Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

- Legal Name:
- Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
- Resort sales locations
- Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
- Resort collections
- Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
- Hotel Representatives:
- Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall
Common Complaints:
- All of their clients were imposed Special Assessments on one or several occasions which, in effect, doubled their yearly maintenances fees without stating the specific reason for the additional assessment fee.
- Raintree has increased their maintenance fees at higher rates than were outline in their contracts.
- Raintree Vacation Rentals.
Raintre Toll Free Phone number:
Local Pnone number:
!!!!!!!!!!!!Dont do it. dont even go to the presentation, you will be put down by sleaze balls attemting to make you feel like you ned something you dont. SUCH A WASTE OF VACATION TIME. These people are not honest, and WILL LIE/change paperwork and prices while shoving drinks in your face. I saw it first hand and barely escaped with my money and sanity...sleazy and not trust worthy. I went to a presentation Aug.5 2010..was quoted one maintenance fee in the beginning...at 775.00.....which was then changed to 820.00 without consent...which we were lucky enough to have pointed out to us by the mexican clerk and recorder!! The waiter continued to bring the free alcohol, and then when we were unsure of the fees..the salesperson accused us of being DRUNK, verbatim. There are random fees that continue to pop up and the sales people they have hired to explain the fees are RUDE and very unprofessional, taking advantage of every minute they have you in their grasp. Call me crazy but I only do business with honest straighforward people who can actually explain what they are selling and dont rely upon champagne to loosen purse strings. We caught them in 2 lies and then found they had withheld a finance fee....we were so angry by the time we left..the manager even admitted that his sales people were unprepared and misinformed....hmmmm???? DO NOT DO IT...there are better options. Seriously...we almost got totally screwed by these folks. NO!!! The resort isnt even that great..ask them if the display unit is what ALL the units look like???? hmmm??
~~~~Any of the nice comentarios you read anywhere are resort sales marketing team trying to clean up their PR MESS....they receive bad reviews for a REASON. RUN AWAY. I wish I had read this forum before we went...I am still pissed about this a week later. These people need to find an honest way to sell their product...which is NOT high quality anyway. FAIL.
We have 2 timeshares and we can`t afford it, My husband lost his job and the monthly payments are too expensive, we have 2 children and my mother is sick. I have called raintree to cancel our membership but it is too hard to reach them. I´m tired of this situation and I want get out of this timeshare as soon as possible.
Compramos una membresía con Raintree por $7,900 dólares hemos tenido problemas para las reservaciones y no estamos muy contentos con la membresía quisiéramos cancelarla, intentamos marcar a sus numero pero dice no ser de México por favor contáctenos a la información que les proporcionamos, gracias.
We went to Mexico last year and we bought 2 timeshare at different resorts, one of them was raintree, we are very remorseful, it was a terrible purchase and we don’t know how to get rid of this , we never travel and the expenses for having a membership are very high, and our earnings are low.
My story also has a unhappy ending. We fell for their lies , and now we don´t know how to get out of this contract. The price for our membership was $38,000 at the beggining but then they offered us a “different” promotion, of course all was a total lie. It was the same membership with a different price just to convince us to buy it. They opened us a new credit card without our consent and we noticed that too late but we have contacted the bank to file a dispute about the credit card. We don´t know if that it is going to be enough because the bank told us that they have all the paperwork signed by us and that can help the resort to win the dispute.
We purchased a membership at Raintree but we are having many problems. They told us that we have a pending bill, but we were sure that we had made all our payments on time. We called them to clarify and they told us that there are some extra payments that are established in our contract and we are obligated to make because we signed a contract with them. They tried to explain to us what the extra payments are for, but they seem illogical. What do you think about these payments? Have you ever heard anything about them? Are they legal?
Since we bought our membership at Club Regina 4 years ago, we have been waiting for our money, the sales manager promised us $1,500 per week and we bought 3 weeks, we paid a fee for a rental company and we have been paying our maintenance fees on time. We have called the resort to ask about our money and the only thing that they said it´s that they are not responsible for the rent of our weeks, that we have to contact our rental company.
I was vacationing on Mexico when I was invited to a presentation at raintree vacation club. Early the next day we went to the presentation and when we got back home with a new membership because we owned another in USA. I have been calling the resort to try to cancel the membership because we saw several complaints on internet and now we are scared. My husband told me that we are in the same situation and we are victims of timeshare fraud but I´m refused to believed and I’m going to do everything that I can do to avoid it and get our cancellation.
Is it true that if I cancel my membership, Raintree can take all my money that I paid them? I´m not comfortable with the membership and I called them to tell them. At first they didn´t want to cancel my membership but after a couples of emails and calls they told me that that if I cancel my membership I will lose all the money that I gave them. That is unjust , they lied to me and I have never used the membership so why I should give them my money?
I sent many emails to my salesman because I want to cancel my timeshare, after hundreds of emails, I thought he was tired of me and he finally answer me. I told him that I would not be paying anything further on the contract until the liquidation of my Velas timeshare is complete and until I have received the money promised. I asked him to refund my down payment which they obtained by arranging for me to have a credit card. He answer me that he is not the responsible of the selling of my timeshare just like that and he never touched the topic about my down payment, he believes that he can play with me , but I´m not going to allow it.