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Unveiling The Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam: Deceptive Tactics, Hidden Realities, and a Way out

Unveiling  The Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam: Deceptive Tactics, Hidden Realities, and a Way out
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Read more on how Mayan resorts timeshares creates "perfect" atmospheres to lure prospects into unnecessary timeshare purchases and become mayan palace timeshare scam victims.

Mayan Palace scams are luxurious timeshare resorts with locations in Acapulco, Mazatlan, Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Peñasco, Puerto Vallarta and Rivera Maya, with spacious accommodations, world-class restaurants, golf, tennis, a high level of services and amenities, programs for children and themed events.

Mayan Palace sales tactics are hardcore, and they will tell you anything you want to hear to get you into the contract and keep you in contract with them.

It is too common for the sales representative to offer you an upgrade if you already own a timeshare with them.

Most of the Mayan Palace Timeshare Scam being committed by the Sales representative is that they don’t let their buyers know they have a 5-day cooling period if they wish to cancel; instead, they repeatedly tell their buyers that once the contract is signed, there is no cancellation period.

The Mayan Palace sales representative also offers a trade-In, letting the buyer believe that Mayan Palace is going to take their other timeshare and sell it for them and deducting the cost of their new timeshare with Mayan Palace, but at the end you end up owning two timeshares and payments due for Mayan Palace turning it into a double Mayan Palace timeshare Scam.

Mayan Palace's Sales Pitch will explain you all the places you can go with your timeshare, and how much you are going to love your vacations with them, and how exclusive and prestigious it's to own a Mayan Palace's timeshare.

What they fail to explain to you is how the timeshare works and what are the real possibilities of traveling to those places.


Mayan Palace’ sales representatives also fail to explain what kind of unit you are in fact purchasing and more often than ever it is now the unit the sales representative shows you in the tour, They also promise to get you discounts in airfares and certificates for cruises which both of them are false.

Dealing with Mayan Palace after the purchase of your timeshare can be a little frustrated.

Especially because customer service won’t get you the answers you expect to get when it comes to how to use your timeshare or trying to book your next vacation, you are lucky if you are able to book anything.

Before a purchase

Before you purchase, you need to think carefully about how you will use it in your life, and if you have the money to spend, take your time and don't make any commitments on your first visit.

Also, don’t forget to do an internet search on the company, and if the company is legit, they will let you come back another day if you wish to make the purchase.

Thousands of people every year fall victim to fraudulent timeshare sales practices while vacationing in Mexico.

The sales teams have carefully crafted and proven techniques to close sales, and are very skilled in ensuring that potential clients become timeshare owners.

Take action

Do not feel ashamed of your purchase, instead, take action to prevent others from financial ruin and to resolve your own situation.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions today for professional advice on how to get rid of your Mexican timeshare contract, so that you can take vacations on your own terms.

To receive more information about Mayan Palace timeshare and how to cancel your membership, send a WhatsApp to +52 1 333 239 6589, fill the contact or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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Timeshare Resale Companies Over Promise and under Deliver

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  • Mayan Palace SCAMSeptember 15, 2014, 11:22 am

    I just want to begin with saying that my loving wife and I exchanged RCI points for a trip to Mayan Palace Riviera this past April. We get there and find the place is stunning and the service is top notch. First day there we commit to the 1.5 hour sales pitch during what they call “buyers week”. Well, in the end it was 5 hours and a majority of the presentation was focused on how these units are investments and that they give you “flexibility” in an extra week to use as a rental. The rental income was presented at $1700 net income after maintenance fees were taken out. We bought into the idea….it sounded great. Upon returning home I researched renting these units and found that they rent for far less than they stated repeatedly in the presentation. I have obtained training material that Mayan employees use explaining in detail how they leverage this with vacationers, then skim over the disclaimer sentence that is listed in the mounds of documents. This fraud has to stop. I would not have entered into this agreement if they had been truthful about this. They describe the rental agencies as partners verbally and that you get your rental check quickly in 60-90 days, which is not true. They used scratch paper to show you the money you would make renting these units and how fast they would pay for themselves, which was untrue.
    There was no mention of any cancellation period during the presentation, so by the time we arrived home and called to cancel our agreement….we were told it was past the 5 days.
    I have called and talked with a number of people. To date they have been unwilling to cancel and refund our credit card. A complaint has been filed with the Mexican Government, Profeco and FTC.

    If you go to any Mayan Palace resort, PLEASE do not get caught it the misleading sales pitch!!!
    Just enjoy the resort....

  • JarrodSeptember 2, 2014, 12:57 pm

    Everything dealing with the timeshare industry turns out to be a scam. I called my resort and asked if they will take back the timeshare for nothing and they said no. These things are worth nothing. How could I get rid of this timeshare?

  • Desre ReckAugust 18, 2014, 10:30 am

    we are now worried that this company is a scam. Please advise. We went to a presntation, we have signed documents and given our credit card details but have not paid them yet. We where asked to put down a deposit but had a strange feeling

  • Desre ReckAugust 18, 2014, 10:29 am

    we are now worried that this company is a scam. Please advise. We went to a presntation, we have signed documents and given our credit card details but have not paid them yet. We where asked to put down a deposit but had a strange feeling

  • EmmaAugust 5, 2014, 11:33 am


  • CarlJuly 28, 2014, 8:11 am

    The Hotel is great.The staff is great. the food is great and the service is great. The only thing that keeps this place from being "THE BEST" is the false timeshares they sell

  • jorgeJune 30, 2014, 5:41 pm

    La política de estos señores es mentir descaradamente y para eso tienen muy bien entrenados a sus promotores, luego la Empresa pide disculpas pero ni aportan soluciones y muco menos devuelven el dinero. ESTAFADORESSSS

  • WMontgomeryJune 28, 2014, 11:55 am

    The Grand Mayan is a very nice resort; however, stay away from timeshare presentations. Don't go to the presentation to get something in return. Stay away from taxi drivers unless you speak the language. When you arrive to the resort, tell them you should expect your room to be cleaned. If the room is not clean, go to the front desk immediately and tell them to clean it immediately or to give you another room. DO NOT GO IN THE ROOM AND WAIT FOR THEM. Do not go to the timeshare to get free stuff. I follow these instructions everywhere I go when it's a timeshare. Stay away from Party. LET THE RESORT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING AT ALL TIMES. I follow these rules. My vacations turn out just fine each time. Also, stay away from scammers to buy your timeshare. They want to get paid a transfer fee BEFORE THEY SELL YOUR TIMESHARE. It's NOT TRUE. You must pay the transfer fee personally to the Grand Mayan, not the scammers. BE AWARE AND THEN YOU'LL BE PREPARED. One company is called Vector Marketing Solutions: 204 East Capitol, St. Jackson, MS, 39201. STAY AWAY FROM THEM. They want money upfront. It's a scam!!!!!!!!!! ANY COMPANY THAT WANTS MONEY BEFORE THEY SELL YOUR TIMESHARE, IT'S A SCAM.

  • MauricioJune 26, 2014, 7:47 pm

    La verdad que porquería más malos como hacen para tener en el aeropuerto este montaje me llevaron con la idea de 90 minutos y entregarme los toures y me trataron muy mal un tal asesor Tony son unos hijos de putas mal paridos ladrones perros hacen que tan hermoso país se vuelva lo peor hijos de mala madre y padres desconocidos concubinas del pato y abortos de culebras negras pintads de amarillo

  • ricbeeJune 11, 2014, 12:38 pm

    Timeshares may not be a complete scam,but they are near worthless. I listened to a few pitches in the distant past,but alas,why waste my time & theirs

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