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How to CANCEL a TIMESHARE after the Cancellation PERIOD Has EXPIRED

How to CANCEL a TIMESHARE after the Cancellation PERIOD Has EXPIRED
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Buyer’s remorse is one of the worst feelings that we could ever experience, especially when it comes to buy timeshares.

Timeshares are an expensive purchase, and you could lose thousands of dollars in case you get stuck with a fraudulent contract.

The bright side is, however, that there is a possibility to cancel a timeshare properly, even when the cancellation period has already expired.

  Read this article to learn more on How to Cancel a timeshare after the Cancellation Period Has Expired

Reasons to Cancel a Timeshare

There are plenty of reasons to do some internet research on How to cancel a timeshare after the rescission period has expired.

These are the most common reasons to cancel a timeshare:

  • Time shares are very difficult to sell. The resale market is poor, and they lose most of their value
  •  Timeshare salespeople use fraudulent tactics to sell the units. Most people buy timeshares not because they wanted to, but because they were pressured into it.
  • It is very difficult to arrange a timeshare exchange, plus you will have to pay additional fees to do so


 How to Cancel a Timeshare After the Cancellation Period Has Expired

When you purchase a timeshare in Mexico, you have 5 business days to cancel the contract.

Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this, and they get stuck with a purchase they do not want.

Cancelling a timeshare after the cancellation period has expired can be a difficult task, but not impossible.

Timeshare cancellation is a process that requires a lot of negotiation with the resort. The best thing you can do is contact a lawyer if the rescission period has expired.

If you hire a lawyer, he can evaluate your contract to look for errors and loopholes.

If the resort misrepresented the terms of your agreement, you might have a right to cancel on the grounds of fraud.

MTS – Your best choice!

Most timeshare cancellation companies will ask you for an upfront fee; this is a red flag.

Even if they offer a money-back guarantee, avoid paying them anything unless they deliver their promised results. 

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is one of the few companies that works on a contingency basis.

You only pay for our services once your contract has been cancelled and any financial obligations with the timeshare developer are dismissed.

Contact  Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation of your timeshare situation and learn how we can help you get out from under the burden of owning a timeshare.

To receive more information on how to cancel a timeshare with Royal Holiday Club, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Timeshare cancellation companies. Another scam?

Timeshare Attorneys, When is time to use their services?

Timeshare Lawyer...When do I need them?

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  • juan de andaDecember 17, 2021, 3:59 pm

    quiero cancelar el contrato y saber si puedo recuperar algo de lo que pague ya que fueron mas de 5 mil dolares

  • Gabo C.February 21, 2019, 8:19 pm

    MALA IDEA en haber adquirido una membresia, en nuestro caso con pueblo bonito, nos dejamos deslumbrar en la presentacion por todas las amenidades del resort, pero ya estando dentro del juego no es para nada como lo mencionan, estamos muy arrepentidos.

  • Antonio July 6, 2017, 2:51 pm

    Buenas. Actualmente llevo 4 años con el contrato sin poder cancelarlo y la cuenta sube cada año no sé cómo puedo cancelar este tiempo compartido solo quiero cancelarlo en totalidad me gustaría me brindarán una ayuda por favor

  • JamieJuly 14, 2016, 8:45 pm

    I wish I saw this before going to the presentation. I purchased yesterday with a 1000 usd down payment and have follow up breakfast with the agent Saturday morning. Ive been feeling uneasy about it and since its within the 5 days I think I will try to get our money back.

  • ClaudiaNovember 30, 2015, 10:41 am

    Hola actualmente quiero cancelar mi tiempo compartido , y en efecto ya se acabo el tiempo limite para cancelar , necesito ayuda urgente porque no puedo seguir pagandolo , espero ustedes me puedan ayudar en mi situacion , me estoy volviendo loca , gracias.

  • irmaFebruary 5, 2015, 12:36 am

    I dont know why people still believe in this, all this timeshare stuff is a total fraud, trust me dont believe on any sales person when you go to a resort, they wanna take you to a timeshare presentation and in there sell you something, avoid it and dont accept pls

  • Amy BrewerDecember 20, 2014, 8:03 pm

    the best you guys can do, is to hire a lawyer, i did it and no everything is going well :)

  • Rob FlinDecember 12, 2014, 6:53 pm

    i never knew about the 5 days, and i just sign the contract thinking that later i could be able to cancel.. please help me

  • Kathy WallaceDecember 11, 2014, 10:48 pm

    the better way to do it, is to hire a lawyer or someone who really knows about how to do the job

  • CristobalDecember 8, 2014, 5:15 pm

    son unos malditos, que no te digan que tienes derecho a ese tiempo es muy bajo de su parte!!!

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