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FIXED Week and a FLOATING Week, What is the DIFFERENCE Between Them?

FIXED Week and a FLOATING Week, What is the DIFFERENCE Between Them?
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A timeshare could be a good option for some people, especially for big families who like to travel to the same destination for a number of weeks every year, that’s why timeshares are usually sold as a one-week program.

Timeshare Ownership

Timeshare ownership is the right to use a property for a certain period of time, usually weeks.

This system is pretty simple: you can use your timeshare property for a week every year, but not all timeshare weeks are the same; there are different plans on which timeshare ownership is sold, the most popular being: fixed weeks and floating weeks. As we have already seen in:

Timeshare Properties

Timeshare Weeks

Timeshare Ownership

 What is the Difference Between a Fixed Week and a Floating Week?

If you are interested in buying a timeshare, the first decision you will need to make is whether you want to purchase a fixed week or a floating week.

To help you a little in making your decision, let’s see the difference between a fixed week and a floating week.

Fixed Week

The most basic type of unit is the fixed week. In a fixed week, you have the right to use your timeshare unit during a specific week of the year; this will be the same week in the same unit every year.

The advantage of having a fixed week is that you know exactly when you are going each year.

But if you are not able to go during this week, you will forfeit your timeshare week without compensation.

Floating Week

A floating week is when you purchase a non-specific timeshare week at the resort. In the floating week system, you have the right to use your unit during a specified season, but you need to contact the resort to reserve the week during the float period.

The advantage of owning a floating week is that if you are not able to use it during a stipulated week, you have the flexibility to choose a different date.

But the downside is that the accommodations are usually reserved for those coming first, and sometimes you are not able to make a reservation, or you have to wait until there is availability in the hotel.

As you can see, the type of week that you will own (fixed week or floating week) will depend on the taste of each person.


Is Timeshare Ownership a Good Option?

Although the idea of owning a timeshare might sound good, there are many complaints about it. These are the most common complaints about timeshares:

  1. Timeshares are overpriced.
  2. Timeshare maintenance fees greatly increase every year.
  3. Timeshare presentations are aggressive and long-lasting.
  4. Timeshares do not have any value on the market.
  5. Timeshares are very difficult to sell or rent.

 Timeshare scams in Mexico are increasing every year. People need to be aware of the sales pitch.

If the timeshare salespeople are very aggressive and try to make you sign the contract in any way possible, they are probably trying to scam you.

They will tell you everything you want to hear, but you need to read your timeshare contract very carefully.

And before you buy, make sure that you will be able to use your timeshare weeks, whether they are a fixed week or a floating week.

How do I Get Rid of my Timeshare Weeks?

If you own a fixed week or a floating week, it doesn’t matter, there is a way out.

Timeshare weeks are very difficult to sell or even rent, Which is why the best solution is to cancel the timeshare contract.

The Timeshare cancellation is the most effective way to get rid of your timeshare weeks. When you cancel a timeshare, there are no further strings attached to the resort.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions is the only company that does not charge any upfront fees.

Our associates have several years of experience in the timeshare industry. Contact us for a free consultation and the total relief of your timeshare weeks.

To receive more information about fixed weeks, floating weeks and how to cancel a timeshare, send a WhatsApp message to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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To know more about timeshare weeks, visit:

How to buy a timeshare?

Timeshares, are they a good purchase?

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  • mackenzieJune 26, 2015, 3:57 pm

    I think timeshares are a poor investment. I would never get one. Its very rare to hear anything good about them. All I hear about is timeshare relief scams and hidden fees. Be thankful you didn't fall for that.

  • mackenzieMay 15, 2015, 12:38 pm

    I think timeshares are a poor investment. I would never get one. Its very rare to hear anything good about them. All I hear about is timeshare relief scams and hidden fees. Be thankful you didn't fall for that.

  • Natalie SmithApril 19, 2015, 4:23 am

    I have a floating week and all i can say about is that you never know where that room will be. Also you can not wait until the last moment to make a reservation, they may not have any rooms for the date you want. You have to plan way ahead especially if it is peak season.

  • FernandaApril 13, 2015, 2:34 am

    me parece que este articulo les viene muy bien a todos aquellos que estan pensando en comprar un tiempo compartido o siquiera lo consideran, para que se den cuenta del gran error que van a cometer, a veces ni van a ser capaces de usar sus semanas, no importa cual sea la opcion que elijan, si a veces tienen un problema familiar, o alguna otra cosa que les impide tomar su semana fija, la pierden, ni se diga de la flotante.. considerenlo, yo estoy mas que asqueada de los tiempo compartido, ya tuve muy malas experiencias por lo mismo

  • AntoniaMarzo 30, 2015, 12:50 pm

    siempre es mejor elegir la semana flotante en mi opinion, pero tambien tiene su desventaja, por ejemplo yo, siempre tengo que reservar con mucho tiempo de anticipacion y muchas veces ya estan ocupadas las fechas en las que yo la necesito.. en ambas corren riesgos

  • Esteban de JesusMarzo 30, 2015, 10:12 am

    La vd es algo que aun no me queda claro esto de las semanas flotantes , cuando fui al a presentacion me explicaron , una ves que compre mi tiempo compartido resulto que la explicacion que me dieron no era asi.. en pocas palabras me cambiaron la jugada, nose porque las personas que se dedican a los tiempos compartidos se empeñan en engalar a las personas de estas forma

  • franco Marzo 21, 2015, 1:55 pm

    I am another person rather than fall into the trap of timeshare scammers, I let me in ont this cuz as friends bought one too and told me that everything was going great, unfortunately for us, the things change because what they had promised us in the presentation nothing was true,since to date we still waiting the services that they promised , a big mistake to buy here, we had a big confusion with the floating weeks and the fixed, clear all your doubts first pls

  • DulceMarzo 16, 2015, 11:49 am

    yo soy dueño de una semana fija, como bien dicen la gran desventaja es que he perdido la oportunidad de hacer uso de ella por 2 años consecutivos, y la verdad para estar asi no me sale a cuentas estar gastando en eso, me gustaria ver si hay posibilidad de cancelar mi tiempo compartido, gracias

  • loanaMarzo 16, 2015, 12:23 am

    even if you know about the difference, theres no opportunity to stay safe with those people, the best option is to stay away from timeshare business, buy a timeshare is the worst investment ever, the resorts never accomplish what they promise , so pls think it twice

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