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GRAND MIRAMAR: Hundreds of People Get Scammed in Puerto Vallarta

GRAND MIRAMAR: Hundreds of People Get Scammed  in Puerto Vallarta
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In Puerto Vallarta, the American Mark Talon knew the market as well as himself; he moved like a fish in the ocean; he opened and closed businesses; and at the same time, he was associated with those who were immersed in the timeshare industry.

No one was suspicious about him, but his personality betrayed him: he was very ostentatious; he drove a big hummer and liked to wear expensive jewelry.

But his luck came to an end a few months ago when agents of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) arrested him in response to some illegal drug trade acts that occurred in the American Union.

The US government has been very hermetic about Mark Talon and didn’t report notice about his arrest. 

In recent journalistic investigations, it was revealed that Mark Talon was associated with Michael Diaz, who is the son of CPA Miguel Diaz, and suddenly came back to Puerto Vallarta from Tijuana with lots of money in his pockets, enough to put several businesses in operation.

Therefore, Michael Diaz has been in the spotlight of the Mexican authorities.


 The Company

Mark Talon and Michael Diaz opened a sales company called “Corporativo Integral” (Integral Corporate), and through this company they sold almost all the timeshare properties at the resort “Grand Miramar,” but in this process hundreds of American customers got defrauded.

They told them that with their purchase, they would acquire a timeshare membership with which they would enter a rent system, and in a few months they would get their investment back plus a profit. 

In fact, the buyers were bamboozled by that rent system; they were told it was an intelligent investment to buy a timeshare at GM, and this way the scammers kept asking for upfront payments and took thousands of dollars out of the victim’s credit cards; that money was transferred through the Bank of America.

The Hook

To hook the people, the Integral Corporate sellers – offered them a financial plan with a low interest rate, but when the buyers came back to the US, they noticed that their bank accounts were almost empty.

It was an authentic swindle, said other scam victims by Grand Miramar like Steven, who was ripped off with 40 thousand dollars when buying 3 timeshares, and which promised rent profits never were delivered, even when he had to pay the VAT (IVA) in Mexico.

The customers were also told that their timeshares were part of a high-range rent system, that is to say, other vacationers would pay large amounts of money, and that money would be refunded to the timeshare owners.

Other clients decided not to keep paying and received many threatening phone calls, and when they came back to cancel the contract, no one was able to solve their issue.

The Victims

timeshare scam victim

Katherine Walsh, another victim, left her testimony on a website where hundreds of complaints against GM were posted. “I’ve paid 43,900 USD in total to the timeshare resort GM.

They compromised to sell my timeshare at Playa del Sol Grand for 44,710 USD, but nothing happened. I tried to obtain a fax number and send the cancelled contract, but I got nothing”

One more victim, Mark T. Wilgus, shared his bad experience in Puerto Vallarta with GM.

He said that on August 12th, 2010, he took a 5-hours tour in the resort. He was offered a 4 weeks a year membership. 

  He bought a property for 24,810 USD, and he was told that he would get his money back in a short period, but the days went by and he didn’t get anything.

In this fraud, the reputation of the Bank of America was damaged, since they were the ones that should’ve known that Grand Miramar was inducing the clients to buy a timeshare through high-pressure sales tactics, with the use of credit cards to finance the membership payment.

The ones who got lucky were those who attended the timeshare presentation without buying, but they left the place very angry and upset, since the salespeople were very aggressive to them.

 The lesson

Stories like this occur every day in Mexico; we see people’s faces but not their intentions. Timeshare industry salespeople are known for their aggressive sales tactics and insidious logic.

If you were a victim of a timeshare scam by Grand Miramar or anywhere else, don’t feel disappointed or hopeless.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions today for a free consultation on your timeshare issue.

We will solve your problem professionally, and we won’t charge any fees until your contract is completely cancelled.

To receive more information about Grand Miramar and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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  • Christina H.May 23, 2019, 1:22 am

    Es un fraude lo que hacen estas personas de grand miramar, adquirimos hace 2 años membresia con ellos y no nos han respondido como nos prometieron, hemos querido agendar en otra parte del pais y nos piden un upgrade para poder hacerlo, cosa que no nos dijeron en la presentación.

  • Alonso ContrerasMarzo 19, 2018, 7:45 pm

    Que tal muy interesante articulo, ya que todo lo que mencionan es cierto, yo y mi familia fuimos de esas personas estafadas, hasta la fecha seguimos luchando contra ellos y pedimos el reembolso de nuestro dinero, cosa que aun no hacen y ya estamos desesperados, necesitamos cancelar nuestra membresia lo mas pronto posible

  • Marcos August 24, 2015, 10:09 am

    Me uno a decir que tambien fui victima de las practicas sucias de este resort , hace un año aprox adquiri unas semanas con ellos y jamas pude usarlas , el pretexto que me dieron fue de que debia de subir mi membresia a otro nivel "upgrade" cosa que segun esto venia en el contrato , lean bien esos contratos gente porfavor.

  • Rigel August 3, 2015, 10:44 am

    Por un momento pense que era la unica persona que habia sido estafada por este resort, pero veo que hay muchas otras que tambien se han visto afectadas por este tipo de fraudes , a mi ya me robaron mucho dinero estas personas, pero ustedes que piensan talves en invertir en un tiempo compartido , deben de saber que no es una inversion , es solo tirar el dinero a la basura porque a veces ni lo puedes usar.

  • DeborahJune 15, 2015, 12:54 am

    Years ago i had a very bad experience with this resort, i was scammed truly.. all started because i went to a timeshare presentation , they offered to me a lot of benefits, they give me free breakfast, rides and another discounts to many places, all this stuff is a total trap , all was crap and nothing true, so pls be careful.

  • Priscila May 18, 2015, 10:11 am

    I am one of those hundreds of people, the only thing that can i say is that this resort is very nasty ! me and my husband bought with them , they promised a lot of benefits but we never saw a damn benefit thing.. they stole our money , i feel so frustrated.

  • Shaw4294October 21, 2014, 9:02 am

    Please stay away from any enticement to attend a presentation at the Grand Miramar Spa & Resort. No matter what they offer you, it isn't worth spending a day of your vacation. I made the big mistake in May this year, of purchasing 2 weeks as it is a beautiful hotel (way up on the hill, so not convenient to town or the beach). After 5-6 hours for the presentation, and being pressured and deceived into believing they could sell my 3 US timeshares for more than I had paid for them, and being offered quite a few champagnes & beer for husband, I said Yes and signed their Contract. They offered me $1600 per week if I did not want to use my unit and $6400 for attending the presentation. You can buy timeshares on-line for pennies on the dollar, or for just taking over maintenance fees as I found out when we returned from our vacation. After reading all the complaints about fraud on-line, I did cancel within the 5 business days allowed by Mexican Law, but they are denying my cancellation and have just put my application/contract "on hold". I have disputed this with my credit card company, but when Mexico wrote and said they would not accept my cancellation, my bank added the amount back to my credit card. I am forced to go to the Mexican Consulate "Profeco", to try to get them to refund several thousand dollars.

  • kirsten lotheSeptember 17, 2014, 1:14 pm

    Getting rid of a timeshare is not easy. Much more if you do it alone. As a matter of fact, there are thousands of owners trying to get rid of their timeshare property. If you’re one of these owners, stop wasting your time and effort getting of your timeshare all alone. You’d better hire a timeshare transfer company and see quick results.

  • JoshuaJuly 28, 2014, 8:11 am

    The prices they show you are not what they are when you look yourself

  • ItzelJuly 18, 2014, 2:28 pm

    que horrible que aun estando el testimonio de estas personas, miles sigan cayendo en sus estafas hoy en dia

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