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What Happens if I STOP PAYING my TIMESHARE? Safeguard Your Financial Future

What Happens if I STOP PAYING my TIMESHARE? Safeguard Your Financial Future
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This is a question that pops up very frequently in several timeshare blogs and forums. Find out the consequences that may occur if you stop paying your timeshare

What happens if I stop paying my timeshare? Many timeshare owners could think of this as a last resort option, especially those who are desperate and tired of trying numerous solutions to get out of their timeshare unit, including selling it on the internet, making a donation, renting it out, and giving it away, among others.

Timeshare annual fees can be a big hassle for timeshare consumers, since they increase considerably each year, and with the economy as it is nowadays, not everyone is able to have their payments up to date, and sometimes, some of them take rush decisions that end up affecting their financial situation even more.


What happens if I stop paying my timeshare?

The consequences vary depending on the original timeshare contract. These are some of the things that could happen if you stop paying your timeshare:

- Foreclose:  Under the law, a timeshare ownership is treated like a real estate, and therefore, your timeshare can foreclose if you stop making your payments.

These payments do not just include payments to the principal balance, but also the annual fees.

After a payment is first missed, the resort will give you a warning through numerous phone calls and emails.

These calls can continue for months, and after a certain period without receiving any answer from the debtor, the timeshare company will start the foreclosure procedures on your timeshare.

Sometimes, after foreclosure, the resort can get a judgment against your possessions, or they can also garnish your wages, but this is a long-annoying process for them, so they will try to avoid it.

Foreclosure means that they have to take the timeshare back and pay for the paperwork that is done.

- Collection agency: This is probably the best answer to the question, of what happens if I stop paying my timeshare? When an owner decides to stop making his payments, it is very likely that the resort sells the debt to a collection agency.

The collection agency will go on your credit report, and after that, they will probably sue you.

Collection agencies may report you to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), which can make future financial investments incredibly difficult. 

Debt collectors can be extremely persistent when it comes to recovering the money you own.

They will try to reach you several times each day; their collection tactics are very aggressive.

BEWARE! Many timeshare resorts will not let you know that they sold your debt to a collection agency, but that doesn’t mean that your credit report will not be affected.

So, if you were asking yourself, what happens if I stop paying my timeshare? Now that you know some of the things that could happen, we highly recommend that before taking any hasty decisions, you know the consequences of your actions.

stop paying timeshare

Don’t jeopardize your financial future

In conclusion, what occurs if I discontinue paying my ownership? Your credit score will be seriously damaged, affecting your financial future.

Timeshare resorts are like casinos: The house never loses, and they will certainly not allow you to stop making your annual payments.

The only possible way to get rid of your timeshare is by canceling your contract.

When a timeshare contract is properly cancelled, you will not have any further strings attached to the timeshare company.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is a company that works on a contingency basis and only collects its fee if the contract is canceled.

Otherwise, no fee is charged. Contact MTS for a free consultation on your matter and assure yourself and your family a debt free financial future.

To receive more information about What happens when you stop paying your timeshare and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • JustinJanuary 23, 2014, 9:49 am

    I have a timeshare through Eldorado Resorts. The actual timeshare is at Grandview Resort in Las Vegas. The loan is through Eldorado Resorts. Apparently it's close to impossible to sell a timeshare and I'm not going to pay a company $500 to maybe sell the timeshare. My wife and I are ready to buy a house but we need the extra $300 a month for mortgage that I pay to the timeshare. Our credit is good/great and my timeshare loan does not show on any of my credit reports. Since the timeshare loan doesn't show on our credit reports, if we don't pay it and just let it go into foreclosure, will our credit get nailed? Every other loan we have (car, student, credit cards) show on our credit report. What will happen if we just stop paying the loan?

  • YvetteJanuary 7, 2014, 2:02 pm

    I have been reading all of the comments posted and this site. I just want to know one thing. How do we get rid of the time share that we purhasaed. It is worthless. We are going thru finanical difficulties right now and I can not keep this. PLEASE HELP!!

  • CarlosAugust 30, 2013, 1:26 pm

    Claro!!! ellos jamas van a perder y no seria una jugada muy inteligente dejar de pagar, lo mejor es buscar ayuda para rentarlo, cancelarlo o hacer algo con el

  • JuliaAugust 30, 2013, 1:24 pm

    jamas imagine que fuera tan peligroso dejar de pagarlo, creo que a muchos se nos hubiera hecho muy facil y abandonar tanta deuda, pero despues las cosas se habrian puesto peores!

  • JaniceAugust 9, 2013, 2:34 pm

    I think I never would go through the mind stop paying my timeshare, would be even worse to keep paying

  • VicAugust 8, 2013, 7:18 am

    I have just received a summons from a Court in Florida regarding my Timeshare unit. I did not response and I would like to know if they can garnish my salary over that issue? Thanks

  • JasonJuly 24, 2013, 12:45 pm

    not paying your timeshare will bring only trouble and what you thought could be the solution will become a catastrophe

  • NicolaJuly 24, 2013, 12:45 pm

    that's what most of us got to ask when it is difficult to keep paying the timeshare, thanks for the tips and information

  • NicoJuly 20, 2013, 8:27 am

    I think that if you are not using the timeshare, you can always attempt to rent it out to another party to cover all or part of your annual dues! There’s no need to stop paying!

  • JanethJuly 3, 2013, 8:51 am

    Many people think that it is very easy to simply stop paying for what has already been bought, but reality is as explained here, things may get worse, I agree with the advice, you must always be informed about the consequences before you purchase anything.

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