Home » Resort Black list » ROYAL HOLIDAY / PARK ROYAL Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Royal Holiday Timeshare, Park Royal timeshare, Grand Park Royal Timeshare, Royal Holiday Travel

  Legal Name:
Royal Experience SA de CV.
  Resort sales locations
Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Cuernavaca, Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Maya, San J
  Resort collections
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ
  Rental Companies:
International Leisure Group, Royal Holiday International Marketing.
Hotel Representatives:
Ryan Grover, Octavio Favela, Steve McPhee, Nancy D'Argence, Richard Noto, Alba Cuervo

Royal Holiday doesn’t have the best reputation within the timeshare resorts. Most of their sales are done under high pressure sales tactics, a high number of  members at Royal Holiday feel like they have being lied and scam and most timeshare contracts are being misrepresented.

One of the most common scams at the moment of purchase is that Royal Holiday’s sales person will make you any verbal promise to get you to sign their contract, however the contract clearly states that any verbal promise made by the sales associated are invalid unless those promises are establish within the contract.

Royal Holiday promise one of the best customer service for their members, this only happens if the current member is calling to make a payment and if you have any questions or concerns about your membership the associated is more likely to tell you they will send you all the information over email, well sit thigh because this email will never arrived,  The most common answer to any unhappy member at Royal Holiday is to Upgrade your membership no matter what is that you are unhappy about and you end up paying more for a membership you weren’t happy to begin with.

Booking with Royal Holiday is another issue, at the sales’ pitch, they promise you can travel anywhere at any time you want. This is very untrue, it all depend what points you buy and unfortunate they will always sell you the small point package so at the time you realize you need more points, you will need to upgrade and pay even more money to them.

Most Royal Holiday’s Sales are done outdoors or other locations that aren’t Royal Holiday’s Sales office, as a “courtesy” from them, they will let you purchase and sign their contract at the spot, “hey! You wouldn’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime, right?” So by this the sales associated will briefly explain you the contract as their convenient, probably letting out important information to you. Some sales associated opt for sending all the documents to your home, mean while you enjoy of your holidays or vacations, by the time you get home and read careful the contract you realize your purchase is not what you though It was and even worse realize your recession period is over.

Royal Holiday sales associate tells you are doing a great investment in real estate, another huge lie, timeshare is not nor an investment or real estate, you are leasing a hotel room for a period of time once a year, and therefore you do not own the hotel. It is not an investment because there is not market for resale or renting out your unit therefore no profit.

Royal Holiday Phone Number


To receive more information about Royal Holiday timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
566 Complaints
  • Arturo katzFebruary 13, 2016, 5:57 pm

    Es un verdadero robo loas propiedades son malísimas no son lo que ofrecieron y cada vez es peor la calidad de los hoteles

  • Ani February 7, 2016, 8:06 am

    Fui víctima de estos estafadores y voy a poner una demanda penal para que revoquen el contrato y me asesoraron y cuando es colectiva tiene mas fuerza si te interesa contacta conmigo, ya basta de dejarnos hay que hacer algo. Mi correo es [E-mail]

  • Yolanda R.February 5, 2016, 5:23 pm

    The situation with this resort is very bad, i cant afford anymore the maintenance payment, the actual situation with pesos and dollar makes them increase their manintenance fees, but the price is insane! i need the cancellation right now ..

  • Yolanda R.February 5, 2016, 5:23 pm

    The situation with this resort is very bad, i cant afford anymore the maintenance payment, the actual situation with pesos and dollar makes them increase their manintenance fees, but the price is insane! i need the cancellation right now ..

  • Fco Javier Robles DomingezFebruary 4, 2016, 5:02 pm

    Cancele mi contrato dentro de los 5 dias habiles que indica la ley pero estos estafadores se las saben de todas y prefieren pagar sus abogados para no devolver lo que pago uno del enganche los demande en Profeco y despues de un año salio al resolucion a mi favor porque en el trancurso de los juicios no reconocieron que su nombre de ROYAL HOLIDAY fuera quien habia realizado la venta del presente contrato ahora resulta que sus abogados van ha apelar la sentencia a Profeco para no pagor ni la multa asi como tampoco devolver el importe del enganche no de como las autoridades no ponen un remedio a estos estafadores o por quie esten amparados para seguir cometiendo estos fraudes

  • Miranda CeballosFebruary 1, 2016, 10:22 am

    Ayuda porfavor ! este resort quiere cobrarme una cantidad que no corresponde a mi pago , me quieren cobrar las cuotas de mantenimiento al doble casi ?! osea no puede ser esto posible, me rehuso a pagar pero como tenemos un contrato no puedo hacer nada, ayudenme porfavor

  • Enrique Almaraz TreviñoJanuary 27, 2016, 5:39 pm

    Quiero incluir que también fuimos víctimas del engaño de estos vendedores sin escrúpulos
    Nos enredaron tanto que terminaron por convencernos de aumentar de nivel lo cual costo una cantidad muy considerable y mas con el aumento del dolar. Estoy en busca de un buen abogado para deshacerme de este club del robo organizado ya que no podemos seguir costeando sus mantenimientos que para no pagarlos uno tiene que contratar con tiempo un ** rent shure** el cual por supuesto tiene un costo de $ 300 dlls por bloque de créditos etc. El caso es que pagas por no pagar mantenimiento y te quedas sin créditos para disfrutar con tu familia
    Fraude total

  • DAYANNA MILENA DIAZ PEÑAJanuary 25, 2016, 2:26 pm

    Buena tarde

    Me encuentro en el proceso de cancelación de la membresia, primero me dicen que debo pagar 10 dolares para quedar a paz y salvo si no no devuelven el dinero que debo hacer? segundo yo cancele las tarjetas de las cuales tomaron el dinero ese día los cuales fueron 3, y pues me dicen que no devuelven la plata a otra tarjeta diferente así anexe la certificación bancaria porque las anteriores son las que aparecen el el sistema, ayuda gracias.

  • GilJanuary 14, 2016, 11:19 am

    My family have been cheated so badly by this company, our credit have been ruined, it is absurd that Royal Holiday has been able to get away freely with this robbery, Families are been hurt by this company with their lies and deceptive practices, why are they able to get away with it and still is.

  • SANTIAGO OSTOLOZAJanuary 13, 2016, 1:35 pm


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