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Timeshares, Are They a Good Purchase?

Timeshares, Are They a Good Purchase?
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Some people love them, some people hate them, but the truth is that they are still one of the best-selling products in the travel industry, despite the bad economy.

There is lots of misinformation about them, yet appearances deceive. What appears to be a “good investment” can become one of your worst financial enemies.

Learn more about it and how to use it properly.

Fractional ownership, better known as timeshare, is a resort condominium unit, with a very particular form of use rights.

When you buy one, you get to share the right to use the property with 52 different owners, including you.

How do timeshares work?

They are generally sold for weeks, which are also known as “intervals”, the resorts offer different plans, to give the prospect buyer more purchase options:

Fixed Weeks: You purchase the right to use the unit during a specific week of the year

Floating time: You purchase the right to use the unit during a certain season of the year.

Splited-week: You purchase the right to use the unit for a week, but in this case, you may split your week into two or three different periods.

Points-based system: You purchase a specific number of points, and exchange them



Before buying, follow the next tips:

  • Calculate the total cost of the unit, including the fees.

    Keep in mind that maintenance and assessment fees are likely to increase each year.

    Then compare the results with the cost of a regular vacation with similar accommodations at the same spot.
  • Visit the resort and talk to other owners to ask them about their experiences, and how satisfied they are with their purchases.
  • Do not act under pressure. The resort might look like a paradise, and the promises might sound quite appealing, but don’t feel obligated to sign the contract. Take your time to think about the offer and find out if it fits your needs.
  • Do not sign any document in a foreign language. Even if you speak and understand the language very well, you probably do not understand the legal terminology.
  •  Do some internet research on the company. Look for cases of scams and fraud, and how its reputation is.
  • Ask as many questions as possible during the presentation, and ask for any written confirmation of all the promises made by the salespeople.

Are timeshares a good purchase?

Not all of them are bad; in fact, they can be a good purchase for someone who does enjoy revisiting the same destination each year.

However, vacation properties are not for most people, being that they only seem to work for people with very specific vacation desires.

They are not for people who like to try a new vacation spot each year, for people who like to travel spontaneously, or families who do not used to stay at expensive resorts.

time shares

I want out!

Unfortunately, the big scam about it is the way that sales are done.

During presentations, it is very common that the sales reps tell numerous lies to the potential buyers, just to get them to sign the contract, and many of them fall for the trap.

The hardest part is that timeshares are definitely not easy to get rid of.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we assist purchasers who feel they were scammed.

MTS is the only company that doesn’t charge any upfront fees; if we cancel your contract, we get paid; if not, you don't waste any money.

Contact MTS for a free consultation on how we can help you release yourself from any timeshare obligation in a legally-reliable manner.

To receive more information about timeshares and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • Montserrat Rodriguez AcevedoJuly 20, 2016, 12:47 am

    Buenas noches, acabo de adquirir un tiempo compartido en el hotel pueblo bonito dn Mazatlan Sinaloa el domingo 17de Julio, tengo muchas dudas de si fue una buena decision, quiero saber como puedo cancelarlo antes de que pasen los 5 dias en que puedo hacerlo...

  • NattApril 28, 2016, 4:30 pm

    Of course not, timeshare is just a waste of time and money ! high cost of the maintenance fees just for nothing ! they ask you to upgrade your membership for some new services but it doesnt true ! is only part of the hook

  • Vicky FloresApril 11, 2016, 9:45 am

    Por propia experiencia les puedo decir que no es una buena inversion , mi esposo y yo hace unos años adquirimos uno con fiesta americana, nos bajaron la luna y las estrellas prometiendonos que seria la inversion de nuestras vidas,que podriamos viajar por el mundo por medio del resort, nada fue cierto solo pagamos y no nos dejan usarlo , actualmente estamos buscando la solucion para cancelar el contrato.

  • MattFebruary 19, 2016, 3:25 pm

    Not really , seems that a timeshare investment could be a good option but trust me, IS NOT, the maintenance fees actually are to high and the resort, (royal holiday , my case) dont give a matter to help us with that, so we are looking for the cancellation , we dont want anymore our timeshare.

  • Carlos December 28, 2015, 12:04 pm

    LLegue a la conclusion que no lo es, un tiempo compartido es algo muy volatil , su valor en el mercado es casi nulo , ojala hubiera investigado mas antes de comprar uno , por el momento estoy pagando muchisimo dinero que ya no hallo la puerta de como librarme de el, necesito ayuda.

  • Mario September 8, 2015, 12:55 am

    WEll at my point of view, buy a timeshare is not an smart move ..acually i have many complaints with mine, im looking to make the cancellation , im losing a lot of money on the maintenace fees, i dont want it anymore , i need help !

  • Silvio PaezAugust 10, 2015, 10:55 am

    No creo que para nada sea una buena inversion un tiempo compartido , no tienen idea de lo complicado que es el tramite y sobre todo a la hora de pagar las cuotas, son extremadamente altas, sumandole que siempre te quieren meter mas cosas para que les compres mas y mas.

  • Dennis SimsJune 6, 2015, 1:27 pm

    Acquire a timeshare could be the worst investment that a person can do on his entire life , timeshare field is a very nasty an risky thing , so if you are thinking to acquire a timeshare you better quit that idea , the best option is to make a deep research about timeshare business and obviously NOT buy a timeshare.

  • Miguel V.January 17, 2015, 12:16 am

    Hi, at first i think that was a good option to acquire one, actually i have a lot of complaints with the resort, they dont want to give me what they promise, i mean , when i wan t to use my timeshare they tell me that is not available , so what i supposed to do ? so many times i tried to cancel but the resort tell me that for make a cancellation i need to pay a certain amouun of the total cost, i soooo high, so really im very frustrated, totally a fraud.

  • MeganSeptember 14, 2014, 11:50 am

    timeshares are the biggest mistake ever!! be careful and stay away from that!

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