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ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS

Royal Elite, Royal Elite Playacar, Royal Elite Caracol, Royal Elite Sandos, Royal Elite Exchanges

ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS
  Legal Name:
Sandos International S.A. de C.V
  Resort sales locations
Playa del Carmen, Caracol
  Resort collections
Monterrey Financial
  Rental Companies:
Royal Elite Exchanges, Elite Equity Transfers, Premium Timeshare Depot, Sierra Rentals and Resale’s
Hotel Representatives:
Alvin Hawkins, Joshua Michelson, Raul Martinez, Richard Quinones, Neil Cooper

Royal Elite Vacation Club complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that the all-inclusive fee is per couple, but in reality it is per person per night. Clients can often book the vacation cheaper online without using their timeshare, than with booking their timeshare and paying the maintenance fees and all-inclusive fees.
  • Claim that they can resell a previously owned timeshare for a profit and use that money to pay for the new membership at Royal Elite Vacation Club.
  • Salesperson offers extra weeks to clients for rental purposes. They claim that the rental income makes the timeshare a good financial investment, and they can use the money in the first few years to pay off the membership.
  • Salesperson claims that they can trade their weeks to RCI points, and use the points to pay for 100% of an airline ticket, when in reality RCI only allows for clients to use points for 33% of the cost of the ticket.
  • Royal Elite membership cost 

  • Reservations department

email:         reservas@royalelite.com
Mexico:  01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793 Ext.3204 y 3205

Customer Service
email:             customerservice@royalelite.com
Mexico:   01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793

To receive more information about Royal Elite Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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271 Complaints
  • WarrenApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I bought a timeshare at royal elite because the seller told me that I could rent my weeks, I didn´t contract any company to rent my weeks because I wanted to search externally, but now that I am looking for information I realized that the timeshare weeks rentals  its not a good business,  could you tell me which is the percentage of possibility that I could rent my weeks?

  • VickyApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

     A friend and I purchased a timeshare, both we were scammed  and we presented our desire of cancel our timeshare. We bought the same membership at the same price, we did the same process, always together and I don’t know why they only accept hers cancellation contract and not my.

  • RusiaApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    We  purchased  a membership at royal elite, when we arrived at home my son saw  negative comentarios on the internet, so we decided to call to cancel our timeshare. We have been calling to the resort for a month but they always  say that the seller is not available, he is hiding from us because he doesn`t want  to cancel our membership.

  • AndyApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    We were invited by a royal elite seller to a timeshare presentation; We were told several lies during the presentation that totally impacted our decision to purchase the timeshare. Now we are very regretful and we want to cancel our timeshare.

  • ToddApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I was taken advantage by royal elite, they sold me a membership in the understood that they would sell my Villa del Palmar timeshare and by doing this I was going to be able to keep my royal elite timeshare with the money they provide me from my Villa del Palmar timeshare, they couldn´t sell my timeshare and now I´m in trouble because I can’t pay both timeshares, the led me to believe something different juts to get my money.

  • Richard CoteApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    I sent my cancellation request within the five days cancellation period by fax, but they never confirmed whether they received it. They want to send me to collections because I don´t want to pay the membership. I know that they received my fax, but they don’t want to cancel my contract. I was thinking not to ask for the down payment I gave them, but now that they are playing dirty, I’m going to do the same.

  • BB47April 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    We bought a time share at sandos playacar in playa del carmen and we are having problems with the contract!!!

  • Kristina CorralesApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    compre un paquete sin mantenimiento en el sando splayacar y siguen sin cumplir nada de lo acordado y ya he pagado mas de la mitad de mi membresia, que pueod hacer?

  • Jesus RoblesApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    Compre un tiempo compartido en el hotel sandos ya pague $30,000, de enganche, segun me iban a pagar por cada semana 900 dolares en Febrero me iban a llamar, pero nada leyendo esto ps es descepcionante y que te sigan cobrando nada mas asi, segun es una mpresa que se llema RSI, que pone en renta tus semanas, pero nada mas pago y nada no me han llamado ni creo que me llamen!!

  • SandyApril 12, 2012, 10:12 am

    Unfortunately, we got caught up by Royal Elite. This is our second day of the 5-day grace period. We have disputed it with our credit card company, Capital One; emailed PROFECO with all of the details; notified Royal Elite by email.

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