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Fiesta Americana Timeshare SCAM

Fiesta Americana Timeshare SCAM
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Mexico is the second country with more timeshare developers in the world, for that reason, people need to be aware of timeshare scams in Mexico.

Every day, lots of vacationers all over the world are invited to a “free breakfast” at Fiesta Americana Vacation Club, but this is done only with the intention to sell them a timeshare ownership.

FAVC has resort locations in Acapulco, Aguascalientes, Cancun, Mexico City, Cozumel, Guadalajara, Hermosillo, Monterrey, Merida, Puerto Vallarta, Querétaro and Veracruz.

These resorts have beautiful accommodations and spacious rooms. You can have a very great vacation, but this is only possible if you don’t attend their timeshare presentation because some people don’t know what they are going into. To have a better idea about timeshares, read:

Timeshare Scams: 8 Common Lies Told At the Sales Presentation

Timeshare Presentations: Is The Free breakfast Worth It?

Timeshare Presentations: How to Survive Them

Fiesta Americana Timeshare Scam

Fiesta Americana is one of the most fraudulent companies in the timeshare industry. If you take a look around the web, you can find lots of complaints of this scammer developer.

These are the 10 most common complaints about Fiesta Americana Timeshare

1. They call you to your room and tell you to come down and pick up your welcome gifts, when it really is to get you to go visit a property and sign up for a timeshare.

2.  The timeshare presentation can last until 4 hours. They say it is only 90 minutes, but it is not.

3.  Timeshare maintenance fees are very high, and if you stop making payments, they will send you to collections.

4.  The timeshare salespeople tell you that you can use your Timeshare as an investment.

5.  When you realize that you were scammed by Fiesta Americana timeshare and call the hotel to try to cancel, your efforts are useless. They tell you that the person in charge of the cancellations is not available.

6.  The availability of the resorts that you require is very limited. You are never able to book a vacation with them.

7.  They promise to rent your timeshare weeks as a financial investment and to pay off the membership, but the reality is that clients are referred to a third party agency that charges a listing fee and the rental is never completed.

8.  FAVC claims that you can resell your timeshare, not true.

9.  When you try to cancel by sending the timeshare cancellation letter via certified mail, they say that they never received that letter.

10. They make you sign the timeshare contract under high-pressure sales tactics.


Are you a Victim of Fiesta Americana Timeshare? There is a Way Out!

If you are a victim of timeshare fraud at FAVC, don’t feel hopeless, you still have rights, and you can give away of the timeshare.

The only solution to get your Fiesta Americana Vacation Club cancellation is by cancelling your timeshare contract. If you cancel your timeshare contract, you won’t have any string attached to the resort anymore.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we can help you cancel your timeshare contract. Our associates have several years of experience in the timeshare industry, and they can help you get out of your timeshare situation.

The best of all, we do not charge any upfront fee to cancel your contract. Contact us and get a free consultation on how we can help you.

To receive more information about Fiesta Americana Timeshare Scam and how to cancel a contract, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

Information to share

If you liked this article, please help us to share this information to more people in order to avoid more timeshare scams victims, and to get Fiesta Americana Vacation Club Reviews, how?

To know more about fraudulent companies, visit:

Hacienda Tres Rios timeshare – Buyer Beware!

Vidanta Vacations Timeshare – Complaints and Reviews

Complaints about Sunset Group Timeshare

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  • gerardoJuly 19, 2016, 6:02 pm

    es muy clara la tranza, pero con lo que no se puede ya es que aumentaron en 160 usd la cuota club que dique porque ya pueden hacer reservaciones ilimitdas y si yo no hago tantas reservaciones? el caso es que lo que esta escrito se lo pasaron por el arco

  • Ever July 1, 2016, 11:52 am

    At the beginning could sounds good , but is not the big deal like the salespeople told you , at advice i highly recommend you make a deep research before sign something , dont get caught people .

  • marah daniela May 9, 2016, 5:41 pm

    Fiesta americana nos timo por completo, nos vendieron una membresia premium la cual con ella segun podriamos viajar y con los puntos acumulados nos darian comidas, paseos etc , llevamos 7 años con ella y no nos han dado nada! es increible como no nos dejan usar nuestra membresia porque no hay disponibilidad cuando queremos usarlo , necesitamos ayuda urgentemente , hemos intentado de mil maneras y no logramos cancelar!

  • Alvaro FuentesApril 28, 2016, 4:10 pm

    Fiesta Americana se ha encargado de hacerse enemigo de cientos de personas, mi esposa y yo fuimos estafados por este resort, aun no creemos como es posible que no podamos usar el servicio y nos siguen cobrando muchisimo dinero casi casi como si vivieramos ahi , estamos desesperados y buscamos la forma de libranos de ellos, ya no podemos continuar pagando por algo que usamos.

  • DawnApril 9, 2016, 11:53 am

    I love the Fiesta Americana Vacation club resorts and my husband and I went back 3 years in a row booking all inclusive vacations through the internet so we figured it only made sense. We were verbally assured there would be no problem and because we enjoy their resorts felt we could trust them.

    I'm into year 1, have paid almost $7k! I'm current w/all my payments and after calling every 3 months to try to secure a booking, I can get nothing unless I pay additional money to off-set costs for an all inclusive stay that would've been in the thousands for my family and me? With that amount my husband and I could've went on 2 solo all inclusive stays 5 days (airfare, hotel, and food/drinks+excursions) and taken a family vacation w/the kids. Instead we have taken none because airfare is NOT included and the resorts don't have availability whenever I've called, or I have to pay out additional $150/day per person if I want to book during the time that works.

    Plus I was charged an addl $100 for my annual dues w/out any explanation! I'm hoping and praying MTS will be able to help me get out of paying $400/mo for something I can't even use. PLEASE LISTEN UP BUYERS - BEWARE OF TIMESHARES- ITS BETTER TO JUST SAVE $$ AND BOOK ONLINE THAN TO GET INTO THIS NIGHTMARE!

  • Karen GDecember 11, 2015, 4:59 pm

    Unfortunately I find myself in the same situation. I wish I had read your post before making a huge downpayment.
    I would love to be able to communicate with you directly...

  • RayDecember 4, 2015, 5:05 pm

    In my opinion this is a nice resort, unfortunately they are liars and thieves. You have to stay away from them and their timeshare presentations, don't make the mistake to go just waiting for free stuff!! Be careful! I was scammed too, 2 years ago, and it's been a nightmare for me.

  • Jose Guadarrama NoviaSeptember 4, 2015, 1:48 pm

    Pésimo eestafadores, sólo te embarcan y a la mera hora, termina por ser un plan pesado para pagar por algo que al final nunca disfrutas, estoy arrepentididimo. Pero voy a exigir mi reembolso no pienso dejarme por estos fulanos

  • KnoticalAugust 31, 2015, 2:55 pm

    We have had the dubious pleasure of having a timeshare at Fiesta Americana, which we bought shortly after we got married against my better judgement, and have been paying for it ever since.

    I even tried selling it through some marketing firm, but nothing ever happened except for paying them hundreds of dollars to "market" our timeshare.

    Would really love to get rid of it.

  • EMARDELAugust 18, 2015, 1:13 pm

    We bought at fiesta americana with a "guaranteed" buy back in 2 yrs. Well that never happened. At the end of 2 yrs they said they had not sold enough to generate money for the buy back "at this time". The place is still not completed. Yesterday i got a call from someone who claims they bought fiesta americana and are going to make the buy back good. Catch is they want 10% of what we paid upfront they call it some kind of mexican fee and after we wire the "money --american dollars" to them they will process a cashier check to us. It sounded way to good to be true.???/

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