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ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS

Royal Elite, Royal Elite Playacar, Royal Elite Caracol, Royal Elite Sandos, Royal Elite Exchanges

ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS
  Legal Name:
Sandos International S.A. de C.V
  Resort sales locations
Playa del Carmen, Caracol
  Resort collections
Monterrey Financial
  Rental Companies:
Royal Elite Exchanges, Elite Equity Transfers, Premium Timeshare Depot, Sierra Rentals and Resale’s
Hotel Representatives:
Alvin Hawkins, Joshua Michelson, Raul Martinez, Richard Quinones, Neil Cooper

Royal Elite Vacation Club complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that the all-inclusive fee is per couple, but in reality it is per person per night. Clients can often book the vacation cheaper online without using their timeshare, than with booking their timeshare and paying the maintenance fees and all-inclusive fees.
  • Claim that they can resell a previously owned timeshare for a profit and use that money to pay for the new membership at Royal Elite Vacation Club.
  • Salesperson offers extra weeks to clients for rental purposes. They claim that the rental income makes the timeshare a good financial investment, and they can use the money in the first few years to pay off the membership.
  • Salesperson claims that they can trade their weeks to RCI points, and use the points to pay for 100% of an airline ticket, when in reality RCI only allows for clients to use points for 33% of the cost of the ticket.
  • Royal Elite membership cost 

  • Reservations department

email:         reservas@royalelite.com
Mexico:  01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793 Ext.3204 y 3205

Customer Service
email:             customerservice@royalelite.com
Mexico:   01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793

To receive more information about Royal Elite Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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271 Complaints
  • D.R.October 14, 2013, 8:57 am

    We have owned our Membership for about 5 years and have never used it. We paid it off right away so no new transactions on our Card. Like everyone says we can book a trip cheaper at the same resort than to try to book and pay the high All Inclusive fees with our Membership. We have not been paying our Maintenence Fees and have not been harrased so far about that. We just want out - we have been approced 2 diff times to seel our Membership so if anyone else gets approached - * DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY * A company called North Star Management took us for around 3,000.00 ( yes we were dumb) and most recently diamond Resorts tried to say they were purchasing our timeshare. As soon as you say no you never speak to them again .
    Our fear is if we try to go to Mexico on vacation to any other resort will we be arrested there for non payment? We all need to get out of this thing!

  • JohnnieSeptember 24, 2013, 2:05 pm

    I bought into the Royal Elite Vacation Club in Jan. 2008 and at the time and on the contract I had 6 years and 12 weeks and was told I could bring up to 6 guest per visit and I would only be charged for my room as far as the weeks used. I tried to book another week and I was told I had used all of my weeks which they said I had used 17. Well hell yes those were my guest weeks which should had been counted. I brought this to there attention and never got a reply back. They will lie and tell you anything STAY AWAY FROM THE ROYAL ELITE VACATION CLUB.

  • CharlesSeptember 13, 2013, 3:04 pm

    My wife and I were also scammed with a Royal Elite timeshare in Playa del Carmen last August. They promise you everything and deliver NOTHING! We were sucked in by their promise to get us a balcony for an inside cabin rate. We do alot of cruising and thought-Wow this is really a great deal. However, it turned out to be more of a great rip off since everything they told us was a lie. Fortunately we only joined the club and NOT buy the Royal Elite timeshare membership. That was enough though. $2,000 down t he drain. They gave us 4 of those worthless vouchers for Sandos resorts which are also worthless. That HSI exchange is suppose to sell the vouchers for you at at least $500 is also abunch of bull. Please don't fall for anything that has Royal Elite's name on it. I'm in the process of calling the BBB and seeing what they can do. Possibly the attorney General also!!!!!!!!

  • ECSeptember 9, 2013, 8:03 am

    Buen Día

    Estoy en un caso similiar a la Sra. Ma Carolina Marrero. Por favor que me comparta cual fue la solución final

  • hugoAugust 12, 2013, 3:28 pm

    es dificil obtener un reembolso por la forma de armar los contratos de este tipo de empresas, lo que si puedes hacer es asesorarte y que se detenga el contrato en base a un convenio, al menos no seguiras perdiendo mas,.. creeme ,. ya pase por esta situacion y preferi perder lo que habia invertido con tal de detener el abuso de estas membresias,.. atiende a travel-time.com.mx/, no te arrepentiras, a mi me resolvieron este problema, los recomiendo por que me atendieron como lo esperaba,.despues de pasar malos ratos con una membresia

  • ChristieAugust 5, 2013, 9:57 am

    They have a lousy service, and they are a liars. All I want is to cancel my contract and forget this nightmare.

  • Adriana MARTAJuly 24, 2013, 11:34 am

    Compramos la membresia por 30 años, al intentar reservar para el proximo año nos dimos cuenta que todo es una farsa y que nos sale mas barato contratar sin ser socios que siendolo.He tratado de llegar a algun arreglo con la gente de Royal elite pero no nos dan solucion. queremos cancelar la membresia y recuperar el dinerro. que debo hacer?

  • ChrisJune 28, 2013, 8:10 am

    I realized two years after buying a timeshare that you could book it cheaper online and easier than the price i have to pay for, a friend went on a holiday and she booked it online and she told me she had no troubles a great resort and gave me the price i couldn't believe it.

  • derek MurphyApril 28, 2013, 5:01 pm

    I was hopeful when we bought a bunch of Sandos Royal Elite/Venture weeks that we would be able to use them, as a promised, through Priority Exchange Network. We have in writing that we can book weeks for $199. Instead, when I tried to book, all the resorts we tried were in the $800 range (plus what we'd already paid, which made it more than a standard online booking would have been at the same resort). So our venture weeks on Priority Exchange are worthless (no wonder they threw in an extra 10 to sweeten the deal). I'm still hoping I can use our Sandos Weeks through RCI. If not, they've basically stolen my money (fraud: based on false promises).

  • Santana madrigalApril 24, 2013, 4:40 pm

    compré una membresía de diez años. ya la pagué completa. si quiero volver al hotel sandos caracol debo pagar por cada persona alrededor de 80 dolares por alimentos. el agento que me vendió la membresía me dijo que podía hacer uso de la semana en cualquier otro hotel de la cadena que no tuviera todo incluido. he llamado un sinfin de veces y nadie me reponde, por correo tampoco. adonde debo proceder y exigir la devolución de la membresía o al menos parcial porque ya ocupé la pimera semana.
    agradeceré cualquier información.

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