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How to Give Away a Timeshare: A Guide on How to Give Away a Legal Reponsibly

How to Give Away a Timeshare: A Guide on How to Give Away a Legal Reponsibly
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It’s a classic situation: You are on vacation, walking on the beach, when suddenly you get approached by an enthusiastic salesman.

He offers you a free breakfast, discount coupons and a city tour, all you have to do is attend a 90-minute timeshare sales presentation. You immediately accept the offer; after all, what could be wrong with that?

Timeshares are clearly not for most people, however, they are constantly offered to anyone who is on vacation.

Although there are lots of people who agree to go to the presentation just to get the freebies, unfortunately, many of them end up falling for the trap. Read this article to learn more about how to give away a timeshare.

Timeshare Owners Who Regret Their Purchases Are on The Rise

Even though there are lots of timeshare owners who feel happy about their purchases, there are millions of others who regret having bought theirs and would love to know how to give away a timeshare.

The reasons to get rid of a timeshare are many. Several people feel they were scammed by the promises made by the timeshare salespeople.

They were told their purchase would become an “investment”, or that they could rent it easily, which is very unlikely.

Nevertheless, not all timeshare purchasers feel they were scammed during the presentation.

Some others want to get rid of their timeshares because they are not able to afford them anymore, especially in this struggling economy.

Others realize that they will not be able to use it any longer, and others just get bored with vacationing at the same place every year.

Whatever the reason, they all want the same thing: to get out of a timeshare contract.


How to Give Away a Timeshare

A timeshare might be difficult to get rid of, but it is not impossible. These are 4 of the most common solutions on how for giving away a timeshare:

Sell your timeshare: This would be the easiest solution to get out of a timeshare legally, if only the resale market wasn’t so poor.

Timeshares are extremely difficult to sell, in fact, they are almost impossible to sell. There are over 600 timeshare units on the resale market for every prospective buyer.

  • Donate

Donate your timeshare: A Timeshare donation to charity has a few advantages. Once you donate your timeshare, it won’t be your problem anymore, and you might get a small tax deduction for the charitable contribution.

Unfortunately, most charity organizations refuse to accept timeshare since they are not willing to clear off the outstanding debt, and even if the timeshare is paid in full, they wouldn’t be happy to pay the annual timeshare fees.

  • Give away

Give it to someone else: This should be considered a last-resort option. Find someone who is willing to take your timeshare off your hands and assume the financial obligations that come with it.

  • Cancel

Cancel a timeshare: This is the best solution to get rid of a timeshare efficiently. When a timeshare is properly cancelled, the financial obligations attached to the resort will be gone: no more threatening calls, no more debt, and no more maintenance fees. 

It is important, however, to cancel your timeshare agreement with the right professionals in order to avoid being scammed.

Beware of con artists: Never pay an upfront fee in an effort to get rid of your timeshare.

Do Not Let This Happen to You

If you are stuck with a timeshare you no longer want, do not feel embarrassed about it, you are not the only one. At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we specialize in cancelling timeshare contracts.

 As specialists in the timeshare industry, we are committed to offering timeshare help in a fast, friendly and experienced service to clients.

Our associates have several years of experience in the timeshare industry and are successfully able to resolve timeshare scam cases in an ethical and professional manner.

 Contact us today for a free consultation and get some final relief from your timeshare!

To receive more information about how to give away a timeshare and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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How to rescind a timeshare contract?

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  • Gabriela CardenasJanuary 13, 2025, 5:02 pm

    Iniciamos mi esposo y yo unas vacaciones a Tulum, llegando al aeropuerto personas con pocos o nulos escrupulos se acercan y ofrecen paseos, que ellos estan promoviendo los hoteles mexicanos, que porque el que nosotros elegimos era una inversion espanola y te saturan con informacion, nuestro error fue aceptar el desayuno, donde te llenan de informacion y hacen creer que estas haciendo la mejor inversion,lo unico que no te informan con las clausulas de cancelacion, eso no es tema de conversacion. Obtuvimos una membresia, pero regresando a casa, las cosas cambiaron y decidimos cancelar, el agente que tan amablemente nos atendio y ofrecio su ayuda para cualquier cosa, en cuanto le dije que deseabamos cancelar cambio inmediatamente su actitud, no quiso ayudarme, poniendome miles de pretextos y ganando tiempo para que se pasaran los 5 dias que teniamos para cancelar. Yo envie un correo para cancelar, pero me equivoque de correo, nadie contesto, nu tuvieron la gentiliza de indicarme el correo correcto, ese correo lo envie cuando aun estaba en el plazo para cancelar. Eso me dejo mas que claro que esto es una estafa, cualquier compania basada en el buen servicio, la etica, la empatia hubiera hecho lo indicado para ayudarme.
    Sigo tratando de cancelar, pero no se como

    Si alguien puede ayudarme, se lo agradecere infinitamente

  • Luis Ernesto July 20, 2015, 9:04 am

    Actualmente es de las cosas mas dificiles que e he topado en mi vida entera, llevo meses intentando librarme de mi tiempo compartido , la verdad que fue un total error aver comprado uno , lo peor de todo es que por andar a las carreras no lei bien el contrato y ahora el resort esta abisando y cobrando cosas que ni siquiera he usado !

  • Gloria July 13, 2015, 1:58 am

    Maintenance fees could be the worts thing talking about timeshare, the maintenance fees are really insane, the better part is that if you dont pay , they can demand you and afect directly to your credit score, think about it people before buy something.

  • TonyJune 29, 2015, 11:37 am

    My sister some months ago bought timeshare weeks , she signed the contract with closed eyes, the ugly truth about this, i that she accept to pay the quantity of a HIGH maintenace fee, actually she dont want the timeshare anymore , she is looking for some help.

  • Ruth EllisJune 6, 2015, 1:34 pm

    This could be the most difficult part of all , to cancel or get out of a timeshare is not an easy task , for own experience i can tell that timeshare people are so tricky , the best thing that you can do is to avoid all the timeshare presentations , or so read the timeshare contract quite well , is up to you

  • MichelleJanuary 10, 2015, 12:13 am

    The only safety way to avoid those scams, i saying NO , really mates, on the moment maybe could be diffcicult to do that , but honestly is the better option , dont give the opportunity to thoses guys to enfold you , sometimes for education our first reaction is to stop and listen what the salesperson want to said, anyway if you are a sensitive person only say no no no no and no tnx, nobody can force you to buy something, those people are experts on the field, with my own experience, dont trust them

  • AntonellaOctober 11, 2014, 12:00 pm

    The sales representatives from Playa Grande used Travel Around the World (TATW), to handle this trade. We had no other option, but TATW. We paid for the transfer fees and TATW fees . After many phone calls and emails this transaction is not complete and Grand Mayan wants money for upkeep of a timeshare I don't want and have never used. They have promised this will get completed soon but I don't know what to think anymore.

  • RpreeAugust 18, 2014, 7:32 am

    I had a time share many years ago...my husband and I could not afford it. You may be wondering why we bought it? Like so many people "we got caught up in the moment" but thank God I was able to deed it back to them

  • LeonardoAugust 11, 2014, 8:56 am

    yo incluso lo regalaria con tal de poderme deshacer de el de una vez por todas, realmente no quiero pagar un peso mas por esto

  • ErikaJuly 28, 2014, 8:31 am

    Somos otros de los muchos afectados por una compañia de tiempos compartidos que nos vendió un programa vacacional y nunca dieron la cara

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