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Cancel a Timeshare Contract in Mexico: Unveiling the 5-day Cancellation Window

Cancel a  Timeshare Contract in Mexico: Unveiling the 5-day Cancellation Window
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Cancel my timeshare Within 5 days

Do I always have 5 days to cancel my timeshare contract? The answer is YES. Read to learn what tricks are used by timeshare sales reps to avoid getting clients to cancel their purchases.

According to Mexican Consumer Protection Laws, consumers have a right to Cancel a timeshare contract within 5 business days. Article 56 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law states:

"The contract will be perfected within five working days from the delivery of, or the signature of, the contract, whichever occurs later.

During this period, the consumer will have the right to revoke his consent without any responsibility. 

The revocation will have to be by means of warning or delivery of notice, in person, by registered mail, or another method of average reliability. 

The revocation, according to this article, will terminate the contract.

 In this case, the costs of shipping and insurance will be the responsibility of the consumer.

 If the contract is for services, this article will not be applicable if the date of receipt of the service is less than ten working days from the date of the order of purchase."


A common practice used in the salesrooms is for the salesperson to offer a special deal, such as an extra week of time, a coupon for discounted airfare, or some other enticing proposal, if the client agrees to sign a waiver that negates their right to rescind the contract within the 5-day cancellation period.

The Waiver

In other cases, the waiver states that the client gives up their right to a refund of the down payment if they choose to cancel within the 5-day period because they are accepting the special offer.

In a flurry of paperwork, the client agrees and signs the waiver, which is presented as a separate form from the complete contract.

When the client receives their contract package from the resort, this waiver is absent from their package.

Upon doing research about their purchase, some clients choose to cancel their timeshare contract commitment within the 5 working days as outlined in writing in their contract.

When they go back to the sales office, the sales manager may tell them that they no longer have the right to cancel, as they signed a paper waiving this right.

The salesperson will show them the paper, but refuse to give the client a copy.

The reason why the client never receives a copy is because this sales practice is fraudulent and illegal.


According to Article 1 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law in Mexico, the right to cancel a timeshare legally within 5 working days cannot be waived.

If the client has already returned home when they decide to cancel, they often face the same scam.

The resort responds by saying that they have the signed waiver in hand and cancellation or cancellation with a refund is not possible.

When the client asks for a copy, the resort says that they will send it, but it never arrives.

Many clients also contact us because they have difficulty contacting the resorts to ensure that their cancellation request has been properly served.

They have sent their cancellation letter by email, fax or even registered mail, but have never received a response.

Some clients receive a response outlining that they will get a refund within 15 days, but the charge is never actually refunded back to the credit card, or they do not receive their refund check as promised.

The delay tactic from some resorts

Upon receiving the client’s demand for cancellation and refund, some of the resorts will refuse to reply to the client.

This is a delay tactic to try to frustrate the clients so that they feel helpless in resolving the problem and eventually give up.

This leaves the resort with a valid, signed contract, and money flowing into their accounts as clients fear problems with their credit score if they do not continue to pay.

Our goal at Mexican Timeshare Solutions is to make timeshare purchasers aware of their rights according to Mexican Consumer Protection Laws, to ensure that timeshare developers follow these laws, and to represent clients who are in disputes because the laws have not been followed correctly.

If you are thinking of canceling a contract, and are within the 5-day cancellation period, our firm can assist you to ensure that the process is completed properly and effectively, so that you do not lose your opportunity to cancel the contract and get a refund without lengthy negotiations and legal procedures.

After a 5-day period

If you are past the 5-day period because you were told that you waived your right, and therefore succumbed to the fact that you were not able to cancel the contract, you still have recourse.

It is a difficult process, but our team specializes in helping clients successfully cancel a timeshare contract, whether it is within the 5-day rescission period.

1 Source: www.profeco.gob.mx

To receive more information about how to cancel a timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 1 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • Karen castilloFebruary 12, 2020, 1:05 pm

    Hola hace 2 semanas iba recibir el traspaso de un negocio. Y firmamos un contrato meramente simbólico la cedente y yo pero en una hoja literal de libreta, previo a qué se firmaría el original días despues, pero yo lo pensé y decidí ya no seguir con este negocio, ahora me ha llamado el abogado de esta persona diciendo que les tengo que pagar una sanción. ¿Que puedo hacer?

  • Leonor HernándezJanuary 28, 2020, 3:05 pm

    Buen día, por favor el pasado diciembre de 2019 adquirimos un paquete de Royal Holiday en Puerto Vallarta y claro después de 5 horas de hablar de sus bondades firmamos un contrato, que bien ni leímos completamente, Cansada a mi hija y yo creíamos que estábamos haciendo bien, estábamos de vacaciones y sin comer! Dimos parte del enganche, y quedó otro pendiente a pagar que sería volviendo a casa, pues no teníamos liquidez en las tarjetas en ese momento.
    En fin, ya de vuelta a la realidad en casa, debíamos pagar, pero nos dimos cuenta que teníamos un problema con la tarjeta para hacer el pago restante, comentamos con amistades y nos dijeron el error, mandamos mensaje a los asistentes y nos dices claro, que no es posible cancelar, que es una reventa y no es posible, eso ni lo sabíamos o no los dimos cuenta bien, entonces buscando en la red me encuentro con esta página, les escribo para ver la posibilidad de que por favor nos ayuden!!!

  • Claudia Bermúdez December 5, 2019, 2:12 pm

    SolicitO su colaboración para cancelar plan con Royal Holiday

  • Claudia Bermúdez December 5, 2019, 2:12 pm

    Solicitud su colaboración para cancelar plan con Royal Holiday

  • José Francisco Cárdenas GómezOctober 12, 2019, 3:37 pm

    El día de ayer adquirí con la empresa CLUB DE DESCUENTOS VACACIONALES MX, S DE R.L. DE C.V.una membresia que quiero cancelar xq ya vi que es un fraude, quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar y costos x la cancelación

  • Rosa E HernandezAugust 7, 2019, 3:27 pm

    I have a timeshare that I stopped paying in October 2018. I did call them to inform them that I was no longer working and couldn't afford to continue payments. I tried to follow up with no success and I am now in collections. Are you able to help....?

  • Naomi DiazMarzo 7, 2019, 9:30 pm

    my family still fighting against this! buy they dont want to rescind the timeshare contract, we knew that many people are involed in timeshare fraud, so we want to leave this as soon as possible.

  • ANELY HERNANDEZ MARTINEZAugust 20, 2018, 5:23 pm

    Contrate un tiempo compartido, cancele en tiempo y forma la empresa me confirmo de recibida mi carta de cancelación dentro de los 5 días, pero esta empresa no me ha hecho el reembolso, la dirección que indican en su contrato, así como pagina de Internet no es real puesto que la profeco ya acudio a notificar que tienen audiencia, de hecho los datos que aparecen en su pagina de internet son ofertas de viaje caducas, de que forma puedo encontrar el domicilio real de esta empresa?

  • Marisol Cisneros VillanuevaMarzo 3, 2018, 8:36 pm

    Necesito ayuda para cancelar una membresía del hotel azul Ixtapa ya no puedo pagar la mensualidad porfavor!!
    Ya han pasado 3 meses de que hice esta desastrosa compra

  • Samuel MunguiaDecember 8, 2017, 11:50 am

    Buen día, es día de ayer 07/12/2017 adquirí uno de estos tiempos compartidos por parte del grupo posadas, cuando me retiré del lugar, me arrepentí, así que busqué información y miré lo del articulo 56 de la ley federal del consumidor, así como otras experiencias de fraude y que no era una buena idea.
    Por ese motivo regresé al lugar, y me comuniqué con la persona que me vendió el plan compartido, siempre negándome el derecho de cancelación. Finalmente el supervisor habló conmigo trató de convencerme una vez más, pero sin éxito. Yo estaba decidido en cancelarlo.
    Decidieron hacerme el reembolse de mi anticipo (me dieron comprobante) y dijeron que con esto se daba por terminada mi relación con ellos. Sin embargo no me dieron ningún documento firmado.

    Mi pregunta es: ¿Fue suficiente?, ¿No tendré problemas a futuro?

    Quedo en espera de su respuesta.

    Mi pregunta es, ¿Es suficiente todo este procedimiento? ya que ellos

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