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The Escalation of Timeshare Sell now SCAMS

The Escalation of Timeshare Sell now SCAMS
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Being a timeshare is an expensive purchase, and in addition to the economic downturn we’re living in, there are more than enough reasons to dump a timeshare.

The bad economy is an excellent stage for scammers to play their game, as it is said in the article Timeshare scams increase in the bad economy.

Owners appeal to sites like eBay or RedWeek, and try to sell their properties for unbelievable prices.

Getting a timeshare in an exotic destination for 1 dollar is now possible, but you have to take the responsibility of paying all the annual fees that timeshares come with.

Because of that, the timeshare sell now scam has been increasing in the last few years.

The resale companies take advantage of the people who blindly trust them by giving them fake promises, and after they take all the money possible out of the victim, they just disappear.

Timeshare sell now scam: How it’s done

Selling a timeshare is a big challenge.

We’ve mentioned that before in the article getting out of a timeshare contract: The Truth About It.

The timeshare supply exceeds the demand by far, which makes it nearly impossible to sell a timeshare at the same purchase price or to sell the timeshare at all.

Scammers are aware of this, and that is where the Timeshare Sell Now scam has its origin.

Thousands of people are being called by telemarketers across the USA and Canada, who claim to have a buyer for their timeshare, ask for an upfront fee, and never call again.

This fraud has taken millions of dollars based on lies and dirty tricks.


Timeshare sell now scam - Why do people keep falling for it

Despite the constant warnings on the internet, TV programs, magazines and newspapers, thousands of people keep falling for the timeshare sell now scam.

You just have to go to timeshare forums, blogs and complaint websites to confirm it.

The reason why this happens is that loads of owners are looking to get rid of their timeshares so desperately that they would do anything that it takes to dump the unit.

That, in combination with the misleading rhetoric used by the telemarketers, makes the perfect formula to get a fraud done.

Another reason why this keeps happening is that many of the victims are elderly or seniors who don’t know how to use a computer properly, so they’re not able to research anything linked to a timeshare sell now scam.

Seniors are often a good target for timeshare scammers; the article Seniors suffer over timeshare scams talks about that. 

Timeshare sell now scam: It’s time to avoid it.

timehsare scam avoid

No matter how beautiful the promises sound or how professional the salesperson looks, we always have to be very cautious when it comes to making a deal with a company.

Remember that every salesperson is trained to get a pact done, and always keep in mind not to pay an upfront fee at all.

As like is mentioned in several articles, Sell timeshare scam is one of them. That’s the first thing you have to learn to avoid getting yourself into a scam.

Always be suspicious, and ask as many questions as possible.

Ask for references and look for reviews on the internet, just to bring up a few pieces of advice, but the best thing you can do if they reach you by phone is hang up.

You don’t want to deal with those people.

Timeshare industry has a bad reputation, but not everything that is related to it is a scam.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is a legitimate company without asking for an upfront fee.

We've mentioned in various articles before, like Cancelling a timeshare: Tips to Get Rid of It, that the best way to get away from a timeshare contract is by canceling the agreement.

Contact us today for free advice on your timeshare issue and to escape from all the problems that timeshares come with.

To receive more information about timeshare sales and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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To know more about Timeshares visit: Timeshare points for sales

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  • EugeniaMay 7, 2017, 2:19 pm

    At first place timeshare investment is not a investment at all, should be the worst deal out there..for own experience please dont get involved with timeshares, avoid their sales presentation, and avoid all the free stuff that they want to give to you, is totally a trap.

  • aprilh116July 16, 2015, 11:05 am

    we got scammed at Puerto Vallarta, first time to mexico, 3rd day, went to the super market down the street, and the nightmare began although we didn't know it then, we tried to cancel our contract, but they refuse,even when we are willing to lose money already invested. I think we'll just stop payment on our master card, we have mastercard acting on a dispute already, but I've heard that may not work. I am having a breakdown over this, they should be sued for emotional distress, let alone financial distress. Any helpful information how to deal with these bastards would be greatly appreciated.

  • zamudio H.April 5, 2015, 3:32 pm

    Es increible como operan todas las ratas de los resorts, me asombra mas como hay tantos tipos de formas de timarte , es muy repugnante como todas estas lacras te roban el dinero confiando en que lo que te ofrecen en el resort es lo mejor del mundo , si no se quieren meter en problemas mejor evadan todo lo que tenga que ver con tiempos compartidos porfavor.

  • BrunoAugust 30, 2014, 11:34 am

    Timeshare.... Only a fool would pay money for a piece of paper that gives the fool the privilege of paying an annual fee. No thanks! If I want to stay in your hotel room, I will let your hotel compete for my business.... Don't knock stupidity, that is how the president got elected.

  • TopchrnAugust 25, 2014, 9:48 am

    I agree with your view on timeshares, but please tell me what that mutual fund is where I can get a 12% annual return!

  • AntoniaJuly 18, 2014, 2:10 pm

    la mayoria de las personas que conosco han sido victimas de esto, compran un tiempo compartido esperando lo mejor y al final no reciben absolutamente nada

  • WalesituJuly 13, 2014, 2:15 pm

    Fortunately I don't know any victim of scammers in this category. Thank you.

  • photometricMay 28, 2014, 4:15 pm

    Friends of mine (in their mid-20s) bought into a timeshare that has properties all over North America.
    Their biggest complaint is that the decent locations are NEVER available. They are competing with hordes of retirees who live in them full time. If you are young and working with limited vacation hours your chances of getting what the salesmen promised is practically nil.

  • JairoApril 13, 2014, 8:24 pm

    me entristece mucho que estas cosas sucedan y tambien me da un poco de miedo saber que cualquiera esta expuesto a esto

  • Montecristo TravelsMarzo 26, 2014, 11:22 am

    As I am about to turn 40. I have to say – the timeshare thing … I never understood. I am not certain if it is an age thing, or a personality thing. I rarely enjoy going to the same place more than 2-3 times. Too much world to see. I find renting apartments to be relatively well priced in places like Portugal, South of France and so on … but for me – the real ugly is that almost all time shares are not pet friendly. So that takes us right out of the market.

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