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Many timeshare owners who feel they have been scammed are looking to get rid of their timeshares. Usually, selling a timehsare it is their first choice, but selling a timeshare is not an easy task. 

How does a Timeshare Resale Company Operate?

This kind of company is also known as “Resale Service Providers”.

Commonly, they contact the timeshare owners by phone, and they tell you expressions like, “I see you have a timeshare, do you want to sell it?”

A lot of people are getting these phone calls from resale companies; this is the way they contact people.

They tell you that selling a timeshare is easy because the resale market is hot.

Unfortunately, there are many companies that ask for an upfront payment, and they promise to sell your timeshare with the guarantee of giving your money back when they are able to sell your unit. These companies are scams.

Timeshare Resale Companies to avoid

Top worst timeshare companies:

  1. Timeshares Only

This company is known as the world’s largest timeshares resale marketplace. Timeshares-only offices are located in Orlando, Florida.

They assure me that there is a hot timeshare resale market.

Your timeshare can stay listed for years, not only unsold, but also at a lower price.

However, if you ask them to get a refund or even a partial refund, they deny your request.

  1. Grand Weeks VIP

Grand Weeks VIP is a vacation package. This fraud is more frequent in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

This timeshare resale company says you have to buy a membership with a cost and some additional fees.

They promise to refund your initial payment.

Then, another company asks for another fee and an escrow company too.

Besides, they ask for attorney’s fees.

Once you pay, you won’t hear from them again, and your money will be lost.

  1. Global Golf Connections

Global Golf Connections is a rental and resale timeshare company that is one of the most fraudulent.

Those owners of timeshares at Mayan Palace are the scammers.

They offer to rent and sell their weeks, especially to golfers that stay at the resort, but this is a lie.

They don’t have golfers or anyone else waiting to buy or rent timeshares.

They state that they won’t charge any fees, which is a lie.

They will obviously charge you an upfront fee for the right to list your timeshare property.

Like these, there are many more timeshare resale companies, most of them are scams.

People need to be aware of the signs of a timeshare resale scam company:

1.Unsolicited phone calls

2.Fees in advance

3.No real estate license

4.It sounds too good to be true.

5.High closing costs

Brokerage Services, LLC

This timeshare resale company claims to have a client for your timeshare, but once they have your money, they stop answering your phone calls, and they will never give you your money.

They are located at 666 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 113, NEW YORK, NY and their brokers are BROKER FRANK CALISE and MARCO PELEGRINI

Trusted Title & Escrow LLC

Their official titles are OLGA KELLER STUART and ROBERTO MEDINA.

This enterprise is registered at the state department, and it is associated with BROKERAGE SERVICES LLC to defraud people, claiming that they have clients to rent or resell your timeshare, then disappearing, with all your money.


Tips to Avoid Being Scammed by a Timeshare Resale Company

1. Never pay anything upfront: Beware of unsolicited phone calls claiming they have a buyer for your timeshares, and they will do the process just paying them an upfront fee.

2.Get everything in writing: Get all the information about their offer in writing and make sure that all the promises are stipulated in the contract.

3.Do some research: If you think about listing your timeshare with a timeshare resale company, do your research first on the internet to see if there are people who are satisfied with the services.

4.Check for a real estate license: Ask if they have license to sell real estate and check this information with the state’s Real Estate Commission.

6.Pay only if your timeshare is sold: Never pay fees in advance, pay only after your timeshare unit is sold.

If you still think about listing your timeshare for sale with one of the Timeshare Resale Companies, I recommend you think twice before you do it.

Timeshares do not have any value on the timeshare resale market, and the prices are so low, because the supply exceeds the demand.

There is no “hot” market for timeshares, as timeshare resale companies expose.

Selling a timeshare is just a waste of money and time.

It is important to mention that the best way to get rid of an unwanted timeshare is not by selling it, but by canceling the timeshare contract.

Timeshare cancellation should not cost an upfront fee, and once it is properly made, you will have the financial freedom you need.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation on how we can help you cancel your timeshare contract with no fees in advance.

To receive more information about timeshare resale companies and how to cancel your timeshare, send us a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Do you know of any other timeshare resale companies that you would NOT recommend? Please share them in our comment section to help more people and prevent them from being scammed.

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To know more about the Timeshare to avoid, visit:

Timeshare scams increase in bad economy

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  • Douglas J CallsenSeptember 18, 2020, 1:47 pm

    I have been approached by a resale company by the name of West Realty in Albuquerque New Mexico and they are offering to buy my timeshare at the Grand Luxxe in Neavo Vallarta. They are asking me to pay upfront for an IVA permit to do business in Mexico. I have been unable to confirm the that the realtor exist as I can not gain access to the New Mexico Real Estate Commision. Their website page does not work. The realtor has given me a liciense number for the company and his licsense number but I cant confirm it.

  • Marcelo HerreraAugust 14, 2020, 7:47 am

    Soy propietario de 4semanas el el complejo Cypress Harbour Orlando deseo vender comunicar todo el tiempo en línea gracias

  • clyde a reedAugust 7, 2020, 3:11 pm

    My wife and I were contacted by phone by Gratefill Properties who sought to sell our Mexican (Vindanta) timeshare.. They offered us an attractive price. In the process of negotiation, they had us wire transfer $2000 to Mexico supposedly to help pay for a permit to let us do business in Mexico. They then cut off all contact. We never saw the $2000 again. Gratefill Properties are definitely scammers.

  • Carlos santiago punturieroDecember 20, 2018, 5:15 pm

    Quier vender mi tiempo compartido es de vistana orlando ..ace 7 años k lo tego .

  • Gloria riveraDecember 19, 2017, 1:46 pm

    Cómo hacer para desasernos de estos tiempos compartidos que leyes nos protegen
    A di de acudir

  • rodolfo madrid gutierrezAugust 28, 2017, 12:55 pm

    el 09 de julio en maztlan sinaloa mexico fuimos atendidos por el sr. Tony Esposito Quintero representante de marina maztlanlo, el objetivo principal era que me compraran mi paquete de tiempo compartido cid morelos y el sr. Esposito dijo que si era posible pero nos vendio una membresia de KARMA REWARDS para lo cual nos pidio una cantidad de $100,000 pesos para agilizar la compra de mi tiempo compartid de CID MORELOS, la membresia de karma Rewards tiene un costo total de $180,000 y en el contrato que el sr, Esposito nos elaboro y en uno de los acuerdos dice que el balance pendiente o sea los $80,000 se pagararian una vez que se me hubiera comprado mi tiempo compartido CID MORELOS y se marcaba un limite de 30 dias y hasta ahotita no se ha dado.
    es importante mencionar que el sr. Esposito fue el intermediario entre KARMA REWARDS Y ESCROMD DIAMOND.
    Mi principal preocupacion es recupera los $100,000 que pague con engaños,ojala ustedes me puedan orientar
    gracias y buenas tardes.



  • Juan MOLLERDecember 18, 2015, 5:54 am

    Adquirí un tiempo compartido en el año 2014, para utilizar una semana los años impares, habiendo sido pago al contado y no es oo que me exhibieron. Quisiera deshacerme del mismo.-

  • beanb41July 29, 2015, 10:44 am

    Its a good scam. With people desperate to sell timeshare I wonder how many send the money to these guys never to be heard of again. Scams such as this only exist because people trust in these companies easily.

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