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Exposing Premier Property Management: Timeshare Resale Scam

Exposing Premier Property Management: Timeshare Resale Scam
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Thinking of reselling your timeshare? Beware of timeshare resale companies that might get you scammed.

There are a considerable number of solutions regarding timeshares. In these times of global economic difficulty, it is very common to hear from timeshare owners who want to get rid of their membership.

We know from many of our clients about the drastic changes in their financial situation.

Whether it is a loss of employment, sickness in the family, a kid going to college, the inability to keep on with the annual payments, or the feeling that the timeshare was sold under high pressure and fraudulent sales practices, no matter what the situation is, all of them have something in common: They all want to get rid of their vacation ownership as soon as possible. 

Unfortunately, most timeshare owners do not consider timeshare cancellation as the best solution, hoping to recover some of the money they’ve lost, many of them put their ownerships on sale, not knowing that the timeshare resale market is extremely poor, so poor that you can see timeshares for sale on eBay or Craiglist for $1.

Timeshare resale companies are aware of this, and they take advantage of this situation to rip off desperate timeshare owners.

Timeshare resale scams have quietly become the most widespread form of timeshare fraud, and lots of our clients call to complain about being scammed for the second time.

Premier Property Management is one of the companies we receive many complaints about.


Premier Property Management – The Company

Premier Property Management is a rental and resale company for timeshare ownerships. 

They service clients with vacation ownerships in Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, and they claim to be the most effective and reliable Rental and Resale Company in the timeshare industry.

Their website provides very little information, even though they assert to have years of experience and a comprised team of member agents. No testimonials are shown.

In order to sell your timeshare, Premier Property Management asks for a $490 USD upfront fee, and they affirm to sell the property in a 90-days time limit.

Premier Property Management – Common Complaints

A number of our clients call to complain about Premier Property Management and the services they offer.

 Many of our clients were told that their timeshare was never sold as the company promised it would be, and the upfront fee they were asked for was never reimbursed.

Also, some of them said that after paying the upfront fee they never heard of the company again, despite all the emails they sent to the agents and the constant calls to ask for the resale of their timeshare.

In some cases, Premier Property Management claimed they had a buyer already, but the resale process was going to take longer than 90 days, and therefore, they needed to ask for another $490 USD payment.

This is a very distinctive way to scam timeshare owners, and like this, thousands of people have been scammed by timeshare resale companies.

Because of that, we always recommend to our clients not paying any upfront fee to any timeshare rental and resale company, being that even timeshare resale companies’ owners admit that their industry is rife with scheme.

Premier Property Management – How to get out

premier property management

For many reasons that we mention in some of our articles, like Timeshare Resale Scam Companies, reselling the timeshare is not the best solution to get out of a timeshare ownership.

Several million dollars are taken each year by timeshare resale scammers, leaving thousands of families in a thorny financial situation.

By writing this article, we don’t want to deter you from hiring Premier Property Management services, but we want to ensure that timeshare owners do not fall for a timeshare scam a second time.

If you have a timeshare you don’t use, and you want to get rid of it, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation on your matter.

Contact MTS today for free advice and leave your timeshare contract behind.

To receive more information about Premier Property Management and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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To know more about Timeshares visit:How to rescind a timeshare contract?

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  • Lourdes CervantesJuly 23, 2019, 4:15 pm

    Resulta que el pasado mes de Marzo de 2019, me contacto la compañía Travel & Property Investments, y realmente me estafaron, porque me contacto una persona de Vidanta llamada Mayra Macedo del Grupo Vidanta, donde Yo tengo un tiempo compartido y no cesaban en llamarme para que yo les vendiera 10 semanas, incluso que Yo le llamara las veces que resultaran necesarias, para que Yo tuviera la certeza que era todo legal. la verdad no crean nada, ni se expongan son una verdadera mafia de estafas. el Broker es Tadeo Cooper y tienen su pagina y la dirigente de la Mafia es: Sally Jane Seyss

  • ErickJanuary 25, 2017, 11:03 am

    Quero saber si first american premier también se dedica a estafar con las menbresia as de fiesta americana

  • Ronda89August 31, 2015, 1:12 am

    Hi there, Timeshare complaints everywhere, my brother was scammed last year, by a mexican resort, mayan palace, those guys convinced mys brother to acquire some weeks, they promised many cool stuff, all was a insane lie, my brother lost a lot of money and he is actually having complaints.

  • cinthyaMarzo 23, 2015, 12:36 pm

    Es una pena que todas esas personas que están involucradas en el negocio de tiempo compartido sean estafadores, yo conozco a muchas personas que han caido en su trampa , que ofrecen viajes gratis, desayunos gratis, alquiler de coches gratis, y muchas "cosas gratis" sólo para enganchar y llevarte hasta una presentación de tiempo compartido, una vez allí, es muy dificill no comprar algo , ya que la presion x parte de los vendedores es muy incomoda

  • JonasSeptember 12, 2014, 3:18 pm

    If you are someone who loves to travel frequently, a timeshare may be a good investment for your future vacations. Many timeshares offer a points system and exchange weeks. However, although the industry has improved somewhat over the years, it is still trying to shake off its bad reputation and there are still some companies you need to avoid. Do your research and get legal advice from a specialist are the best tips to keep safe.

  • Susan LyonsSeptember 8, 2014, 7:36 am

    Count me as one of the scammed. I sent almost $900 to timeshare lifesyle a company. The sales rep, Sheila, promised that my timesharei would sell within days. They had buyers lined up all over the world looking for a place in Hawaii just like mine. I am such a fool and a poor one,at that. Lost my money, still paying high maintenance fees and am so frustrated I could cry.

  • LishaJune 24, 2014, 3:03 pm

    We just bought at an all inclusive resort and they told us that our weeks would rent for a sizeable amount of money. It’s not something we were depending on but definately something that made the purchase sound like a good overall idea. What do you think our chances are of renting the all inclusive weeks?

  • Jeffrey StrainJune 5, 2014, 8:30 am

    Timeshares rarely make sense purely from a financial standpoint mainly because you can rent timeshares at the same resorts for about what they cost to own without any of the risks. Some people like timeshares because they live busy lives and the timeshare forces them to take a vacation — this is a quality of life decision over a financial one — nothing wrong with that if they know exactly what they are getting into and why they are.

  • Jeffrey StrainJune 5, 2014, 8:30 am

    Timeshares rarely make sense purely from a financial standpoint mainly because you can rent timeshares at the same resorts for about what they cost to own without any of the risks. Some people like timeshares because they live busy lives and the timeshare forces them to take a vacation — this is a quality of life decision over a financial one — nothing wrong with that if they know exactly what they are getting into and why they are.

  • canuckcowboyMay 20, 2014, 9:17 am

    Has anyone heard of a company, Premiere Properties & Management LLC out of Colorado? I received a phone call from them wanting to know if I was interested in selling my Cabo San Lucas, MX timeshare.

    I asked a number of questions to see what they had to say: where did you get my name, phone number and what resort I was at - same old "canned" reply, "all this information is available on line" to them but I cannot get this information from my resort. I don't have to pay any money up front for the sale to a "large corporation", except for an 8% commission after the money was transferred to my bank account.

    I received an email proposal with a greatly inflated, ridiculous offer which smells of "scam" and I certainly not going to fall for this (guess they were hoping I was born yesterday and would fall for it), I am not interested in selling nor am not prepared to give out any more personal information.

    Would be interested to see if anybody else has had any contact with this company with the same story line. Thanks.

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