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RCI:Vacation Exchange Company

RCI:Vacation Exchange Company
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Mexican is the leading country in the timeshare business in Latin America and has the second place worldwide, after the United States, which represents everything from long-term economic savings to the generation of a culture of rest.

From the timeshare business you can find the international timeshare exchange programs carried by timeshare trading companies, which we will inform you about in this article and hopefully, protect you from a bad investment and introduce you to the best timeshare cancellation company if you need to.

Data from the Tourism-oriented Real Estate Consulting and Advisory business unit, states that Mexico is one of the most important countries for the Vacation Property industry because it ranks second in timeshare sales worldwide.

In 2017, tourism generated an economic spill of billions in sales volume. This, without a doubt, supports the economy in Mexico. Although, timeshare scams in Mexico have been growing year after year.

According to a stamen from RCI vacation exchange company, the main advantages of acquiring the timeshare service with them is that it allows you to plan your trip in advance, make the most of the additional benefits and avoid incurring credits or indebtedness.

In addition, it's claimed that it makes this option a very convenient alternative to vacation.

In this sense, RCI Vacation exchange company claims that you will obtain significant savings with discounts on conventional rates, as well as the accommodation capacity of up to six or eight people, and a small kitchen.

Something that is not commonly obtained with hotels and resorts accommodation.

Despite all these promised benefits offered by RCI, we are not sure if the company will comply. As they don't have the best reputation in the industry. 

 This similar to the timeshare resale business happening in Mexico, an article posted on the website of the Canadian embassy in Mexico warns you about these fraudulent methods.

Doing a timeshare exchange companies comparison, RCI shows up as the most popular one.

RCI or Resort Condominiums International is one of the timeshare trading companies dedicated to the timeshare business of exchanging units.

Basically, a one-time trade involving a swap of right-to use to your property with another unit with equal or close to equal value of your own.

They also state you can do an international timeshare exchange with other people in another resort located in any part of the world your resort company is available.

This will allow you to do a timeshare exchange companies comparison in case you are looking for variety. This one is their major attraction for doing business with the RCI company.

How Timeshare Exchange Works

As RCI states, by being a member of a timeshare exchange company, you can access to exclusive areas, discounts or amenities. In addition, it is a house with much less economic implications than a freehold property.

Speaking of security and planning, it's indicated that by having a timeshare, people have their vacations insured year after year, for the period acquired and generate a culture of rest. But these are not the only amenities they offer.

The international timeshare exchange program offered to their clients is what really has made this company grow. After acquiring a timeshare with RCI, they will offer you this program, or you can request it depending on the case.

This company has their own system, so members can use their weeks in every season of the year they choose, supposedly. We are talking about the points system, in which the salespeople from the timeshare exchange company, will charge you for almost everything. 

They will charge you for being a member in the first place. The reservation for a week in the other resort you choose has also a fee.

Also, you will have to pay another fee if you want to make changes in your week reservation.

Not to mention that if you are enrolled in the points system, you will end up spending a lot more money on maintenance fees.

If you are an interval member, points work different, but it's the same. The timeshare week exchange system only works when you keep paying.

That is the basis of the so-called advantages of a timeshare or timeshare week with RCI Vacation exchange company.

If you pay for the weeks with the timeshare exchange company, you will be waiting for too long for availability, or you will have to use the timeshare at a different season (low season).

In the end, it all comes down to availability in the other resorts, which they most likely will deny at the time of doing your reservation.

So where are the benefits of using an exchange company for the timeshare? It is very simple: the benefits are only for the company. Definitely not for your pocket.

You can do your research on timeshare blogs and find a timeshare exchange companies comparison, they all end up as the same fraud.

In these cases, the best you can do is get help from a timeshare cancellation company.

When tourist find it hard to keep up with their timeshare programs fees, they usually look for the best timeshare cancellation company, so they can finally end the contract legally.

I recommend you to think twice before believing in a timeshare industry; it is just a waste of time and money.

Cancel a timeshare has many advantages. For example. You won't pay any fee, you will not have any sting attached to the resort, you can travel wherever you want and whenever you want; and there are just a few advantages.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we can help you get out of your timeshare situation. The most important, we don't charge upfront fees to cancel your timeshare. Contact us for a free consultation.

To receive more information about RCI vacation exchange company and how to cancel your contract, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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