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Timeshare Nightmare in Puerto Vallarta: Canadian Family is Terrorized at Timeshare Presentation

Timeshare Nightmare in Puerto Vallarta: Canadian Family is Terrorized at Timeshare Presentation
Autor Luis Fernandez
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Mexican Timeshare Solutions received an email earlier this month about a woman named Melissa who was in a vacation in a Pacific town called Puerto Vallarta.

She wants to share her story about how she attended a timeshare presentation with her family for what appeared to be a good deal- $300  in exchange.

The hunt

timeshare presnetaiton

The OPC (the timeshare promoters on the street) was on the boardwalk at the "old Vallarta".

He had a friendly approach, and after some conversation with them, he convinced them to attend a timeshare presentation the following day.

The OPC showed up early the next morning at the hotel gate they were staying at.

They were given $100 US, and the remaining would be paid to them at the end of the 90-min. presentation.

The arrival

Once we arrived, we gave our home address and credit card information to a lady, a project director and the sales manager.

We were asked several times if we would be willing to invest money in a timeshare today before they even introduce us to the guy who was going to show us around.

Once we finally agreed, we were explained that this was not, in fact, a timeshare.

You are entering an exclusive condominium tower sold only to potential residents looking for retirement soon.

The sales presentation turned into four hours. After we declined 10 times their offers, the salesman told us he would get a cab for us to take us back to the resort we were staying at.

Another man approached us and asked to donate our gift to a nonprofit organization, as they needed the money more than we did.

"You are traveling to Mexico, and these kids have no food, you know," the man said.

My husband said to them, "Don't make promises you can't keep. I know that money is going to your pocket."

Either way, the man didn't pay the $200 US promised and refused to call for a cab.

When my husband asked for an explanation, the man told him that he would use that money to bribe the police, so we would spend the rest of our vacation in jail.

We started walking out the building.

He came after us and started yelling profanities in front of our daughter; he wouldn't allow us to leave the premises until we signed a release form assuring we were given $300 US. My husband looked at me and signed.


The lie

Once we were going down the hill, a pickup truck pulled next to us.

A large man got off and grabbed my husband by the shirt and told him to give him back the $100 US he was given earlier otherwise he would die and us would end up in prison.

"I work for the police" he claimed.

My husband handed over the money; we were scared to death by now.

We finally found our way back to the resort with the help of a taxi driver. We stayed at the resort for the rest of our stay.

This experience eliminated the word fun from our vacations in Mexico. I don't think we'll ever go back. 

This story happens every day in Mexico. Many vacations are ruined by unscrupulous people who want to sell timeshares the hard way.

If you purchased a timeshare and would like to terminate your contract, contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation on how they can help you cancel your timeshare and recover the tranquility you need.

Mexican Timeshare Solutions works on a contingency basis; no results, no pay.

To receive more information about timeshare presentations and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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  • Ms. TinaJune 12, 2014, 11:29 am

    I have had to endure the presentations 3 times over the last 5 years for discounted vacations. I say go for it if you have to but be very careful, if you are easily swayed or convinced they will pounce and pounce really hard. The contracts are legally binding.

  • Desert RoseMay 29, 2014, 8:57 am

    We recently attended THE most unprofessional time share sales pitch of all time. Only 2 of the villas were complete, the rest was a concept based on piles of sand and small holes in the ground. My husband, who is in construction management, noticed loads of faulty work and errors in the building process that was taking place. They tried to sell us 1 week a year for $30,000!!!!

  • Desert RoseMay 29, 2014, 8:03 am

    We recently attended THE most unprofessional time share sales pitch of all time. Only 2 of the villas were complete, the rest was a concept based on piles of sand and small holes in the ground. My husband, who is in construction management, noticed loads of faulty work and errors in the building process that was taking place. They tried to sell us 1 week a year for $30,000!!!!

  • TonyA_saysMay 20, 2014, 8:01 am

    I actually say NO to the free meal so I would not have to say NO again later.

  • MichelleMay 7, 2014, 1:37 pm

    I would never buy one. They don’t seem like a good investment at all.

  • Ronald HernandezMarzo 26, 2014, 11:34 am

    I'm in interested in acquiring the services in this company. But i would like to know what guarantees that the service you do are a 100% accurate. I mean I don't want another ripped off from another company who is in the business of timeshare(I'm not saying this company sells timeshare but you are into this business against it). What if the company cannot find a solution to my problem, and for a year I haven't pay the mortgage fees, the timeshare company will increase the interest rate plus I have to pay penalties? It's beautiful what your saying about having a 100% money-back guarantee. But what we are looking for is a solution for the timeshare. We just want to get out, I personally want to get out after realizing that the mortgages fees and maintenance are killing. I don't know if there is a solution to these but I just don't want to go foreclosure and destroy my credit history. Help me out on this please

  • GiovannaMarzo 13, 2014, 2:29 pm

    I went to a timeshare presentation and they scared me too, they're so rude and they'll never take a "no" for answer

  • MarcelaFebruary 11, 2014, 4:39 am

    me indigna muchisimo saber que esto pasa en méxico, que bueno que esta informacion se divulgue y asi se eviten mas fraudes

  • AlinaJanuary 21, 2014, 10:26 am

    I just can't believe it.. i feel shame for those poor persons, and feel angry for those liars, i hope it ends soon

  • ReinaDecember 16, 2013, 9:32 am

    Nunca habria imaginado que algo asi pasara, y que saliera a la luz, tanto que se cuidan estas empresas, que lastima y que coraje al mismo tiempo, ojala que hagan algo pronto para detenerlos!

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