Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

- Legal Name:
- Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
- Resort sales locations
- Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
- Resort collections
- Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
- Hotel Representatives:
- Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall
Common Complaints:
- All of their clients were imposed Special Assessments on one or several occasions which, in effect, doubled their yearly maintenances fees without stating the specific reason for the additional assessment fee.
- Raintree has increased their maintenance fees at higher rates than were outline in their contracts.
- Raintree Vacation Rentals.
Raintre Toll Free Phone number:
Local Pnone number:
I purchased a timeshare from Raintree Vacation Club for $25,000 in 2007 and it is fully paid but the rental possibilities are impossible despite the bold lies given to me at the presentation. I was just curious if there is anyway to recoup any of my money I am tired of paying the $750/yr maintenance fees with special assessments added onto that. Selling is obviously not an option as there are ones for free on Ebay.
Mi esposo y yo hemos tenido complicaciones para comunicarnos con raintree, a nosotros nos dijeron que no íbamos a tener que pagar nada de dinero si no utilizábamos nuestras semanas e incluso nos mintieron diciéndonos que iba a lograr rentar nuestras semanas para poder terminar de pagar nuestra membresia con ello, mi esposo acaba de perder su trabajo y desde hace 2 años no nos han logrado rentar nuestras semanas en lugar de tener un ingreso mas tenemos más gastos, son unos abusivos y jamás debimos confiar en ellos.
Deseo cancelar un contrato de tiempo compartido en club Regina. He sido victima de vendedores fraudulentos de esa empresa y estoy muy insatisfecho de haber firmado ese contrato. nos tuvieron por horas en la presentacion y todo lo que nos dijeron fue una farsa, a todas las personas que piensen vacacionar en club Regina, les recomiendo no asistir a ninguna presentacion, solo van a buscar como quitarles su dinero.
My wife and I were duped by Raintree.We just found out that they are doing a "special assessment charge" on our card, which we though was to pay our maintenance fees. Our maintenance fees are actually in collections, while this "assessment fee" which they told us is done every 10 years. We were unaware of it, and I don't think it's actually in our contract, but I'll have to find that.
Compramos una membrecía en Club Regina Rain Tree Vacation Club . Nos ofrecieron un servicio de reservaciones ágiles, oportunas y de calidad, incluso llegó a mencionar la vendedora de la empresa que con dos o tres días de antelación podíamos hacer uso de los puntos de nuestra membrecía, con alta disponibilidad, múltiples destinos, flexibilidad total en cómo utilizar la membrecía. Incluyendo intercambios a través de RCI. Yo deje de pagar porque nunca había espacio y siempre que hablaba era pleito y mal servico. Ya había perdido dos semanas que ya había pagado los mantenimientos y en enero me mandaronn un telegrama amenazandonos de enviarnos al buro de credito.
We have been informed that we cannot have the benefits like the promised computer use because we are seniors and this was promised when we upgraded to Raintree. We have been members for some 10 years. Also starting in January we could not get reservations for our purchased units for Nov.24 for two weeks we have purchased.
Me gustaría recibir un poco de asesoria o consejo de alguien que ya paso por una situacion como la nuestra, nosotros ya pagamso casi el 70 % del costo total de la membresia, pero nos parece demasiado dineor y y ano podemos costearla, hablamos a Raintree y nos dijeorn que para poder cancelarla primero debemos terminar de pagarla y despues pueden incluso a regresarnos nuestro dinero, la vdd es que ya no se si confiar y seguir pagando o simplemente sea un truco mas para quitarnos mas dinero del que y anos han robado, alguien que me pueda aconsejar y decir que debo hacer... gracias
Que tal quiero desaserme del molesto pago del tiempo compartido que me vendieros tengo una deuda por mantenimiento en Raintree, Puerto Vallarta nunca e ido por falta de dinero. Los mantenimientos suben exorbitantemente cada año y me parece un robo, ademas el vendedor me dijo que no lo utilizaba no tenía que pagar, no se por que ahora quieren que pague sin que yo lo he utilizado.
We purchased a timeshare at Raintree back with the understanding that we were required to pay a yearly fee just when booking or exchanging weeks. For the last 6 years, we received bills from them but never received any mention of past due amounts, and since we never booked weeks we never payed any annual fee. Now they sent us a collection notice trying to collect all past due amounts and saying that we have to pay the fee regardless of usage.
I fell for a Raintree upgrade presentation in Mexico, paid $10,000 usd for 50% with all kinds of terms and perks and no written agreements because it was at christmas...so they said. They never paid the extras offered, and the upgrade was never initiated. Raintree ran me around for over a year, then cancelled the contract and kept the $10,000. I tried talking to more Raintree services people in Mexico and USA, who just said too bad.