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Timeshare Exchange: What You need to Know Before Trading Your Ownership

Timeshare Exchange: What You need to Know Before Trading Your Ownership
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In recent years, timeshares have gained an incredible popularity. Timeshare sales are an extremely profitable business for the resorts, and the salespeople would say anything in order to get a sale done.

During timeshare presentations, it is very likely that the salespeople will make loads of verbal promises and attractive gifts for you to sign the contract; one of these promises is the possibility to exchange your timeshare with another owner.

They will tell you that you will be able to travel anywhere in the world with your timeshare.

If timeshares were such a big deal, why are there so many people who feel they were scammed and are trying to get rid of their ownership?

Learn more about timeshare exchange and the real possibilities of traveling with your timeshare.


A timeshare exchange is a one-time trade for time at a different resort.

This process offers timeshare owners the possibility to experience and travel to new destinations around the world, however, an exchange is easier said than done.

Sometimes, to facilitate the exchange, many timeshare owners use the services that some timeshare exchange companies provide.

To be able to use those services, the resort must be affiliated with an exchange company, and the owner will have to pay a membership fee plus other expenses.

Nonetheless, there are a few things to take into consideration about exchange companies:

  • Not all exchange companies are legitimate. Timeshare industry is full of fraudulent companies; therefore, customers should be cautious about it.
  • Not all timeshares have the same exchange power; Some timeshares are harder to exchange than others. If you own a timeshare in a small town, it is not very likely that you can exchange it for a week in Paris or another popular destination
  • Exchange costs money: exchange companies charge an annual membership fee, which needs to be paid before you can even accomplish an exchange.

timeshare exchange

How to Exchange Your Timeshare

There are 3 possible ways to exchange your timeshare:

Direct Exchange: A direct exchange is when you trade your timeshare owner to owner. This is the most basic and cost-effective way to make an exchange.

This process requires finding another owner who is willing and able to trade their week for yours.

Once you find someone, both parties should notify the timeshare company to get a guest pass for the family who is staying at the resort.

There are several websites where you can list your timeshare to find people who are interested in direct exchanges, such as Craiglist and Timeshare Forums.

Exchange through the Resort: There are some timeshare companies that offer an exchange program, but only with their specific group of resorts.

Hotel chains such as Mayan Palace in Mexico and Westgate in the US have this program.

Timeshare Exchange Company: A company allows you to announce your week with them, and you can also choose from their inventory of weeks that other timeshare owners have listed.

The largest exchange companies in the world are RCI (Resort Condominiums International), II (Interval International) and DAE (Dial An Exchange).

Some Things To Take Into Consideration

Before making an exchange, there are a couple of things to take into consideration to accomplish the process effectively:

  •  Find out when your vacation ownership is available for an exchange
  • Decide when and where you would like to take your vacation
  •  If you want to make the timeshare swap faster and easier, consider joining a timeshare exchange network to list your timeshare online.
    All important information, such as the name of the resort, the location and the exchange week, must be provided.
  • Make sure to upload photos of your timeshare. The pictures must be colorful and attractive.
  •  Include tips, advice, and things to do about the destination and your timeshare resort
  • Consider advertising your timeshare in newspapers, travel websites and magazines
  • Make an inventory of everything in your vacation ownership. This is to prevent any kind of problem.
  •  Contact a lawyer and draw up a rental agreement to protect you and the other participants in the timeshare trade.

To learn more tips and advice about timeshares, visit our article: "Timeshare Fraud: 5 Tips Timeshare Resorts Don't Want You To Know."

Timeshare Deception?

As you may know by now, a timeshare exchange is not easy to accomplish; in fact, there are many timeshare owners who have been trying to exchange their timeshares for years without success.

If you, or someone you know, owns a timeshare unit you feel was sold under unethical circumstances, and you’re not able to use it anymore or pay the ever-increasing timeshare maintenance fees, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions to get a free consultation on your timeshare problem.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, our goal is to assist timeshare purchasers who feel they were scammed or taken advantage of by fraudulent salespeople and deceptive sales practices.

As specialists in the timeshare industry, we are committed to offering timeshare help in a fast, friendly and experienced service to clients.

Contact us today for a free consultation and get rid of your timeshare as soon as possible! You have nothing to lose except your timeshare!

To receive more information about timeshare exchange and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Timeshare Myths vs. Reality

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  • ErickAugust 23, 2013, 1:12 pm

    Timeshare exchanges was a nice option for me, i enjoy traveling around the world, i know sometimes its not easy, but you can try!

  • JudithAugust 9, 2013, 1:54 pm

    I like this option, I think it's a way that can be good for both parts, thanks for the article, it was very clear for me!

  • VictorJuly 10, 2013, 8:54 am

    I always thought that making a timeshare exchange would not be a big deal, I now understand a little more about getting the exchange. Thanks.

  • KyleJune 29, 2013, 11:39 am

    I had heard many times about timeshare exchanges, and had always
    had the idea that it was something very simple and very convenient for travelling and getting to see new places in the world, I agree that if things are done the right way, the results can be very good, on the down side this is a complicated thing to do.

  • HaileyApril 30, 2013, 1:52 pm

    Timeshare exchange is another scam companies do to scam people again, is better to cancel the timeshare

  • GloriaMarzo 1, 2013, 9:42 am

    I was looking for someone who wanted to exchange a timeshare, but now that I've read this article, I'm not sure to want my timeshare.

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