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Timeshare Scam Companies: Learn about Timeshare Scams In Mexico

Timeshare Scam Companies: Learn about Timeshare Scams In Mexico
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The words "timeshare scams in Mexico" are flooding the internet more and more every day. Do you know who the resorts usually target? How will the salespeople determine the membership you will be sold? This and more questions will be answered in this article.

Timeshare Scam Companies - The Budget

Timeshare salespeople are aware that many vacationers choose to attend timeshares sales presentations for the gifts, such as tours, cash incentives, or souvenirs, or just out of curiosity to see a different hotel property.

Obviously, the salespeople do not want to incur a loss by having the potential client walk away with the gifts without making a purchase.

As such, the timeshare salespeople are very motivated by their commission structure to ensure that the client makes a timeshare purchase.

Timeshare Scam Companies - The Target

The sales team is carefully trained to target the right type of vacationer to attend the timeshare presentations.

For example, they normally approach people over 30 years of age, in couples, as they assume that they will have two stable incomes and be able to afford to vacation regularly or purchase a timeshare.

The salespeople that work in Mexican timeshare companies normally try to sell the timeshare for the highest amount possible, but when they are not successful, many companies will offer a smaller vacation club package.

Timeshare Scam Companies: One-day Deal Only

Timeshares do not have a fixed value. The salespeople from timeshare scam companies are very skilled at gathering information about the client during the free breakfast and initial survey in order to assess the client's financial status and, ultimately, the price that they will offer the timeshare.

When the client refuses, they offer deep discounts to entice the client to purchase, and they often send in a closer to make the special “one day only” deal.

They may promise offers of guaranteed rentals, resales, or annuities, which are some of the most common timeshare scams, to entice the clients to purchase; however, some clients are more persistent at saying no, and refusing to buy the timeshare.

Timeshare Scam Companies: Better than Nothing

The salespeople offer vacations club packages as a cheaper alternative to a timeshare to the vacationers who say they cannot afford a fixed timeshare or a high-value package.

The vacation clubs normally work on a points system, and the salesperson makes claims that the points can be used at hotels throughout the world.

The'timeshares salesperson from the timeshare scam companies state that the vacation club offers the client deep discounts on travel, such as reduced airfares, very cheap weekly hotel rates, discounted rental cars and many more excellent benefits.

These packages are offered at a fraction of the price of a timeshare, often just a few thousand dollars, so the clients who were not interested in a large timeshare package, but are interested in having more affordable travel opportunities, are persuaded into buying.

Unfortunately, these packages are another version of timeshare fraud, as what the timeshare salesperson promises is not what is actually offered to the client once they return home and try to use the vacation club.

Timeshare Scam Companies: No Information for the New Owner

During the sales presentation, the salesperson shows the client a detailed book of all the vacation club benefits.

Normally, clients will ask for a copy so that they can review it while they are still on vacation.

The salesperson will say that the book will be mailed to the client at their home address so that they do not have to carry a heavy book with them on their trip home.

Often, the package of information never arrives, or in cases where the client does receive the book, it is a different version.

The version of the book that the client receives offers far fewer hotel options, requires a higher points value per night, and does not offer the other discounts promised during the time share scam sales presentation.

Timeshare Scam Companies: What to be Aware of

Read this to avoid becoming a victim of timeshare scams in Mexico or vacation club scams.

  1. Avoid attending timeshare presentations if you are not genuinely interested in purchasing a timeshare in Mexico.
  2. The gifts are not worth wasting a day of your vacation, and putting yourself at risk of becoming a victim of a timeshare scam.

  3. If you do attend, do not be afraid to say no to signing the timeshare contract or vacation club contract if you are not interested in becoming a timeshare owner.

    The timeshare salespeople prolong the presentation for as long as it takes for the client to make a purchase.

    They may even make it difficult for you to leave, by delaying the taxi pick-up, and using many other delay tactics.

    If you do not want to buy the timeshare in Mexico, walk away, and get it your own taxi. It is worth paying a few dollars to avoid a large financial loss on timeshare fraud.

  4. If you decide to purchase, ensure that you have a copy of the vacation club book before you leave the salesroom.

    Ask to use a private computer (not the salesperson's computer) to check their online reservation system and see what the actual points value and reservation availability is like in the real-time system.

    Many people become victims of timeshare fraud because the salesperson's computer has a dummy version of the reservation system, which has false information about points and availability.

  5. Research the timeshare company or vacation club within the first few days of your purchase.

    Do not wait until you get home from your vacation to do your research.

    A simple Google search will normally give you an idea of whether a company has many timeshare complaints posted online or is a reputable organization.

    According to Mexican Law, you have 5 business days to cancel your timeshare contract.

    Some resorts will claim that clients have waived their right to cancel, but this is an illegal practice.

    Our staff at Mexican Timeshare Solutions can assist purchasers in ensure that they take all the proper steps to cancel their contracts and get out of their timeshare or vacation club package within the 5-day rescission period.

    Timeshare Scam Companies - The Solution

Even if you have purchased a timeshare scam in Mexico, and it is already past your 5 day rescission period, we may be able to help.

Contact us at Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation to assess your situation and advise you on how you can get out of your timeshare contract as soon as possible.

To receive more information about timeshare scam companies and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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  • LouisSeptember 27, 2013, 9:15 am

    i've been scammed in puerto vallarta mexico, and i want to cancel or sell my timeshare, is that possible?

  • JesusSeptember 22, 2013, 6:23 pm

    yo fui a una presentacion de ventas solamente porque me ofrecieron regalos, al llegar ahi fui honesto y se los hice saber y no me dieron ningun regalo y me trataron pesimamente

  • JudithSeptember 16, 2013, 12:26 am

    absolutamente TODO es un fraude, sus regalos, sus presentaciones. Estoy de acuerdo con el articulo, y si, lo mejor que podemos hacer es evitar asistir a sus presentaciones

  • DanielAugust 30, 2013, 1:36 pm

    Los clubs, los desayunos, y todos esos regalos, como lo mencionan, son un fraude. Es una tactica mas de estos vendedores tan bien entrenados para que mordamos el anzuelo!

  • gilJune 29, 2013, 11:15 am

    It's a shame, Mexico has an amazing potential as a touristic purpose. Thanks for the article, i found it very informative.

  • LucyMarzo 19, 2013, 3:09 pm

    Horror stories have been well documented over the years with holidaymakers pressured into handing over lump sums by aggressive selling tactics, or falling victim to fake companies.

  • RuthMarzo 1, 2013, 2:04 pm

    The timeshare are tremendous scams. My husband and I received an invitation that we had won a holiday in Orlando and we went and we stay there like almost 5 hours with these vendors who sell these things only with lies just to sell. To say that after the torture that we were there more than five people spoke to us between sellers and even supervisors and provided out of there i said yes, the truth is to much pressure and what we have done is pay and pay and we could not even enjoy the famous week for our turn because they will send us the cards we had to cancel first down all these every month we continued paying the monthly fee, supposedly now in January we could start enjoying our week and I got a letter saying that have to pay maintenance for the full year are 634 dollars and not pay until we can not take a week. Talk to them and told them if there was any way for them to help sell or lease the resort and they said no that's not up to them they just sold. Now take months trying to sell it for the same thing cost me even less and I could not. So friends be careful the company is called West Gate are swindlers vendors say one thing and then another is not swayed by the alleged gifts giving not want to spend what I'm going through now I lost my job and not as I have to pay this because I do not want harm the credit.

  • raul de la vegaMay 17, 2012, 6:57 pm

    por fabor hemos sido estafados en mexico no sabiamos dela recision del contrato en el plazo de cinco dias podrian ayudarnos

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