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7 Steps to Successfully RESCIND a TIMESHARE

7 Steps to Successfully RESCIND a TIMESHARE
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Owning a timeshare is becoming unattractive.

There are thousands of timeshare owners who purchased such property, and they realized they needed to get rid of it because they really don’t need it, or because it is not what they were expecting.

Learn the 7 steps to successfully rescind a timeshare.

Most people who attend a timeshare presentation end up signing a timeshare contract, and this happens because timeshare salesperson ask you to sign right away using hardcore sales tactics, and people don’t even know what they are getting into.

That’s why these people want to rescind their timeshares.

Reasons to Rescind a Timeshare

There are a lot of reasons why timeshare owners want to rescind their timeshare purchase.

  • You purchased the timeshare under hardcore sales practices. Besides, most of the verbal promises timeshare salespeople made are not written in the contract.
  • Timeshare maintenance fees are, most of the times, extremely high, and they increase every year.
  • Timeshare owners realize that own a timeshare is not a financial investment.
  • The timeshare contract does not state clearly how to terminate the ownership of the timeshare.
  • People have to make reservations a year earlier to be able to use the timeshare, and some people are never able to use it.
  • Timeshare owners realize that they can travel for a cheaper rate on their own. 


7 Steps to Successfully Rescind a Timeshare

  • Step 1: Know your contract

You have to read your contract very carefully and check for a clause about a rescission period. A Timeshare salesperson won’t tell you about that clause, but everything you need to know is in your timeshare contract.

  • Step 2: Write a cancellation letter

Once you read your contract within your rescission period, the first thing you have to do is write a letter requesting the cancellation of your timeshare agreement.

You have to include your name, address, contract number and the date of purchase in the cancellation letter.

  • Step 3: Send your Rescinding letter

You must send your rescission letter (via certified mail) within the rescission period stipulated in your timeshare contract.

Sending a certified letter gives you the safety that they will receive it and respond. It is important to keep a copy of your letter.

  • Step 4: Make a call to the Timeshare Company

Once you send your timeshare cancellation letter, follow it up with a phone call to the timeshare company.

It is important not to be aggressive, just state the reasons why you need to cancel your timeshare contract.

  • Step 5: Don’t take advice from timeshare resale companies

Most timeshare resorts work with timeshare resale companies, and they will tell you they can sell your timeshare making unrealistic expectations and trying to get money upfront to sell your timeshare property.

Be careful if a company calls you claiming they have a buyer for your timeshare property. If they ask you for fees in advance, it's probably a scam, that’s the way they operate; they ask you for an upfront payment, and they will discover that the buyer never existed.

  • Step 6: Follow up

If you haven’t heard from the company in a period of 30 days, inquire about it. Make phone calls or email the company, insisting on your situation.

  • Step 7: Contact a lawyer

If you haven’t been able to rescind your timeshare, or haven’t heard back from the timeshare company, it's time to get professional help. A timeshare lawyer can help you get out of the timeshare contract.

Outside the Rescission Period

Send a certified cancellation letter to the timeshare company and stipulate the reasons why you want to get out of the timeshare agreement.

Sometimes timeshare companies agree to cancel your timeshare contract only if you pay a penalty, but in most cases they don’t.

The best thing you can do if your rescission period has expired is to look for a timeshare attorney.

Take Action!

If you are stuck with a timeshare you no longer want or cannot afford, and you have already tried to rescind the timeshare, but you have received no answer from the timeshare company, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions.

We can help you cancel your timeshare, and you won’t have any more strings attached to the timeshare company.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, our goal is to assist timeshare purchasers who have been taken advantage of by rude salespeople and deceptive sales practices.

Contact us today for a free consultation and get ready to finally rescind your timeshare agreement

To receive more information about how to rescind a timeshare, send a WhatsApp message to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Leave your comment below and share your opinion with us.To know more of these 7 steps to successfully rescind a timeshare, visit:

How to rescind a timeshare contract?

Cancel a Timeshare – Tips to get rid of it

What is Rescinding a timeshare?

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  • Mirella Robles PimentelDecember 28, 2021, 9:45 am

    hola somos una familia del estado de Guanajuato en México en el mes de noviembre del 2021 fuimos a Ixtapa para ceder los derechos de nuestra membresía con Royal Holliday a un sobrino ya que nosotros no podemos seguir pagándola y nos obligaron pagar 12,000 dólares mas para poder hacer este traspaso y una vez que pagamos esta cantidad no hicieron el traspaso y se niegan ahora a contestar nuestras llamadas solo nos engañaron para pagar esta cantidad ya se las pagamos y sigue la membresía a nuestro nombre mi sobrino quien pago los 12 mil dólares no le dieron ningún derecho y ahora seguimos pagando mas de cuota de manteamiento (2280 dólares) mas 12 mil dólares que le cobraron a mi sobrino son unos estafadores, cabe destacar que soy una señora inmunodeprimida y mi salud a empeorado por esta situación no encontramos la salida si alguien sabe como ayudarnos por favor.

  • Luz Estella Tapasco August 10, 2021, 5:27 am

    Buenas tardes hace un mes adquirí junto con mi hija un tiempo compartido, jamás había escuchado sobre eso y la vendedora nos engañó haciéndonos creer que estábamos comprando una propiedad, la cual podíamos utilizar y rentar cuando la necesitáramos y así con las rentas íbamos a obtener los pagos de las mensualidades, inclusive nos enseñó la villa de la cual íbamos a ser dueñas pero ya en casa leyendo el contrato nos dimos cuenta que no hemos comprado nada solo hemos obtenido una semana por año por un costo mensual de $434, esto fue en Orlando Florida y prácticamente firmamos el contrato bajo presión por la vendedora según ella se agotaba el tiempo. Y ahora quiero cancelar eso porque veo que es regalar el dinero a cambio de nada

  • luisa pastrana maderoAugust 4, 2021, 10:12 am

    tengo una membresía pagada en su totalidad y quiero cancelar ese contrato no quiero devolución de nada solo cancelar ya no quiero seguir pagando cuotas de mantenimiento. y cuanto me cobra por sus servicios

  • Sergio g Betancourt cJanuary 13, 2021, 9:48 pm

    Deseo cancelarme membresia de royal holidy

  • Antonio Martínez December 9, 2019, 5:01 pm

    Cancelar un contrato de tiempo compartido

  • leonor isabel ibarraAugust 13, 2019, 4:24 pm

    buenas tardes he adquirido en junio un tiempo compartido en en club vacacional de Rivera Maya Mx .
    debido a los problemas economicos que estamos padeciendo no lo puedo pagar,
    segundo lo escrito en el contrato no coiciden con lo que nos han ofrcido vervalmente. fueron horas de entrvista con desayuno paseo y uno que da ya mareado . tambien la ocacion de estar de vacaciones se tiene otra dispocicion pero luego de meditar y releer el contrato nos encontramos con sorpesas.
    repito lo urgente es la falta de dinero para pagarlo, no quisiera inconveniente ni deudas . quedo a la espera de una orientacion de como poder solucionarlo desde ya muchas gracias saludo atte Leonor Ibarra

  • Elsa Holmes July 29, 2019, 4:38 pm

    Hace 1 mes tomamos un trimeshare con mi esposo pero ya no lo queremos porque no dimos cuenta q no es conveniente queremos ayuda para cortar este contrato x favor

  • Armando Gonzalez Garcia January 4, 2019, 4:28 pm

    Firme el contrato de tiempo compartido con la empresa royal holiday, pero al hacer una exhaustiva revisión de la reputación de la empresa me percató que no es funcional, aun no termino de pagar el enganche.

  • José Guillermo Ricardo Domínguez RodríguezDecember 19, 2018, 2:29 am

    Quiero cancelar el contrato de tiempo compartido qué me ofrecieron, ya que, no tuve tiempo de analizar y después tuve arrepentimiento, el vendedor me dijo que podía cancelar cuándo quisiera y no es verdad.

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