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Breaking Free: Navigating Timeshare Cancel with Professionals [MEXICAN TIMESHARE SOLUTIONS]

Breaking Free: Navigating Timeshare Cancel with Professionals [MEXICAN TIMESHARE SOLUTIONS]
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Schedule your FREE Consultation to CANCEL your Timeshare HERE

Is it possible to cancel my contract?

There are many reasons why people keep buying timeshare properties. Most of these reasons are based on the fact that they were told a bunch of lies and fake promises in order to get a sale done.

Because of that, there are more reasons why these people want to cancel the contract.

As the time passes and the fees start to pour in, it becomes a hard task to rent the unit out and sell it; even more difficult, not to say impossible.

There are lots of companies on the web that claim to assist victims of timeshare scams in canceling their website’s domain's their contract and get a total/partial refund, depending on their situation.

The next paragraphs will give you a clearer idea of how these timeshare cancel services work:


Timeshare Cancel Professionals: The Companies

Timeshare cancellation professionals assure the ability to cancel a timeshare contract successfully in an easy way and with no further problems.

The reality is that this is, by no means, an easy job. A timeshare cancellation requires lots of negotiations with the developer, and for that reason, it is improbable that you can accomplish this process on your own.

The key is hiring the right timeshare cancellation services to revoke your agreement as soon as possible.

Timeshare Cancel Professionals: A new scam?

As we know, the timeshare industry is full of fraudulent firms. Timeshare scams are all over the place, from big resorts to timeshare resale and donation companies.

Many timeshare cancellation professionals are not an exception. Therefore, we suggest you do your homework and do research on the company before hiring their services.

Check their websites and phone numbers and look out for reviews on the internet, but more importantly, if they ask for an upfront fee, it’s a scam. Never charge an upfront fee for a timeshare cancellation. 

Timeshare Cancel Professionals: Is cancellation the best option?

timeshare cancellation

You might have yourself this before. There are a number of options you have to consider if you’re looking to get rid of your timeshare, most of which are non-viable.

Renting the property out is not a choice; many people would rather book a room in a regular hotel than rent a timeshare, since it is more affordable, and reselling the timeshare is almost impossible.

People are slowly learning that timeshares are not a good purchase, and owners are trying to sell their properties for even less than a buck.

By canceling the contract, you will relieve yourtself of all the problems the timeshares come with: no more headaches, maintenance fees, or future payments. 

Timeshare Cancel Professionals: Is it possible?

Timeshare cancellation is possible, but only through the right timeshare cancellation professionals.

In MTS, we offer you free consultation, and we don’t ask for any upfront fees. Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions today for a free advice on your timeshare matter.

We assure you we won’t rest until your contract is fully cancelled, and we won’t charge any fees until we get our job done.

To receive more information about timeshare cancellation professionals  and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Leave your comment below and share your opinion with us. To know more about timeshare scams go to: Wyndham Timeshare, is it a good purchase?

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  • Raven_AltoskJuly 8, 2014, 10:09 am

    Guys, there is no such thing as a free lunch, free dinner, or free show tickets. Ask yourself this question when accosted by these slimy-salesmen: "Is a $50 dinner worth two hours of our time in a stressful environment?"



  • JAMIEMay 3, 2014, 9:00 am

    Timeshares are big business where I live, and I'm always amazed when they sell (and sell they do) with all the information available that prove what a bad investment they are.

  • MasterMay 2, 2014, 3:18 pm

    If you buy a timeshare you're a fool.

  • arturo marínApril 19, 2014, 12:09 pm

    Me llamo Arturo Marín, en los noventa por que resultaba llamativo y barato compramos un tiempo compartido en una complejo llamado Westgate aún durante la crisis del 2000 honramos nuestra deuda y con todo en sacrificio terminamos de pagar el total MES POR MES, el problema es ahora con el cepo cambiario y lo oneroso que significa para nosotros pagar los mil dolares de expensas anuales, una fortuna con el agravante que no sueño con viajar los EEUU (NO PUEDO) y las empresa de intercambio NUNCA tienen una plaza disponible, ME VIVEN ACOSANDO con INENTENDIBLES CARTAS EN INGLES (para mi), por la deuda expensas de 2 años que les debo (las otras expensas las pagué con todo sacrificio SIN USARLO NUNCA!!!), les ofrecí que cobraran con las dos semanas que poseo, pero no aceptaron, ya me estafaron con una empresa que me cobro para publicar la venta y/o el arrendamiento pero nunca pasó nada, por favor me puede asesorar que se puede hacer, estoy dispuesto a regalarlo con la finalidad de darlo por perdido y sacarme este peso de encima.
    Saludo atte

  • arturo marínApril 19, 2014, 12:08 pm

    Me llamo Arturo Marín, en los noventa por que resultaba llamativo y barato compramos un tiempo compartido en una complejo llamado Westgate aún durante la crisis del 2000 honramos nuestra deuda y con todo en sacrificio terminamos de pagar el total MES POR MES, el problema es ahora con el cepo cambiario y lo oneroso que significa para nosotros pagar los mil dolares de expensas anuales, una fortuna con el agravante que no sueño con viajar los EEUU (NO PUEDO) y las empresa de intercambio NUNCA tienen una plaza disponible, ME VIVEN ACOSANDO con INENTENDIBLES CARTAS EN INGLES (para mi), por la deuda expensas de 2 años que les debo (las otras expensas las pagué con todo sacrificio SIN USARLO NUNCA!!!), les ofrecí que cobraran con las dos semanas que poseo, pero no aceptaron, ya me estafaron con una empresa que me cobro para publicar la venta y/o el arrendamiento pero nunca pasó nada, por favor me puede asesorar que se puede hacer, estoy dispuesto a regalarlo con la finalidad de darlo por perdido y sacarme este peso de encima.
    Saludo atte

  • HarrisonMarzo 26, 2014, 12:03 pm

    Yes I also heard that timeshares travel packages are bad deal and many people get cheated in these traps. But I just curios, it there any good timeshares company that really provides some good and honest service to customer?

  • HUNTERMarzo 3, 2014, 1:59 pm

    My wife and I were also scammed with a Royal Elite timeshare in Playa del Carmen last August. They promise you everything and deliver NOTHING! We were sucked in by their promise to get us a balcony for an inside cabin rate. We do alot of cruising and thought-Wow this is really a great deal. However, it turned out to be more of a great rip off since everything they told us was a lie. Fortunately we only joined the club and NOT buy the Royal Elite timeshare membership. That was enough though. $2,000 down t he drain. They gave us 4 of those worthless vouchers for Sandos resorts which are also worthless. That HSI exchange is suppose to sell the vouchers for you at at least $500 is also abunch of bull. Please don't fall for anything that has Royal Elite's name on it. I'm in the process of calling the BBB and seeing what they can do. Possibly the attorney General also!!!!!!!!

  • rogelioMarzo 3, 2014, 10:09 am

    pues yo tuve una muy buena experiencia, me pude deshacer de mi tiempo compartido de una manera relativamente rapida

  • fran finnertyFebruary 21, 2014, 3:47 pm

    How can I get out of my timeshare with Westgate. We tried two companies that said they would be able to sell it. One said that we could rent out week. Well they both did neither. We have paid it for over 1 year. I have had some medical issues. We can barely pay our bills. Westgate called and said they will call every week and after one month they will give it to people who will call more. We bought at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. It is not even open yet and I am sure they can sell it again. They said too bad. They do not do that. What can they do to us and what can we do to be sure they cannot ruin our credit. Things are hard enough right now. HELP !!

  • MayteFebruary 11, 2014, 4:29 am

    Es sin lugar a dudas la mejor opción, ellos sabrán bien que hacer con sus tiempo compartidos, yo he tenido una muy buena experiencia, y espero que a la mayoría le resulte igual.

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