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How to Deal With Timeshare Collection Agencies

How to Deal With Timeshare Collection Agencies
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Many timeshare owners could think about stopping paying their timeshares, especially those who are tired of paying expensive fees.

This decision could be a huge mistake, because the resort can affect your credit score by sending you to a collection agency.

Read this article to learn how to deal with timeshare collection agencies.

Sick of paying timeshare fees every year, most timeshare owners decide to stop paying their timeshare ownership.

But there are several consequences when an owner decides to stop making payments; one of them is that the resort will sell your debt to a collection agency.

Also read: What happens if I stop paying my timeshare?

What is a Collection Agency?

A collection agency is a company that pursues payment of debts owed by individuals or businesses.

Agencies operate as agents of creditors and collect debts for a commission.

If you stopped making payments, it is probably that pretty soon you will be contacted by a collection agency, such as Concord Servicing Corporation, Resort Recovery Solutions, Monterrey Financial Services or Textron Financial Corporation.

How Agencies Operate

These collection agencies will go on your credit reports, and they will probably sue you.

Besides, they may report you to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), making your future financial investments very difficult.

When a collection agency gets your debt, it is very likely that it will include expenses like interest and fees, making your debt bigger, and ultimately reporting you as past due.

Normally, it takes about a month to appear on your report, but it takes around 7 years to clean it off.

First and foremost, the collection agency will try to contact you in every way possible in order to collect your debt.

Agencies can be very aggressive in their tactics; when this happens, they only get paid if they are able to collect.

Also read: Timeshare Debt Collections? Can The Resort Affect My Credit Score?

What Are my Rights?

Being in a collection agency can be terrible, but the good news is that even you owe money, you still have rights.

There is a law that debt collector have to follow, this is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Debt collectors may not discuss your debt with anyone other than you, your spouse or your attorney.

They can only call you between 8:00 am and 9:00 p.m.

They can’t call you at work if you advise them that you are not allowed to receive calls there.

And most importantly, they are prohibited from using deceptive or abusive practices.


How to Deal With Timeshare Collection Agencies

You must follow these tips 

1.Educate yourself about your rights: As mentioned before, even if you are in collections, you have rights. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has publications to educate consumers under the FDCPA.

2. Get a lawyer: If you get a notification of a lawsuit, it is important to hire an attorney to help you get out of this situation.

The only effective way to avoid being sent to collections or get free of a collection agency is by canceling your timeshare contract.

Once you cancel your timeshare contract, it only takes around 90 days to get your credit score clean.

If you are a victim of timeshare fraud, or have been sent to a collection agency, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions.

MTS is a company with professionals specializing in canceling timeshare contracts and over 18 years of experience.

We can set you free of your financial obligations.

This is the benefit of working with an experienced and reliable firm.

Don’t hesitate; contact us today and avoid the stress of being sent to collections.

To receive more information about how to deal with timeshare collection agencies and how to cancel a timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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  • Louis RoysDecember 12, 2014, 6:48 pm

    i agree, the best thing to do is to learn about timeshares and don't let it happens to us, and if so, then get a lawyer!!!!

  • Lisa KennedyDecember 11, 2014, 10:48 pm

    i agree, they are just soooooo annoying, i've been about to cut my phone lines

  • FelipeDecember 8, 2014, 5:12 pm

    son demasiado molestos, ya me tienen harto con tantas llamadas, yo no pienso pagarles un peso mas

  • CarolDecember 8, 2014, 4:56 pm

    IM TIRED OF THEM!!! i just want them to stop!!! please help me

  • Eva KirkDecember 6, 2014, 8:23 pm

    they are soooooooooo annoying, i just want them to stop, thanks for this article

  • EstefaniaDecember 1, 2014, 5:48 pm

    Me sirvio muchisimo, la verdad nisiquiera me habia pasado por la cabeza el que aunque estuviese en buro de credito aun tuviera opciones

  • PatriceDecember 1, 2014, 4:43 pm

    i think the best option is to get a lawyer and let him do his job!!

  • Daniel PetersonNovember 26, 2014, 11:07 pm

    they are really rude, i dont want to hear them again, i'm tired of that

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