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Timeshare Sales: Perspectives from the Industry, Owners, and Buyers

Timeshare Sales: Perspectives from the Industry, Owners, and Buyers
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Timeshare sales are very common these days. Resort companies and worried owners are doing all that is possible to sell their timeshare properties, but the problem is that the supply exceeds the demand by far.

If you go on vacation to a well known touristic spot, it is very probable that you will be approached by a timeshare salesman. 

No matter where you are: at the airport, on the streets, on a restaurant, timeshare salespeople are everywhere! And if that’s not enough, the internet is also infested by thousands of timeshare sales deals.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll describe how timeshare sales are seen from different perspectives.


For the companies

Timeshare companies make a big part of their income from timeshare sales. It is very profitable for them, since each company can sell hundreds of rooms to different owners.

If every timeshare unit has an average purchase price of $15,000 USD, just imagine how much money the resorts make from the timeshare sales plus the annual fees every owner has the obligation to pay, it is extremely lucrative for a timeshare resort to sell timeshares, that’s why they insist persistently to people to attend to their timeshare presentations.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the timeshare sales are made under high-pressure sales tactics, and that is one of the biggest complaints' timeshare scam victims have.

Figure it out: Why would a timeshare company give you fantastic gifts and free meals just to attend a timeshare presentation? It is very simple; they will do everything that is possible to sell you a timeshare during a 4-hour presentation. Is the free breakfast worth it? Think about it.

Besides the timeshare resorts, there are also many resale companies.

Timeshare resale scams take millions of dollars every year.

According to Lois Greisman, Associate Director at the Federal Trade Commission, there are tens of millions of dollars being bilked from people who are trying to sell their timeshares.

Many of these are “ghost companies,” and as soon as they get an upfront fee, they disappear.

For an owner

If you think it is difficult to sell a house, try to sell a timeshare; it is almost impossible.

If you surf the internet, you will find hundreds of timeshare sales listed on sites like EBay, RedWeek or Craiglist for the unbelievable price of one dollar or even less.

This fact reflects the desperation of many owners to get rid of their timeshares. For every prospective buyer, there are about 600 owners looking to sell their timeshares in America.

Unfortunately, timeshare sales are not a good option to dump a timeshare. Selling a timeshare is not only difficult, but tremendously hard.

Timeshares are overvalued, and in addition to that, they lost over 70% of their cost when they were first acquired. 

That means there is no possible way an owner can make a profit by selling his timeshare, or even sell it for the same purchase price.

For a prospective buyer

timeshare sales

Timeshare sales can also be seen from the prospective buyer’s perspective.

For those who are looking to buy a timeshare, it is highly recommended on several timeshare websites to buy the property on the resale market.

When a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. 

These days, it is very probable to buy a timeshare in a beautiful destination for a very low price.

What the prospective buyer has to keep in mind is that by buying a timeshare, he has to assume the responsibility to pay the annual fees that are charged every year by the resort.

Those fees do not stay fixed; in fact, they keep on rising each year.

Also, the timeshare can only be used in a specific week of the year (usually in low seasons), and you cannot trade the location unless an upgrade is paid.

Buying a timeshare is not an inversion, not even from the resale market. A timeshare is nothing but an expensive purchase that brings forth lots of problems and expenses.

The true facts

No matter if a timeshare is acquired directly from the company or in the resale market.

Timeshare sales are never good news. While timeshare companies are only trying to sell their units without thinking about the consumer’s rights, the desperate owners are hoping to find someone who releases them from the annual fees.

If you are stuck in a situation where you don’t know how to get rid of your timeshare, at Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we offer you a free consultation on your timeshare matter, and we do not charge any fees until your contract is properly cancelled.

Contact MTS today for free advice and to release yourself from your timeshare issues.

To receive more information about timeshare sales and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Information to Share

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To know more about Timeshares visit: Timeshare Rip Off! Timeshare Scams on the Rise

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  • RafaelApril 4, 2014, 3:32 pm

    vender tu tiempo compartido no es nada sencillo, por algo hay muchisima gente intentandolo durante años!

  • Miguel AngelMarzo 28, 2014, 4:17 pm

    es muy dificil encontrar a alguien que quiera comprarlo, siempre va a serlo, y ademas no piensen recibir mucho a cambio, lo mejor seria cancelarlo y tener la tranquilidad de no seguir siendo estafado

  • RaulMarzo 10, 2014, 12:09 pm

    si creo en que debe haber una manera de hacer una buena compra de tiempo compartido sin arrepentirse toda la vida, pero para eso hay que estar muy muy bien preparado

  • LauraMarzo 3, 2014, 10:01 am

    si, lo mejor es que dejemos nuestro tiempo compartido en manos de alguien que pueda venderlo con eficacia, ya muchos conocidos mios lo han hecho de esa manera y estan encantados

  • geeiJanuary 27, 2014, 10:43 am

    How do I cancel a timeshare purchase, 2 months after the contract is signed? I called the salesman the day after the sale to let him know I was canceling the purchase. I did this because he told me I could cancel within 10 days of purchase, without penalty, and to call him if I decided to do that. So I did, and I thought that was the end of it. He said my down payment would be credited to my VISA. When my VISA statement came in without the credit, I called him. He said I needed to have written a letter to the company within the 10 day period; that he is not able to cancel a contract (which is what I thought he would do when he told me to call him if I decided to cancel) But now, after reading the contract, I see I did not follow the rules, and it is too late. I contacted the company and explained the situation. I was advised to write, also, which I did, today. Do you have any suggestions?

  • graceJanuary 23, 2014, 10:16 am

    We own a timeshare in Orlando (paid in full). We tried to give it back, but no luck. We’re tired of paying the resort maintenance fee. Since we don’t live in the U.S., what are the legal implications if we just stop paying? We’re retired and not really concerned about our credit rating anymore.- does anyone know if our pensions can be garnished?

  • Lite BriteOctober 6, 2013, 4:32 pm

    It is a shame that people are being forced into to selling their timeshares like this.

  • JennyAugust 13, 2013, 3:23 pm

    The timeshare resale scams are just a symptom. They need to do something about the timeshare scam itself. An obligation 'in perpetuity' - that passes to your children? There is almost no legal way out of the obligation, even if you don't use the facilities and want to sell it back (they won't take them back). In other words, they hawk 'property' that you cannot resell, cannot give back, and has literally no value in the market - and tell you that you have to pay 'maintenance' forever... and that they can assess 'special fees' on in order to do repairs they *should* have been doing with the maintenance fees.

  • nicoAugust 9, 2013, 2:43 pm

    Timeshare sellers sometimes scare me, are very well trained to achieve the impossible

  • Freddie RiveraMarzo 5, 2013, 6:41 pm

    Hola, soy de Puerto Rico. Hace 2 anos compre un timeshare en Orlando y quiero cancancelar mi contrato. Me gustaria que me pudieran aconsejar. Si es posible pueden llamarme de lunes a viernes a las 6pm y sabados a las 2pm. Muchas gracias

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