Home » Resort Black list » RAINTREE VACATION CLUB Timeshare COMPLAINTS


Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

  Legal Name:
Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
  Resort sales locations
Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
  Resort collections
Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
Hotel Representatives:
Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall

Common Complaints:

  • All of their clients were imposed Special Assessments on one or several occasions which, in effect, doubled their yearly maintenances fees without stating the specific reason for the additional assessment fee.
  • Raintree has increased their maintenance fees at higher rates than were outline in their contracts.
  • Raintree Vacation Rentals.

Raintre Toll Free Phone number:

Local Pnone number:

To receive more information about Raintree timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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282 Complaints
  • marie humphreYApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I also an a  Raintree timeshare owners who have seen maintenance fees nearly double since purchase.  When I call to ask how i could make the payment ON 'special assessment fee'.... i was told that i could make them monthly payments.. now i see that I have additional charges for collection and late fee's that add up to $150.00 on top of the $820, surprise of an unexpected 'special assessment fee'. this is maddness i could have payed my yearly maintanace fee if not for the additional 'special assessment fees now i have all these late fees collection  adding up.. I would love to get out of this time share & recoup some of my investment or stop the bills from accumulation 

  • Ili JunsApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We bought a timeshare at Raintree. They told us that our current timeshare would sell in 90 days. The 90 days period has expired and they haven´t called us yet. We have seen numerous complaints about this company and wish to cancel. Is there anything you could do to help us to resolve this?

  • EmyApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I signed a contract, for a raintree membership and an agreement for them to sell my Mayan Palace timeshare. They guaranteed me that my Mayan Palace timeshare would be sold in a maximum of 90 days. I have been calling Raintree and they don´t have any news about the sale of my property. I´m starting to get worried because that was 5 months ago.

  • TinaApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We rencently went to Mexico and we were invited to a timeshare presentation at Raintree. We were lied in order to obtain $2,500 from us. We attempted to cancel our contract at Raintree within 5 days cancellation period but our request to cancel was not accepted. What can we do now to get rid of this contract?

  • SalvadorApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Tengo más de 10 años con mi membresia y no había tenido ningún problema hasta hace como 1 año,  cada vez me piden más dinero y  creo que están inventándose los cobros. Yo si he utilizado mi membresia, pero no todos los años, no estoy interesado en que me regresen todo el dinero que he pagado, pero ya no quiero seguir pagando mantenimientos ni pagos extras. Que podemos hacer en mi caso?

  • Cristina Negrete RosasApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Hace cuatro años compramos un tiempo compartido en Club Regina y quisimos cancelar inmediatamente. Nos negaron la cancelación puesto que nos había sido dada una membresía de "Segunda mano" por lo que nos dieron la opción de revenderla a alguien más. Hasta la fecha, no hemos logrado venderla a nadie puesto que nadie se interesa en algo como esto y quisieramos dejar de pagar pero tambpoco queremos que se nos afecte nuestro buró de crédito. Tienen ustedes una opción para librarnos de este mal?

  • Alberto DelgadilloApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Quisiera ver si me pueden apoyar a cancelar mi contrato con Rantree Vacation Club, He hablado con ellos y no dan opcion para cancelar de manera cordial, me dicen que deje de pagar por dos años y ellos despues se adjudican la membrecía obviamente con cargos de interes, molestias d ellamdas y cobros, etc

  • GuadalupeApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Quisiera saber si me podrian ayudar. Tenia un tiempo compartido en Regina actualmente Raintree de Cancun.Un dia me hablaron que si no pagaba una cantidad de dinero lo iba a perder.. Esta cantidad era por que habia cambiado de dueño y estaban haciendo arreglos o ajustes. Yo no pague esa cantidad y se me dio de baja.

  • PeterApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I have a timeshare from Raintree in Puerto Vallarta . Got it on March 31, 2010. Not completely paid off, but maintanance fees are up to date. . Cannot afford, resort will not take back.

  • Raintree is a ripoffApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Since 2002 has been increasing their annual assessment fees such that I can't pay for these fees anymore . There latest notice says that I have to pay withing 10 business days or there will be a foreclosure and/or bad report on the credit. I told them before  to go ahead with whatever it takes to cancel. In the past almost 9 years I was able to use only 2 times.

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