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Timeshare Fraud: 5 Tips Timeshare Resorts Don´t Want You To Know

Timeshare Fraud: 5 Tips Timeshare Resorts Don´t Want You To Know
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The more you know about timeshare fraud, is the less likely you are to fall for a scam in this industry. Know five tips to follow in case you are interested in purchasing a timeshare from a timeshare developer.

The majority of the timeshare fraud victims that contact us at Mexican Timeshare Solutions are embarrassed about their mistake of purchasing a timeshare without doing their research beforehand.

Timeshare Fraud is not something to be embarrassed about; it is a multi-million dollar industry that preys on timeshare scams, timeshare fraud, and trusting vacationers and needs to be stopped.

In order to do this, we urge all the people who have been scammed by timeshare developers in Mexico to take action and work to resolve their issues and prevent the perpetrators of fraud from harming others.

Here are Some Simple Steps to Prevent Yourself from Becoming a Victim of Timeshare Fraud: 

1)    Ask questions. Make sure that you understand all the terms of the purchase contract.

Ensure that everything that you were told during the sales presentation is detailed in writing in the contract that you sign.

Do not trust verbal promises made by salespeople. 

2)    Take your time before signing a timeshare contract. Do not sign anything under pressure.

One-day offers, or claims that you do not need to read the contract as everything has been explained to you verbally, are indicators of timeshare Fraud.

Timeshare fraud salespeople do not want the clients to walk away from the presentation without purchasing.

They will often keep potential clients, against their will, for hours on end, offering various packages of different amounts and configurations.

Many people sign because they are tired and want to leave, they are confused, or they are offered great deals that are available just for that day.

With important financial decisions, we recommend that you take your time, do research on the company, and then decide whether to purchase. 

3)    Talk with Other Owners. If you are staying at the timeshare resort, talk to other owners when you are in the pool, lobby, etc.

Ask them about their experiences with availability, reservations, customer service, quality of lodging, rentals, resales and any other factors that are important for you before you make your decision about whether to purchase a timeshare at the resort. 

4)    Read Carefully. Timeshare contracts are legally binding agreements.

Make sure that you read every page of the contract before signing.

The timeshare developers and rental/resale agents use careful wording to trick clients into believing claims of guaranteed rentals and amazing investment opportunities.

For example, they may claim to guarantee acceptance of your timeshare weeks into their rental inventory, but not actually guarantee the rental.

Ensure that you understand the root meaning of each clause, and avoid signing contracts that include vague clauses such as “I have not been made any verbal promises by the salesperson”.

5)    Keep Documents. Make sure that you receive every page of the contract before you leave the salesroom, and keep a copy of all the relevant documents.

Do not rely on the resort to mail you a copy of the contract, as some clients have received just partial versions of the contract, with some of the important pages missing.

You should receive a full copy of all the documentation at the time of purchase, including the contract, any addenda and the notes that the timeshare salesperson wrote to explain the timeshare terms.

In case you have any disputes, you have all the details in writing about what you were promised during the sales presentation.


What Can you Do if You are Already a Timeshare Scam Victim:

1)    Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation on how we can cancel your contract and recover your money.

2)    Report the timeshare company’s fraudulent activity to your attorney general, the tourism department in Mexico, and travel agents.

3)    Complaint to all levels of customer service and management of the timeshare resorts to ensure that they are made aware of your concerns and make every effort to rectify the situation and stop the fraudulent sales practices.

4)    Report your concern on our Mexican Timeshare Solutions Blacklist, timeshare user group websites, or other complaint or consumer review websites to prevent other vacationers from timeshare scams.

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising, and negative press for the resorts is potentially the best way to stop their fraudulent sales methods.

Thousands of people every year fall victim to timeshare Fraud while vacationing in Mexico.

The sales teams have carefully crafted and proven techniques to close sales, and are very skilled in ensuring that potential clients become timeshare owners.

Do not feel ashamed of your purchase; instead, take action to prevent others from financial ruin and to resolve your own situation.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions today for their professional advice on how to get rid of your Mexican timeshare contract, so that you can take vacations on your own terms.

To receive more information about timeshare fraud and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • pfadviceJuly 21, 2014, 1:50 pm

    My question is what happens when you inherit a timeshare? My well-meaning relative wants to give us her timeshare, we don’t want it. I am worried we will inherit it.

  • EMMA WALLJune 24, 2014, 2:19 pm


  • gamesinvestorJune 9, 2014, 11:43 am

    I would have thought the solution is to give it away, and make sure you sign over the legal contracts to the person you are giving it to (of course after explaining they must take on the commitment).
    If it's not possible to give it away, simply stop paying the maintenance. I doubt the organisation would take intenational legal action for such a small sum, they would simply assign the rights to your timeshare to someone else.

  • gamesinvestorJune 9, 2014, 11:43 am

    I would have thought the solution is to give it away, and make sure you sign over the legal contracts to the person you are giving it to (of course after explaining they must take on the commitment).
    If it's not possible to give it away, simply stop paying the maintenance. I doubt the organisation would take intenational legal action for such a small sum, they would simply assign the rights to your timeshare to someone else.

  • TIREDIN April 30, 2014, 10:24 am

    Why would you pay money for something most people never use and has a bad resale value

  • drkent3April 7, 2014, 12:01 pm

    The timeshare resale scams are just a symptom. They need to do something about the timeshare scam itself. An obligation 'in perpetuity' - that passes to your children? There is almost no legal way out of the obligation, even if you don't use the facilities and want to sell it back (they won't take them back). In other words, they hawk 'property' that you cannot resell, cannot give back, and has literally no value in the market - and tell you that you have to pay 'maintenance' forever... and that they can assess 'special fees' on in order to do repairs they *should* have been doing with the maintenance fees.

  • VictoriaMarzo 18, 2014, 12:40 pm

    Wow, pues ojalá que esto continue y que la gente pronto abra los ojos, no pueden seguir asi!

  • ColeMarzo 14, 2014, 9:30 am

    that's so important, specially to talk to other owners about the resort before, because i think that's the best way to really know the truth

  • GromitMarzo 3, 2014, 1:50 pm

    Even timeshare that are not total ripoffs are not good deals, the average year maintenance fee is $800 a year, multiply that by 52 deeded weeks in a year, times say 200 units, that's 8 million a year, It does cost no 8 million to run a 200 unit property, lucky if it cost half that with employees, utility and taxes. It's legalize robbery.

  • SandyspiderJanuary 23, 2014, 11:07 am

    I'm glad I don't have a timeshare. Nice article.

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