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Buy a TIMESHARE, What FEES are Involved ?

Buy a TIMESHARE, What FEES are Involved ?
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If you are thinking of buying a timeshare, you should do your research before signing anything.

You have to keep in mind all the terms and conditions established in the contract, and you must know what fees are involved in buying a timeshare.

Even though most people hate them, timeshares still remain one of the top sellers in the travel industry.

But some people don’t know what they are buying.

Timeshares have been presented as the cheapest way to travel.

Timeshare salespeople have convinced people that buying a timeshare is the best way to save money when planning a vacation.

But there are a lot of hidden timeshare costs, and obviously, the salesperson will not tell you about these costs.

The Cost of Owning a Timeshare

Timeshare prices can vary tremendously; they are based on some variables like the size of the resort, the age of the resort, the resort brand, the location, the current market demand, the amenities, etc.

But the truth is that the cost of a timeshare does not end with the purchase price.

There are other timeshare fees to take into consideration.

Before making a purchase, it is important to take into consideration all the financial obligations you will have, and what fees are involved in buying a timeshare.

What Fees Are Involved in Buying a Timeshare?

Before making a timeshare purchase, you need to think objectively, and know what fees are involved in buying a timeshare.

Maintenance fees: Timeshare maintenance fees are annual payments established and collected by the resort.

They cover utilities, on-site management, housekeeping services, remodeling, refurbishing, insurance, landscaping, pest control, taxes, etc.

Timeshare maintenance fees do not stay fixed, they increase every year. This is almost the biggest reason why timeshare owners want to get rid of their timeshares.

Special assessment fees: These are not the same as maintenance fees. A special assessment fee is unexpected.

Special assessment fees are imposed to cover damages to the resort or renovations.

Besides, they cover the increasing number of timeshare owners who are canceling their timeshare contracts.

Fewer owners, higher fees. The worst of all is that resorts can charge you an assessment fee for any amount.

Transfer fees: They are charged when you decide to transfer your timeshare to someone else.

Timeshare transfer might be a good option to get rid of your timeshare.

But a timeshare transfer is a long process with so many people involved; in addition, you have to pay the transfer fees throughout all the process.

Trading and exchange fees: A timeshare exchange costs money and time, and it is not easy to accomplish

Timeshare fees are involved, and if you use a timeshare exchange company like RCI or II, you will be charged a membership fee too.

Membership fees: These fees are charged by the resort when they ask owners for a membership fee to have extra benefits.


Think Twice Before Buying a Timeshare

It is important to see timeshares as a purchase, never as an investment.

If they were an investment, why are so many timeshare owners looking to get rid of their timeshares ownerships? Simple, they cannot afford the payments.

Even if you are not able to use the timeshare, you still have the obligation to pay the timeshare fees.

It does not make sense to own a timeshare if you cannot afford to get to it.

If you are stuck with a timeshare you cannot afford, and feel disappointed by the resort's hidden costs, contact us.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we help you relieve yourself from your timeshare.

If your timeshare fees rise to a point you are not able to afford anymore, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation. We can help you get out of your financial obligations.

To receive more information about timeshares and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Leave your comment below and share your opinion with us.To know more about what fees are involved in buy a timeshare go to:

Buy Timeshares – What’s the big risk about it?

How to buy a timeshare?

Timeshare prices, are they affordable?

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  • Beatriz RamirezJune 7, 2018, 11:45 pm

    Que tal ya vamos para casi 3 años con la membresia en pueblo bonito y solo podemos decir que estamos sumamente descepcionados, no sabemos que hacer, no responden nuestras llamadas ni nada, necesitamos urgentemente cancelar la membresia, estamos muy desesperados ya que en ningun lado nos han brindado ayuda de como lograrlo!

  • CarolMarzo 14, 2016, 10:28 am

    exist many fees involved , but the most expensive are the maintenance fees.. those fees increase each month or so , timeshare is not a good investment for that reason , you pay a lot for nothing , good luck .

  • Ramon lopezJanuary 21, 2016, 5:40 pm

    En mi experiencia puedo decir que siempre terminaba pagando mas de lo que estaba estipulado , era una serie de cosas que siempre terminaba pagando mas, y lo de la cuota de mantenimiento no es excepcion , buscan cualquier detalle para cobrarte extra , en unos caso no era tanto lo que pagaba pero en otros terminaba pagando muchisimo dinero y nunca me explicaban bien porque , en fin lo mejor que pude hacer fue cancelarlo ya que no podia seguir manteniendolo y sobre todo por esas "cuotas fantasmas" obligatorias.

  • joispoiDecember 28, 2015, 1:37 pm

    Timeshares are a racket. Some people are happy with them. Although, I think they are few and far between. If you buy a timeshare on ebay, you can safely assume the value of it is no more than what the runner up bidder was willing to bid. Timeshare companies are constantly building new units to sell at full price. This means that your old unit will only depreciate over time.

  • LydiaNovember 16, 2015, 10:28 am

    the worst part of own a timeshare are the maintenance fees, in my case, the resort charged me to pay a lot of services that i dont required , i cant win the battle with my resort, i need help urgently , thanks for share.

  • meliclarckAugust 11, 2015, 3:05 pm

    Got tricked into signing a timeshare contract and the services are not what was represented. Is it a legal contract when they lied about the services we would have?

    What now? How to get out of it???

  • Molly SuarezAugust 10, 2015, 2:29 am

    Hello There, You need to notice that the most expensive fees on a timeshare are the maintenance fees, on my case, a year ago , i felt on a confusion , because when me and my husband bought the weeks they never told us about the cost of the maintenance fees, so then when the bill arrived we wanted to die.

  • Paty G.July 20, 2015, 9:28 am

    involved on a timeshare ? timeshare field is very nasty and expensive, all the promises that the resort said are only lies.If you are a tourist you must now that the first thing that you need to know is how terrible could be to get out , if the only thing that you wanna do is to throw some money to the air, then timeshare is for you.

  • suzeJune 29, 2015, 5:31 pm

    You can vacation WAY cheaper and better on my own than any timeshare I have ever seen. The few people I know who got persuaded and bought on a timeshare property have been forever sorry.

  • CharlesJune 26, 2015, 4:04 pm

    There is nothing wrong with the whole idea of timeshares, the seem to work well for some people, the problem begins when the sales tactics become practically aggresive and high-pressure, therefore, vacationers should be cautious about anything that sounds too good to be true.

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