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Unveiling The Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam: Deceptive Tactics, Hidden Realities, and a Way out

Unveiling  The Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam: Deceptive Tactics, Hidden Realities, and a Way out
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Read more on how Mayan resorts timeshares creates "perfect" atmospheres to lure prospects into unnecessary timeshare purchases and become mayan palace timeshare scam victims.

Mayan Palace scams are luxurious timeshare resorts with locations in Acapulco, Mazatlan, Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Peñasco, Puerto Vallarta and Rivera Maya, with spacious accommodations, world-class restaurants, golf, tennis, a high level of services and amenities, programs for children and themed events.

Mayan Palace sales tactics are hardcore, and they will tell you anything you want to hear to get you into the contract and keep you in contract with them.

It is too common for the sales representative to offer you an upgrade if you already own a timeshare with them.

Most of the Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam being committed by the Sales representative is that they don’t let their buyers know they have a 5-day cooling period if they wish to cancel; instead, they repeatedly tell their buyers that once the contract is signed, there is no cancellation period.

The Mayan Palace sales representative also offers a trade-In, letting the buyer believe that Mayan Palace is going to take their other timeshare and sell it for them and deducting the cost of their new timeshare with Mayan Palace, but at the end you end up owning two timeshares and payments due for Mayan Palace turning it into a double Mayan Palace timeshare Scam.

Mayan Palace's Sales Pitch will explain you all the places you can go with your timeshare, and how much you are going to love your vacations with them, and how exclusive and prestigious it's to own a Mayan Palace's timeshare.

What they fail to explain to you is how the timeshare works and what are the real possibilities of traveling to those places.


Mayan Palace’ sales representatives also fail to explain what kind of unit you are in fact purchasing and more often than ever it is now the unit the sales representative shows you in the tour, They also promise to get you discounts in airfares and certificates for cruises which both of them are false.

Dealing with Mayan Palace after the purchase of your timeshare can be a little frustrated.

Especially because customer service won’t get you the answers you expect to get when it comes to how to use your timeshare or trying to book your next vacation, you are lucky if you are able to book anything.

Before a purchase

Before you purchase, you need to think carefully about how you will use it in your life, and if you have the money to spend, take your time and don't make any commitments on your first visit.

Also, don’t forget to do an internet search on the company, and if the company is legit, they will let you come back another day if you wish to make the purchase.

Thousands of people every year fall victim to fraudulent timeshare sales practices while vacationing in Mexico.

The sales teams have carefully crafted and proven techniques to close sales, and are very skilled in ensuring that potential clients become timeshare owners.

Take action

Do not feel ashamed of your purchase, instead, take action to prevent others from financial ruin and to resolve your own situation.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions today for professional advice on how to get rid of your Mexican timeshare contract, so that you can take vacations on your own terms.

To receive more information about Mayan Palace timeshare and how to cancel your membership, send a WhatsApp to +52 1 333 239 6589, fill the contact or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Timeshare Resale Companies Over Promise and under Deliver

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  • Ann E WaananenApril 1, 2022, 9:24 am

    I own Mayan Resorts and I have never used them. It was purchased in 2012(?) and my husband passed away soon after. I just want to make sure my daughter won't have to deal with this property once I'm gone.

    Can you help me?

  • valoMay 22, 2019, 3:32 pm

    Me marcaron hoy, y me enviaron el mismo sistema de fundaciones y demas como para estafa. Lo comento para que tengan conocimiento

  • angelicaveraJanuary 9, 2017, 11:12 am

    Recibí una oferta también de Americans travel para rentar mi membresía con Mayan Palace por 10 semanas, alguien pudiera decirme de los que ya comentaron si tuvieron al final algún buen resultado

  • NattDecember 5, 2016, 12:48 am

    Mayan Palace are Rude people with no ethic ! dont let you enfold you ! timeshare presentations pitch are a scam , even if the salesperson try to buy you with free tickets, free breakfast or free rides to somewhere, DONT ACCEPT IT, its only part of the hook , so beware and stay safe away from Mayan !

  • miguelindyNovember 3, 2016, 7:43 pm

    Lamentablemente hice un contrato de rentar de mi tiempo compartido de Vidanta a una persona en Houston a través de un bróker (Agencia Americans Travel) con una empresa de cierre (Positive Return de Houston). Quedé envuelta en sus rollos e hice la transferencia de pago de las semanas al número que me dieron de una empresa mexicana (Proyección Turisticas de la Costa y Consultoría Vacacional Delfín S.A. que según eran sus representantes en México) después me hablaron para pedirme pago de un tax, me enviaron documentos diciendo que el dinero del cliente está en JP Morgan Chase porque el arrendatario ya los había dispuesto ahí pero para darme el pago acordado me pidieron para otros pagos de ISR, Insurance, etc, por lo que solicité la cancelación del contrato y ahora me dicen que tengo que depositarles para pagar los honorarios del bróker y del fideicomiso además de darle algo a la contraparte en compensación si no no me pueden dar mi parte. Si alguien ha pasado por lo mismo por favor indíqueme qué hizo o como puedo demandar a las empresas en México mencionadas que tienen cuenta en Banorte. Gracias..

  • luis páezSeptember 12, 2016, 7:55 pm

    Me hablaron de una agencia Americans Travel a través de otra compañia positive return ofreciéndome rentar mayan por 10 semanas. Es esto legal? saben algo de ello? Vi un comentario de Raul Casillas, me gustaría platicar con el

  • Francisco Huerta April 21, 2016, 5:05 pm

    Mayan se hace rico abusando de la ignorancia de las personas, proponiendo contratos que son dificil de negar , pero la verdad es que todo lo que ofrecen es solo menrira , a la hora de la hora ya que pagaste y firmaste no les importa lo demas, y niegan todo lo que te dijeron antes, asi llevo ya casi 3 años y he contactado con otras personas que les paso lo mismo , hasta cuando mayan dejara de ser tan engañosos ?

  • RAUL CASILLASFebruary 12, 2016, 3:50 pm

    A mi una empresa llamada Positive Return me ofrece rentar 10 semanas a 2200 Dolares, me envían un contrato y me dicen que lo firme y se los escanie solo como para aceptar la propuesta, poco después me llama una abogada diciendo que necesito pagar las 10 semanas de mantenimiento por adelantado, sino entablaran una demanda para recuperar 3500 dolores de su "cliente"...no creo que sea legal que con una simple copia me puedan demandar..o si???

  • Ernesto SerellanoDecember 14, 2015, 10:44 am

    mi experiencia fue de lo peor con estas personas, hasta hace unos meses puedo decir que me libre de mi membresia con este resort, cabe mencionar que no fue nada facil y que perdi mucho dinero en algo que pense que podria ser una buena oportunidad , totalmente no lo fue.

  • Unsuspecting TravelerSeptember 29, 2015, 9:03 pm

    I was stopped in the airport by Jose who claimed I was visiting Vidante to give my opinion of the new resort. In return, I purchased discounted excursions and was promised breakfast. I had never been to a timeshare presentation so I was completely caught of guard. I was onsite for over 6 hours and was harassed even after I said I wa not interested several times. After about 5 ppl and 15 no's, we almost signed a contract. (Thank god for the lock our credit union put on our card). Our down payment went from 8715 to 400...strange right. When we finally were "freed", we were given 180 pesos for a taxi ride that costs 250 pesos. We had to find our own way to the taxi stand, and beg someone to help find a taxi.
    After reading these, I am so glad we didn't fall for this!

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