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Villa Group Timeshare, BEWARE!!!

Villa Group Timeshare, BEWARE!!!
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Timeshare resorts usually hire aggressive salespeople to sell their timeshares, and thousands of travelers have fallen for the tricky sales tactics used by numerous timeshare developers in Mexico.

The Villa Group resorts are one of the many fraudulent timeshare developers.

VG offers very luxurious resorts in Mexico located in five destinations, which are:

  • Villa del Arco timeshare Cabo San Lucas
  • Villa del Palmar Cabo timeshare
  • Villa La Estancia Cabo San Lucas
  • Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare
  • Villa del Palmar on the Islands of Loreto
  • Villa del Mar timeshare Puerto Vallarta
  • Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta
  • Villa del Palmar Flamingos
  • Villa La Estancia Riviera Nayarit
  • Villa del Palmar Loreto Timeshare
  • Universal Vacation Club at Villa del Palmar

 All of these resorts of VillaGroup timeshare are beautiful, with luxurious spas, spacious rooms, studios and very awesome suites.

It sounds like a dream vacation until you are invited to a timeshare presentation.

The VG, also known as Universal Vacation Club (UVC), is well known for being a fraudulent timeshare developer, and there are lots of Villa Group timeshare complaints around the web about the Villa Group timeshare scam.

We have talked about this situation in articles such as:

Reviews about Villa del Palmar groupTimeshare

Villa del Palmar Timeshare Complaints


Most Common Villa Group Timeshare Complaints

This is a list of the most common complaints that we have received from purchasers of the Villa Group timeshare:

  1. At the airport, you are offered a free trip as long as you attend a timeshare presentation.
  2. When you arrived at any resort of the VG timeshare, the timeshare salespeople load you up with Champagne and lots of false promises, and before you know it, you buy a timeshare. They force you to sign the timeshare agreement under the influence of alcohol.
  3. If you try to cancel when you realize that you were forced to sign the contract, they just ignore you until your rescission period has expired.
  4. Timeshare salespeople at VG Timeshare don’t tell buyers that they have a 5-day period to cancel their timeshare contract.
  5. They say you can make timeshare exchanges with other timeshare owners, but there are clients who have never been able to do such a thing.
  6. If you already own a timeshare, they promise you to sell your old timeshare, but in the end, you own two timeshares.
  7. Timeshare maintenance fees increase every year.
  8. Customer service at VG Timeshare is totally awful, they never answer the phone.
  9. If you had a problem with your timeshare, they told you could fix it by paying whatever fee. They charge timeshare fees for everything.
  10. They say that having a VG Timeshare, is a lifetime investment, but a timeshare is NEVER a good investment.

These are just a few complaints about this fraudulent developer, there are many more. People need to be aware of this fraudulent practice at Villa Group timeshare.

 How Do I Get out of a Villa Group Timeshare?

If you enter into a VG timeshare don’t feel hopeless, you can get rid of your timeshare contract if you act quickly.

There are many alternatives to doing it: timeshare rentals, timeshare resale, timeshare transfer, or timeshare donation.

But the most effective way to be relieved of your obligations is to cabcel your Villa group timeshare. If you properly cancel a timeshare, you won’t have any strings attached to the timeshare developer.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions: Your Best Choice!

The cancellation of a timeshare contract is a process that requires lots of negotiations with the timeshare developer, in this case, VG Timeshare, and this needs to be done with the help of experts in timeshare issues.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, our associates have several years of experience in the timeshare industry and are successfully able to resolve Villa del Palmar timeshare scam cases.

The best of all, we do not charge any upfront fees to cancel your timeshare contract, this is our best guarantee. Contact us today and get rid of your VG timeshare.

To receive more information about Villa Group timeshare and how to cancel your contract, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the form in the contact section, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Leave you comment below and share your the Villa group timeshare reviews with us. If you want to know more about fraudulent timeshare developers, visit:

Top 10 Complaints about El Cid timeshare

The 10 worst things about Royal Elite timeshare

Complaints about Sunset Group Timeshare

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  • GhDecember 20, 2017, 6:29 pm

    I rearly write reviews; however, I would like to share our experience with these scam artists, representatives of De Villa sales team at Villa Del Palmar in Cancun. It all started from checking prices of Chicen Itza tour at the supermarket across the street from Riu Cancún. The guy, Alexandro, gave his sales pitch and promised a free tour for 90 min of our time, breakfast included. I thought it’s not bad as we can get to see another resort and drive through the city to get a glimpse of local culture. How naive I was. Let me know that we spent 5 hours there; we were getting more and more frustrated as more and more people, apparently higher ranked than the original sales person, tried to sell us different deals. We had to tell the last guy off who claimed to work directly for the owner. At that point we didn’t care for any free tickets but wanted to get our deposit and go back. However, it wasn’t easy. As soon as they write you off they start treating you like piece of shit and asking to wait next door until somebody will take care of you. They were already 10-12 angry people waiting and nobody rushing to help. We had to become verbally abusive at that point to move things faster. We decided to take the free tickets; not sure if we will use them or not. Maybe safer just throw them in garbage.

  • Alexa chavezSeptember 20, 2016, 10:07 am

    Estas personas son unas estafadoras de lo peor ! no les recomiendo siquiera acercarse a este resort, te prometen mil cosas y sobre todo te regalan paseos, comidas etc con tal de que asistas a la presentacion de tiempo compartido , y no te dejan salir de ahi hasta que firmes ! tengan mucho cuidado !

  • Fred December 28, 2015, 11:44 am

    Dont get caught , villa group are a such liars , they dont accomplish what they promise , i lost a lot of money with those resort people , waiting for a refund back than never comes, so for your safety dont get near this resort, and good l uck.

  • davidAugust 31, 2015, 3:19 pm

    I never understood the fascination people had with time shares. One of the biggest legal scams out there in my opinion, and the Villa Group is one of the most scammers.

  • Geri BowmanAugust 10, 2015, 2:53 pm

    We had a bad experience at Cabo. We have owned since the first building went up. We were have upgraded a number of times with no problems. This last presentation was down right fraud. We agreed on a contract but that is not what happened. We can no get anyone to return our calls, emails or mail. DO NOT go to a "members update"--it is a sales presentation filled wiht lies. Don't even go to the first sales pitch.

  • Jaime BeltranAugust 3, 2015, 10:08 am

    hola a todos, de entrada si tienen pensado adquirir un tiempo compartido con este resort o con cualquier otro , porfavor piensenlo 2 veces, y tengan mucho cuidado al ir a las presentaciones de tiempo compartido de estos mismos, en mi caso durante la presentacion me ofrecieron bebidas embriagantes con lo cual cai debo admitirlo y estando ya con unas copas cai y firme el contrato del cual aun ando librandome , saludos.

  • RayJuly 27, 2015, 9:56 am

    We have a timeshare at Villa del Palmar and the maintaince/membership fees is close to 1k. We try and use it for other locations but nothing great comes up and our week it is a time in november. it truly has been a waste of money. We got suckered into it basically.

  • TAJune 26, 2015, 3:41 pm

    Honestly, these timeshare presentations are probably the best learning experience you can get. Really teaches you to have a backbone. I enjoy them getting upset and yelling at me.

    I walked out once after the 90 minute 'required' seminar and when they asked where I was going I told them it was over. I promptly instructed them to get my 'free' travel voucher and they hesitated and began a sales pitch. I plugged my ears and began humming. After a couple times of doing that they went and got it and threw it on the table. I then told them I wasn't a dog and he could hand it to me like a gentleman. He did.

    Another time I painted myself out as being literally insane. I told them about the alien conspiracy and how they were raising the ocean levels and that the timeshare wouldn't be there in so many years. He said something about insurance, and then I said 'regardless, they are coming for us, in the rapture, we will be taken in the glimmer of an eye as saith the book of revelation' I then would ramble about the alien conspiracy. He would try to get it back on track about the timeshare and I would just ignore him and keep rambling. After about 20 min he got up and just left.

    Another time I pretended to be getting 'psychic messages' from the dead. constantly interrupting him to where he couldn't finish a sentence, saying "I feel a R connection, Ramsey? Rachel?" I got it right a few times, and would make up things like "They say you really need to check the air and your tires, and something about your health, be sure to check your health." Needless to say the salesmen usually get tired of me before I get tired of them.

    Been thinking of having a hidden camera and bring it with me and making a documentary out of it.

    In all, its GREAT entertainment. I see these presentations as more or less a 'toy' for my amusement. Not to mention the few I've gone to literally give you like $100 or $200 CASH.

  • EnriqueJune 22, 2015, 10:11 am

    Es una pena que estas personas abusen de la confianza de los turistas y todos aquellos que piensan que invertir en un tiempo compartido es una buena inversion , si estan pensando en adquirir un tiempo compartido, ahorrense esas ganas y evadan a toda costa comprar uno , despues es m uy dificil librarse de ellos, saludos.

  • David BegleyJune 9, 2015, 10:34 am

    I currently own a "fractional interest" in a beachfront condo in Cabo San Lucas that we use 1-2 weeks out of the year. My family and I fell in love with Cabo and I am now considering buying a condo/house in Cabo to be used as an investment/rental property. Several real estate brokers will actually take the "fractional interest" (much like a timeshare, but not as restrictive) as deposit toward one of their properties.

    I'd like to know if any BP investors have any experience in Cabo and can give me some insight. Properties there seem to be very reasonably priced, unless there is some "gotcha" I'm not aware.

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