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The beginnings

Timeshare companies started their operations in the United States back in 1974.

The concept was well accepted by many entrepreneurs due to the big profits they could make, being that they could sell a room more than once to different owners.

Then, in the late 1980s, several timeshare companies started to run in Mexico, Canada and other countries in America. 

Timeshare scams have been around since the beginning of the timeshare industry, but these frauds weren’t well known until recent years.

What happened is that before, there were not as many timeshare laws and regulations as there are now, as you can see in the article, getting out of a timeshare legally is difficult, so many of the owners just resigned to the fact that they had to keep the timeshare they bought without thinking.


 The complaints

What people complain the most about timeshare companies is that it is nearly impossible to resell the unit, unlike what they were told by the sales reps.

That means, once they signed the contract is like making a pact with the devil due to the enormous difficulty to give the timeshare away, in fact, many times the owner ended up losing more money being ripped off by several timeshare resale scam companies that are in operation.

Another common complaint is that the units are frequently overpriced.

Companies ask for ridiculous amounts of money for a property you don’t even own entirely. 

One more criticism is the maintenance fees.

Owners are bound to pay expensive fees every year, even if they don’t use their timeshare weeks, and the worst part is that the fees keep increasing year by year, and this is also mentioned on the article timeshare complaints, among others.

The truth behind the big numbers

timeshare truth

There are close to 7 million families in the world who own a timeshare.

Global timeshare sales are over eight thousand million dollars per year, but the truth is that more than 50% of those families are struggling to get rid of their properties.

Timeshare companies use high-pressure sales tactics to make people sign the contract; more of these sales tactics are described in the article Timeshare salespeople.

The salesmen provide the potential victims with lots of gifts, such as meals, tours and even cash.

After the “guests” feel comfortable and relax, the sales work begins by lying to them, telling them that getting a timeshare is a fabulous investment, and if it comes a time when they don’t want the unit any more it’s an easy task to resell it. The cordiality is gone.

Their biggest hurdle

Nowadays, it is becoming a harder challenge for timeshare companies to maintain their timeshare sales increasing.

People are gradually realizing that getting a timeshare is neither a good deal nor an investment, and that is a big hurdle for the worst timeshare companies, so they target people who probably don’t have much access to internet or any other kind of information.

Also, they use alcohol as an incentive in their timeshare presentations in order to get the guests alcoholized.

Trying to convince someone who is under the influence of alcohol is a lot easier than convincing someone who is not and can think objectively.

We're not trying to tell you not to buy a timeshare ever, but we want you to be conscious of what companies do to keep increasing their profits without caring for the consumer’s rights.

We receive calls every day from people who have been scammed by a large list of timeshare companies and are desperate to solve their timeshare issue.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we offer you free advice on your timeshare matter without charging any upfront fee.

Getting out of a timeshare is viable and possible; you just have to contact us today and be prepared to give your timeshare away and finally relieve yourself.

To receive more information about timeshare companies and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Information to Share

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To know more about Timeshares visit: Free Timeshare: The Trap behind the Offer

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  • Roger January 8, 2019, 1:16 am

    we have nothing to loose, actually we are figthing against the resort that sell us a membership, ( royal holiday) we are to old to continue with this problem, we want to quit as soon as posible ,

  • Gaby L.April 27, 2015, 9:54 am

    I had a very bad experience some time ago, i lost a lot of money because i acquired a full time timeshare, i was convinced on a timeshare presentation , the sellers promise me a lot of benefits and the possibility to travel to another parts of the world using my membership , all was a total fake.

  • Isabel December 31, 2014, 8:14 pm

    Really i need help, last year my husband acquire a timeshare on mazatlan , Mexico on mayan palace..at first all the people was very kind, when we made all the negotiation procees , after that , we dont saw anymore the person who sell our timeshare, the first time that we want to use it they told us that the timeshare is busy ,so we cant use it when we want ! its like a joke , actually we are searching the cancellation.

  • BenjaminSeptember 12, 2014, 3:17 pm

    Since you get to the airport no longer harass you to "give you" discount tickets in exchange for a breakfast on site. We were two couples and obviously require you to carry your credit cards.
    After the regulatory tour of their facilities and the famous breakfast, we were really pressured to buy the famous "timeshare" and I foolishly for agreeing to my wife agreed to buy one ... The biggest mistake of my life.
    At that time I paid $ 37.800 pesos and promised to send me books and more info to my home and obviously never happened!
    The monthly installments of $ 2,500 pesos (to deposit in dollars), you begin to take the following three months to pass the time when you can resing them without penalty according Profeco. After we have suffered harassment my wife and I for their collectors I decided to go to PROFECO to cancel the timeshare and they did not show up in any of the three hearings that by law must address.
    And even more, began calling my home address, my parents and my office (plus emails and letters) demanding full payment of the value of time comparitod (over $ 100,000 pesos). Now it seems that the issue turns into an office in San Diego California and constantly harass with stress and threats that will worsen the situation and the economic penalty.
    I never had access to a decent bargain from them and have refused on several occasions to discuss (without pay in full first).
    What kind of mercantilist and what bad image and fraud (never delivered what was promised in the contract) for people ever trust and fund their projects.
    Please take care of your heritage and do not fall in their lies like unfortunately I did.
    PD. Believe me, there are a lot hotels in Los Cabos that for that price and cheaper incluisve are unbeatable in terms of what you'll get from Playa Grande.

  • JacqueAugust 25, 2014, 9:58 am

    Purchased a timeshare and could not afford it then and can not afford it now. Timeshare payment was first thing to go after experiencing some difficult life situations. How can I get out of the timeshare. What will happen if I just stop paying for it altogether. Thanks

  • PatriciaJuly 18, 2014, 1:34 pm

    todavia recuerdo el mal rato que me hicieron pasar, realmente es algo que te marca, alejense de esto!

  • GuestJune 28, 2014, 11:58 am

    We got promised a whole bunch of things for our $10,000 we paid to come to find out that in order for us to even use this thing we have to shell out even more money !
    My wife and I bought last year with talks of going wherever we want in the world whenever we want. Now it's been a year later and we can't use this piece of garbage to go anywhere you would like to go on a "real" vacation !! WE NEED THIS FIXTED RIGHT NOW, we read numberous stories on the internet of complaints just like ours, what do you people think your doing, take our hard earned money and look the other way ! this TOTAL SCAM and nobody returns phone calls to help you !!!

  • MikeApril 15, 2014, 7:31 am

    Time share has a resale price if it was possible to find a buyer. Most of the people I know who have time share are happy with the holidays they obtain and know they cannot sell, even if they wanted to. Holiday clubs are simply membership clubs and ownership has no resale value as there is no entity (like a week’s holiday at a particular resort). Best to keep away from both unless you want to buy enough points to get six weeks winter holiday a year from the purchase of two weeks in a resort in July.

  • JulianaApril 4, 2014, 3:33 pm

    yo la verdad ya siempre que escucho algo sobre tiempos compartidos, sé que se trata de una farsa y de una perdida de dinero, mejor ni me meto con eso

  • AmandaMarzo 24, 2014, 1:48 pm

    We could not afford to pay the dues anymore. The timeshare that we had stated in a letter that we would have to forfeit/surrend the timeshare if we didn't pay the dues. After contacting them and speaking to them, we surrender the timeshare with the understand that if we did this, the dues to would be forgiven since we gave it back. NOW, we get a letter from a collection department stating that we owe this money. What do I need to do?

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