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ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS

Royal Elite, Royal Elite Playacar, Royal Elite Caracol, Royal Elite Sandos, Royal Elite Exchanges

ROYAL ELITE Sandos Resorts Timeshare COMPLAINTS
  Legal Name:
Sandos International S.A. de C.V
  Resort sales locations
Playa del Carmen, Caracol
  Resort collections
Monterrey Financial
  Rental Companies:
Royal Elite Exchanges, Elite Equity Transfers, Premium Timeshare Depot, Sierra Rentals and Resale’s
Hotel Representatives:
Alvin Hawkins, Joshua Michelson, Raul Martinez, Richard Quinones, Neil Cooper

Royal Elite Vacation Club complaints:

  • Salesperson claims that the all-inclusive fee is per couple, but in reality it is per person per night. Clients can often book the vacation cheaper online without using their timeshare, than with booking their timeshare and paying the maintenance fees and all-inclusive fees.
  • Claim that they can resell a previously owned timeshare for a profit and use that money to pay for the new membership at Royal Elite Vacation Club.
  • Salesperson offers extra weeks to clients for rental purposes. They claim that the rental income makes the timeshare a good financial investment, and they can use the money in the first few years to pay off the membership.
  • Salesperson claims that they can trade their weeks to RCI points, and use the points to pay for 100% of an airline ticket, when in reality RCI only allows for clients to use points for 33% of the cost of the ticket.
  • Royal Elite membership cost 

  • Reservations department

email:         reservas@royalelite.com
Mexico:  01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793 Ext.3204 y 3205

Customer Service
email:             customerservice@royalelite.com
Mexico:   01 800 674 4444
Canada, Usa:           1 866 384 7793

To receive more information about Royal Elite Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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271 Complaints
  • Renato ChávezMay 20, 2019, 1:31 am

    Lo peor que nos pudo haber pasado fue comprar membresia con royal elite, no sabemos como podemos cancelarla ya que no nos brindan informacion acerca de ello, no podemos tampoco siquiera agendar porque siempre esta ocupado, necesitamos la solucion urgente.

  • arnauld briandMarzo 23, 2019, 12:07 pm

    this place is such a scam after my first complain they said they beat anyprice yea right i go to different resort every year always 2 rooms 5 peoples for my first year 500 a month plus 7000 down and when i get there 125 per person per day for food beverage i can stay at any 5 stars resort for 125 a night icluding everything like i do every year so please dont tell me you beat any price its about three times more expensive

  • David RojoJanuary 8, 2019, 1:09 am

    Es una pena haber gastado tanto dinero en una membresia que no nos sirve para nada ami y a mi familia, no creia que esto de las membresias de tiempo compartido fueran una estafa pero si lo son, queremos cancelar la nuestra con este resort inmediatamente.

  • SPAugust 20, 2018, 12:53 pm

    We have had so many problems getting in contact with ANY person to assist us with our problems. Most of the time they don't charge like they should and we have to try to get into contact through the phone.....not very successful. Our family has run into health problems because of the mold conditions on the ceilings of all four of the rooms we have stayed in at two of the resorts. We actually had to leave our luggage out in the garage when we got home because they smelled so bad of mildew. I am frustrated that many of the resorts don't have access to a nice beach...something they didn't tell us. It is also cheaper to book online than go through our elite plan....this should never happen. When we tried to book for Christmas, we found it would cost $1008 per DAY for our family to eat. Seriously!! We don't drink alcohol so there is no incentive there! Time to redo your customer service lines and accommodations.

  • Brenda April 27, 2018, 2:09 pm

    Comprar membresia con este resort no es una buena idea, lejos de ser una buen opcion de invertir la realidad es que nada de lo que prometen durante la presentacion de tiempo compartido es real, llevamos casi 4 años con la membresia y solo la hemos podido usar 2 veces por falta de diponibilidad, y es mentira que podemos usarla en otras partes del mundo, mucho cuidado y no se dejen engañar.

  • MirandaFebruary 16, 2018, 9:06 pm

    EN enero del 2018, compramos una menbresia. No te dan tiempo para consultar, para pensar. Desde el tiempo que llegas te ejercen una presión para vender. Son unos chantas. pregunto como se hace para salir.

  • MireyaFebruary 8, 2018, 2:42 am

    Estoy desepcionada con esta membesia que espero me puedan ayudar para terminar con esta pesadilla como es posible que en agencia el hospedaje salga mas barato que siendo socio?ya no tengo mas dinero para estarlos manteniendo.

  • CAROLINA BARRERAJanuary 22, 2018, 2:36 pm

    Compre está menbresia. Y me estoy enterando de todo lo q me mintieron. Todavía no me vino debitada la primer cuota

  • FDTDecember 20, 2017, 8:30 pm

    We became members of Royal Elite in 2014. Now, 3 years later, they told us that they were changing the rules. What initially was, first child between the age of 3 and 18 is 50% off and the second is free, now is both pay 50% of the full price. The possibility of a change to the contract was denied when we signed. Also, they don't give you enough time to read the entire document. They just highlight for you the important areas.
    Another issue is that they show you beautiful Haciendas which you could have access to. However, they are seldom available when you call for a reservation.
    This is a scam from A to Z. Be very careful. Don't trust them as we did.

  • AldanaAugust 14, 2017, 12:44 pm

    La verdad pésimo. Fuimos a sandos caracol en mayo y nos vendieron la membresia. Mi marido de sentía un poco mal de la garganta y le dieron dos shot de Tequila diciéndole que le iba a mejorar. De empezó a sentir un poco mal y no lo dejaban ir sin antes decir que si. "Cualquier cosa lo dan de baja" luego le dimos de baja y todavía estamos esperando el reembolso hace casi 3 meses. Una vergüenza.

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