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Is Timeshare a Good Investment?

Is Timeshare a Good Investment?
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Plain and simple: No, timeshares are a purchase and are not a financial or real estate investment. Learn how people are tricked into thinking that timeshares are a growing asset.

Timeshare is a good investment only if your purpose is to have a place to spend your vacations and not as a financial investment to make a profit.

We received a call a few weeks ago about a recent timeshare purchaser who was invited to a presentation while on vacations and bought a $20,000 USD villa for one week yearly. He asked us is timeshare worth it?

Timeshares need to be looked up as a purchase and not an investment.

Regardless of how timeshares are presented, they don't perform as well as a house or stock investment.

If you look around the resale market for timeshares on websites like eBay, Red Week, or TUG BBS will find that you can buy a timeshare for far less money than what the first owner purchased it for.


This is an answer to your question, "Are timeshares a good investment?" Here we show you a few of the reasons why timeshares are not a strong financial investment, including:

  • Many timeshares are a right to use; they have an ending period, so their value decreases trough time.
  • There are maintenance fees, property taxes and other annual costs associated with the purchase of a timeshare.
  • Timeshares are not attractive properties, and proof of this is that resorts need to offer incentives to attend a timeshare presentation.

A friend's advice would be to be cautious before making a purchasing decision.

Better yet, don't buy these that apply to you:

  • You love going back to the same place over and over again and are flexible as to the time of the year you travel.
  • You trust the managers of the property that they'll perform great maintenance on your property, and your maintenance fees will be well spent.
  • You have extra money to spend and don't mind buying a timeshare for $20,000.00 USD and selling if for a dollar (if lucky).

I have friends who have a timeshare at Mayan Palace and seem to enjoy it.

They know their best bet is to go back to their properties and avoid their sales presentations.

I asked them recently if they believed it was a good investment for them, and they replied: "it's paid for, gotta use it. Right?"

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we strive to give back freedom to people who purchased timeshares for the wrong reasons, such as financial investment.

Call us for a free consultation on how we can help you cancel your timeshare contract.

Remember, our service is risk-free, as we work based on results, so you do not waste any money paid up front.

To receive more information about whether a timeshare is a good investment and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • Alberto DekkayraldoNovember 27, 2013, 10:38 am

    Timeshares go by many names and many disguises. It's similar to calling a scam something else, like a hoax, a con or a scheme. A timeshare is also called vacation ownership, a holiday club, a vacation club, multi-ownership, a destination club or fractional ownership.

  • JennyNovember 25, 2013, 9:06 am

    Timeshares need to be looked up as a purchase and not an investment. Regardless of how timeshares are presented, they don´t perform as well as a house or stock investment.

  • AbrahamNovember 8, 2013, 1:26 pm

    A timeshare is a depreciating asset and you will almost always lose money on them (think of the value of a car the minute you drive it off the dealer lot). While there may be reasons to get a timeshare, investment should never be the reason

  • LorenzoOctober 6, 2013, 5:24 pm

    Timeshares are not "worthless." They are worth what someone will pay for them, just as they always have been. A timeshare is nothing but an entitlement to, what, two weeks a year at some resort? Okay, what is that worth, taking into account the maintenance fee and the estimated market for that sort of thing? I myself would be willing to pay maybe a couple of thousand bucks for one. I find it hard to believe that some people once valued them at ten or 20 times that much, but the fact is that people did. I'm sure if the price is low enough, supply and demand will work properly and find buyers for all those supposedly "worthless" timeshares. A couple of thousand dollars is NOT zero.

  • RichSeptember 13, 2013, 3:20 pm

    The most important advice is for a consumer to simply use common sense.. If it sounds too good to be true- it is! Timeshares do not appreciate in value!

  • CheriSeptember 9, 2013, 10:22 am

    Vacationing has been proven to be good for our health and gives us quality family time together. While timeshare should never be purchased as a financial investment, owning a time share is an investment in quality vacations in the future for your family and loved ones.

  • LindaAugust 23, 2013, 2:24 pm

    Why do you use the word "investment" when speaking about timeshare? Timeshares are nothing of the sort. The fact that timeshares are usually sold by touts should make that clear. This also applied to newer versions of the same scam such as 'fractional ownership'

  • BrandonAugust 22, 2013, 2:14 pm

    I love my timeshare. Anyone who buys it as an investment with appreciation hopes is simply a fool. You buy it for your travel convenience and fun. There are two kinds of timeshare owners, those that learn and use the system effectively and those that dont take the time to. It is also obvious which ones feel it is a good thing vs. not. My family has travelled all over the world with ours and I am only 30. It is a necessity to us, not a luxury and the trips we have taken could not have been done for the same money as mentioned above.

  • SarahJuly 30, 2013, 12:26 pm

    I can understand the buyers remorse when buying a timeshare but.....Before you purchase you need to think carefully how you will use it in your life and if you have the $ for it. Timeshare purchases are not for everyone. It is unfortunate that if you have a bad experience and have buyers remorse you want to slam the whole concept. While in Mexico's Mayan Palace I met people who have been owners for 31 years. Puerto Peñasco is just 3 1/2 hours from my home so it was perfect for me. 5 weeks for 10,000 $'s. 4 weeks can be used at any other Mayan Resort. It is important when you own you learn every trick in the book to make it work for you. If you do not have the cash for it I would not suggest making payments. It does work well for some but not for others. If you are dissatisfied I would suggest you rent your weeks out or try to unload it.

  • KyleJuly 24, 2013, 12:50 pm

    As I understand it investment means a possibility of growth and resale. Neither is likely with time share. It is simply cheaper to rent accomodation where you want for the time you want and be done with it.

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