, months in the year and smaller accommodations. The Reef sold us a vacation package which they knew was going to change very soon because of complaints, but because The Reef did not have substitute companies at the time we bought, they just lied and told us wonders about them and sold them to us.

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