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At the moment of the timeshare presentation, the timeshare salespeople will tell you anything you need to hear to make you sign the timeshare agreement.

This is the case with Pueblo Bonito, one of the most fraudulent resorts in the timeshare industry, as we have already seen in:

Pueblo Bonito Timeshare Complaints

Timeshare Scams: 8 Common Lies Told At The Sales Presentation                           

Timeshare Complaints: The Top Five

 This timeshare developer works under the names Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco and Samba. Its legal name is Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V., Terra Pacifica S.A. de C.V.

Pueblo Bonito has resort sales locations in Cabo and Mazatlan; besides, they work with resort collections through Concord Servicing Corporation in Phoenix, AZ. Also, they work with Suite Getaway and Elite Retreat, which are rental companies.

10 Pueblo Bonito Timeshare Common Lies

  1. If you already own a timeshare, they promise to sell your old timeshare to pay for the new one. At the end, they never sell your timeshare, and you end up with two timeshare memberships.

  2. Pueblo Bonito promises bonus weeks and a rental program.

  3. They tell you that purchasing a Pueblo Bonito is an investment opportunity. NOTE: A timeshare is never a good Investment.

  4. Timeshare salespeople tell you that Pueblo Bonito timeshare is the best in Mexico, and you can use your weeks anywhere in the world for ridiculously low prices.

    This is another lie; you are not even able to book the hotel.

  5. They say you can sell your timeshare weeks to make money. But if you take a look on eBay, there are timeshares for pennies.

  6. The timeshare salesperson tells you that the maintenance fees are fixed, and they will not increase for the life of the contract.

    But timeshare maintenance fees greatly increase every year.

  7. They tell you that you will have no problem renting the timeshare because there is a waiting list. That waiting list does not exist.

  8. They tell you that if you buy a timeshare, you can make timeshare exchanges with no fees.
    When you try to do it, they tell you that you need to upgrade your timeshare to get the benefits.

  9. Pueblo Bonito timeshare salespeople say it is impossible to terminate the timeshare contract after you sign the documents.
    They never mention that, by Mexico Law, you have 5 days to cancel it.

10. The timeshare salespeople offer false promises of discounts on airfares, cruises, car rentals, etc. This never happens.

If you were told these lies at the timeshare presentation at Pueblo Bonito, it is very likely that you are a timeshare scam victim.


What do I do if I end up being a Pueblo Bonito Timeshare Scam Victim?

If you are stuck with a Pueblo Bonito timeshare, and you realize that all the verbal promises that the salespeople make in the timeshare presentation are lies, you are looking to get out of this nightmare.

The good news is that there is a way out.

By law, you have 5 business days to cancel your timeshare contract with no penalty; just follow these steps:

-Read your timeshare contract very carefully and look for the clause about the timeshare cancellation.

-Write and send a timeshare cancellation letter via certified mail to Pueblo Bonito, and keep evidence.

-If you do not get a response, maybe you will have to hire a timeshare attorney.

Also read: 7 steps to successfully rescind a timeshare

On the other hand, canceling a timeshare contract when your rescission period has expired is not an easy task, but it is not impossible.

The best thing you can do is contact a timeshare lawyer to help you out of your situation.

There are some timeshare cancellation companies that take advantage of people who have been scammed once. If they ask you for an upfront payment, then it's a scam.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is your best choice.

We do not ask for fees in advance, this is our guarantee. You only pay for our services once your contract is properly canceled.

Contact us for full advice and a free consultation on your timeshare matter. It's time to get away from your timeshare.

To receive more information about Pueblo Bonito timeshare common lies and how to cancel a timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Information to share

If you liked this article, please help us to share this information to more people in order to avoid more timeshare scams victims, how?

Leave you comment below and share your opinion with us. If you want to know more about how to cancel timeshare memberships in Mexico, visit:

How do I know if I was a timeshare scam victim?

How long do I have to rescind my timeshare? – Mexican Law

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  • Victor HillFebruary 20, 2015, 4:15 pm

    right after i've purchased my timeshare, i spoke with two friends who told me that they were scammed and explained me everything.. so i sent the cancellation letter, and i had no reply, i tried to contact the resort, and they ignored me, i need to cancel my timeshare as soon as possible, i dont want to loose my money

  • EthanFebruary 16, 2015, 9:58 pm

    Just sick to think that they get you right at the airport wanting you to come the very next day because they know if they can get you to sign that day that you will more than likely not read the pile of documents before your vacation is over.

  • JohanneFebruary 7, 2015, 6:15 pm

    I went to the presentations and they explained everything like it was the best investment in my life, i was going to get some good money by renting my weeks if i acquire the timeshare. So, i did it!! But now i see i was so stupid, i've never rented my weeks, and i still have to pay for something that i don't even use.

  • MarianaFebruary 7, 2015, 5:38 pm

    Yo me hospede en este resort el año pasado y fui abordada por vendedores del mismo resort ofreciendome su tiempo compartido, y me dijeron que si asistia a una presentacion sin compromiso me regalarian muchisimas cosas. Obviamente al finalizar la presentacion yo les dije que aun asi no estaba interesada en adquirir el tiempo compartido, y cuando les dije esto, me trataron como lo peor y no me dieron absolutamente nada. Me hicieron perder mi tiempo solamente!

  • VeronicaFebruary 2, 2015, 11:08 pm

    Some friends told me that they actually have a very bad experience with this resort, searching on the web o get caught by this site that mentioned a lot of timeshare complaints , and many people trying to quit their timeshare, finaly i see the light about of this scam that we as tourists we can get scammed by this class of fraud, its a shame really

  • PamelaFebruary 2, 2015, 6:58 pm

    They don't tell you about the 5 day time to change your mind and when you do, be repared to be treated like a criminal. They are ALL Sharks, doesn't matter which one. DO NOT BELIEVE a word that comes from their egocentric lips. ....stay away from the SHARK TANK !!!!!

  • FlorJanuary 30, 2015, 12:13 am

    Hola,si alguien esta leyendo esto , tuve muy mala experiencia en este resort, mi esposo que es de mazatlan , se lo recomendaron mucho por sus servicios y porque segun esto manejaba la tarifa mas baja a cuanto a tiempos compártidos en mazatlan , la vd al proncipio las personas del luga eran muy amables, despues mi esposo tuvo un problema con el gerente el cual este nos estaba casi casi imponiendo un nuevo costo por nuestro tiempo compartido , osea le estaba subiendo el precio casi al doble, aun tenemos problemas con la cancelacion , la vd muy mal trato

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