Home » Resort Black list » SUNSET GROUP Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World, Sunset Monalisa

  Legal Name:
Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
  Resort collections
  Rental Companies:
Resorts International Marketing Corp.
Hotel Representatives:
Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona

Common Complaints:

  • Salesperson promises to buy back the timeshare at a better price should the client ever decide that they no longer want to use it.
  • Salesperson promises that they can rent out their weeks for over 4 times the price of the maintenance fee. They can choose to use some weeks and rent others so that they have free vacations, or rent them all so that they can pay off their membership quicker. The clients are referred to a rental company that charges them a listing fee to market the property and does not rent any weeks.
  • In the presentation, they claim that the all-inclusive is for corporate weeks only, and for regular weeks they can choose whether or not to pay for the all-inclusive. In reality, all-inclusive is mandatory for usage at all their Cancun locations.

Customer Service
Toll Free from USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Toll Free from Mexico: 01-800-262-9648

Reservations Department
Members Only
Toll Free from USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Toll Free from Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
Toll Free from USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Toll Free from Mexico: 01 800 262 9268

Toll Free from USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Toll Free from Mexico: 01-800-262-8964

To receive more information about Sunset Group Timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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273 Complaints
  • Vanesa ArbildiJuly 31, 2023, 7:20 am

    We bought the membership in october of 2021. I dont know what we were thinking. All the promises of the 4 week rental is an ilusion. Of course to good to be true. Now we have paid half of our scam and dont even know how to get out. At this point if I can get half of what we invested ill be happy. At begging was almost $6000 and then the monthly fees wich they are ridiculous. Couldn’t even get a free vacation cause it was supposed to be for 4 but its actually for 2 adults and 2 kids smaller than 6 y/o. With all the money we invested NOTHING IS FREE. So frustrated.

  • Adriana GarciaDecember 29, 2022, 3:07 pm

    ¿Alguien ha logrado vender o cancelar esta membresía?
    Deberíamos unirnos apara ayudarnos entre todos y parar esta estafa.
    Yo también estoy buscando "vender" esta membresía o recuperar algo de lo invertido en los últimos 10 años.

  • MayraSeptember 13, 2022, 2:41 pm

    Trabaje por año para hacer mi dinero El año pasaso fui a Cancun y me hicieron esta oferta, igual que a todos promesas que me comprarian a mejor precio mi sheart y que ellis me alludarian y que podia rentar mi semana por 3,000 Dolares y que podia ganar extra dinero cada año, y nada de esto es cierto, ahora nada quiere alludar todos se hechan la uno Al otro.
    Que puedo hacer para recuperar algo de mi dinero.

  • Rocio CastroJune 3, 2022, 4:07 pm

    En el 2017 compre una membresía , supuestamente un estudio , pague aproximadamente 15 mil dólares, veo que es una estafa todo esto, y ahora me quieren cobrar el mantenimiento que estoy atrasada por la pandemia 3 años (mantenimiento), ahora no se como recuperar mi dinero, si alguien sabe y nos puede ayudar

  • Luis Perez AlgortaMay 23, 2022, 9:25 am

    Tengo una membresia en Sunset Royal , ya la pague toda pero me resultan muy caros los gastos de mantenimiento , quiero vender la membresia , como puedo hacerlo?

  • NoelleNovember 23, 2021, 10:05 am

    I feel like I was pushed to buying the timeshare and since then I have been on time with my payments. The salesman at sunset group said we will be able to visit whenever, booking with anticipation and it´s all lies. I feel like he deceived us with false statements only to sell. we cannot book in any date we choose.

  • Carlos Vallejos Marzo 2, 2021, 8:36 pm

    En 11 de enero 2021 compramos una membrecía en el hotel Sunset Royal Cancún con grupo Sunset World, necesitamos ayuda para cancelar este contrato, hemos pagado al rededor de 3000 dólares.

  • loliFebruary 13, 2021, 11:45 am

    hace 10 años fuimos a tres rios y nos llevaron a una platica donde comprano sun paquete que nunca utilizamos porque nos cobraran mas, pero hace una semana me llaman y me dicen que soy socia y que quieren vender mis semanas la necesidad de esta pandemia me emocione y les segui el juego pero ya que estaba todo para que ellos me pagaran me piden 100 000 pesos que por cota de mantenimiento cosa que no tengo y dicen que me van a demandar estoy esperando la demanda, tengo me dio

  • Tatiana pinoAugust 11, 2020, 8:37 am

    Hace 4 años fuimos a Cancun, compramos la membresía ya no se cuanto he pagado y hace más de un año que trato de renunciar y no me lo permiten siguen descontandome todos los meses de mi tarjeta, muchas veces me he quedado sin mis necesidades básicas para pagarles a estos sinvergüenzas estoy desesperada, no se que hacer , que pasa si soy de otro país, me pueden seguir algún juicio desde México, nunca me volveré ese pis de estafadores. Jala me puedan contestar, gracias

  • Earl SharpeMarzo 24, 2020, 7:32 am

    this company has failed to provide a service as contracted. they breached clauses 13/14 of the contract held with TRES RIOS by providing us with a mold covered ceiling in one of the 3 showers we booked in 2018. they have mutually agreed to rescind teh contract without compensation due to THEIR stating we did not complain until after 1 year from this happening. then they said they would mutually rescind the contract without compensation because we didn't cancel the 2016 contract with TRES RIOS in the prescribed period of time (as if we would be able to determine a fundamental breach of contract through failure to provide a paid for service in 2018 back in 2016 when we signed.
    now to the Federal Consumer Protection Agency, Department of Conciliation Services for Foreign Residents, PROMOTORA SUNSET BEACH CLUBS, S.A. DE C.V. and their legal council have made a false claim in which they state the following:

    “We ratify our previous statements, stressing that despite that HOTEL HACIENDA TRES RIOS and I have made them compensatory offers for the discomforts suffered by mold spots in the bathroom, as the consumers stated, they have tried to take advantage of that situation and only intend to return the total amounts paid to us by a timeshare membership in 2016, and not only the amounts paid to the hotel by concept of maintenance fee. Therefore, we inform you that we do not have the obligation to refund the maintenances fees either the amounts paid by the consumers. On the other hand of the reading of the contract matter of claim it follows that who provided the lodging service to the consumer was the Hotel Hacienda Tres Ríos, as the consumers stated, not the Royal Sunset Hotel of which the consumers are members, therefore who had to restore it In any case, the amounts paid for the one-week stay, that is, the maintenance fee is the Hotel Hacienda Tres Ríos, as the consumer did not stay at the Royal Sunset Hotel, hotel in which he bought his membership, therefore, we have not breached any clause of the contract or numeral of the law of the matter, therefore we request to close this file as a conclude matter leaving the rights of the parties intact, since the consumer did not accept the conciliatory offers offered by the Hotel Hacienda Tres Rios and the costumer services with the intention of solving the bad service derived from the lack of maintenance of the bathroom of the hotel room in which the consumers stayed."
    The problem is we do not have membership with ROYAL SUNSET HOTEL, we never purchased a membership with them. there is no contract bearing ROYAL SUNSET HOTEL.
    in essence they have told a formal hearing and Government lawyer a blatant deceptive series of lies to avoid compensation and now they have determined the contract with "leaving the rights of the parties intact"

    in Canada this would be grounds for legal disbarment under ethics concerns but apparently in Mexico these banditos are untouchable.

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