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►CANCEL a Timeshare [Tips to Get Rid of It]

►CANCEL a Timeshare [Tips  to Get Rid of It]
Autor Admin
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Schedule your FREE Consultation to CANCEL your Timeshare HERE

Most of the people who have purchased timeshare contracts become excited about the travel possibilities expressed by a sales representative.

These possibilities are usually never used. By this time, you probably realized that you spent thousands of dollars on a timeshare that is not what you or your family need.

Regardless of the reason why you feel you need to cancel a timeshare, you need to know some basic steps to dump it fast and avoiding any possible scam from timeshare sharks.

Tips to cancel a timeshare:

  1.  Read the timeshare laws for vacation ownership where your timeshare is located. If it was purchased in Mexico, then it is ruled by Mexican civil law.

    Timeshare sales are governed by the state or country you purchased and not by your residence.

    Your contract must specify your cancellation grace period without incurring any penalty as well as any resell limitations you might have.

    Mexican timeshares have a five-day cancellation period, and this right is can't be waived.

  2. If you can't cancel your timeshare, determine a realistic price for it. Don't take advice from timeshare resale companies, as they will "sweeten the coffee" and make unrealistic expectations trying to get money upfront from you to sell it.

    Search for timeshare sales similar to yours on websites such as eBay or Red Week. There, you will find that timeshares lose their value by 90% or even more when sold it in the secondary market.

    I know it is frustrating  that you paid a lot, more, and you will not see that money coming back, but at least you will save thousands of dollars on unwanted maintenance fees.

  3. Place ads on timeshare sites. There are many and the most important are TUG, My Resort Network, Red Week, and eBay.

    The more exposure it gets, the quicker you will Cancel a timeshare. Take into consideration that you will most likely receive cold calls from people claiming they have a buyer ready to pay, but you need to pay transfer fees.

    Hang up immediately; if you listen to them, you might become a victim of timeshare fraud. NEVER PAY UPFRONT TO RENT, SALE, TRANSFER, DONATE, OR CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE -I can't say this enough.

  4.  Respond to all inquiries as soon as possible. There are lots of timeshares for sale, so you need to catch them before they go somewhere else.

    Have all the info available for any questions they might have. The most common questions are, "What's the maintenance fee?" or "How often can I use it?"

  5.  Don't kill the deal; negotiate. If you get a low baller, make a counteroffer. Think of the future maintenance fees you will be saving.

  6. Hire a closing company to do the transfer. ALWAYS use one approved by the ARDA -American Resort Development of America- to do the closing for you. The fees are between $300 and $800 USD.



If someone or a company cold calls you, claiming to have a buyer with tons of cash ready to hand it over to you, be careful.

These companies will usually ask you to pay for fees in advance, and later on you will discover that this buyer never existed. These companies make their money from people trying desperately to cancel a timeshare.

Remember that to cancel a timeshare, you don’t have to pay an upfront fee. Mexican Timeshare Solutions works on a contingency basis and only collects a fee if the contract is fully cancelled; otherwise, no fee is charged.

Contact Mexican Timeshare Solutions for a free consultation and full advice on your timeshare matter. It’s time for you to get away from that contract.

To receive more information about how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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  • Hugo Nelio JeannotNovember 9, 2020, 1:13 pm

    hola, hace desde el 2015 que estoy pagando un tiempo compartido lo use pocas veces, ahora quiero darle de baja pero no me lo aceptan, y eneste momento ya no puedo pagarlo. es de Solanas, si me pudieran guiar para ver que eslo que puedo hacer se los agradeceria. Desde ya muchas gracias.

  • aliadodel tiempoMay 30, 2019, 9:58 pm

    llevo pagando casi tres años y la verdad no he disfrutado, faltan por pagar dos años.
    ¿ como puedo cancelar ese contrato ?
    les agradecería información

  • José Francisco Cárdenas GómezApril 26, 2019, 10:30 pm

    Solicito apoyo para cancelar un tiempo compartido en hotel pacífica en ixtapa

  • Aurea RodriguezOctober 15, 2018, 11:17 am

    Orientacion para cancelar timeshare despues q Paso el huracan por puerto rico

  • Allan RossMay 9, 2016, 11:11 am

    Thanks for share also for the good tips, i ve tried many of them , but was impossible for me to do it , timeshare cancellations could be one of the most difficult things out there, for that i highly recommend you to check carefully what you sign , timeshare is a tricky thing , just avoid that.

  • Dario Cervantes Gaxiola Marzo 24, 2016, 10:50 am

    gracias por la informacion , aunque he de decir que es sumamente dificil aun sabiendo todo esto librarse de un tiempo compartido , lo digo por experiencia propia, no te contestan las llamadas y te dan muchas largas , y es mucho gasta dinero en estar iendo al resort si no eres de ese lugar, mejor evitense la fatiga y perdida de dinero en un tiempo compartido , de verdad yo me arrepiento muchisimo , actualmente estoy en la etapa de cancelacion gracias a este sitio , espero y esta ves si sea la buena .

  • ScammedSeptember 1, 2015, 2:25 am

    Scammed by the SUNSET GROUP in CANCUN. Anyone knows of ; or have a CLASS ACTION SUIT going on that I may join. ? PLEASE FOR VISITORS TO MEXICO DON'T DEAL WITH THE SUNSET GROUP.

  • Philip H.June 15, 2015, 12:56 am

    A timeshare is like a hole with no end, really people if you are thinking to acquire a timeshare you must think it twice before take out your money , and never go to a timeshare presentation , you must be very naive to felt on their words game ,stay alert so if you dont want to have a bad experience avoid timeshares.

  • rodriFebruary 27, 2015, 5:24 pm

    This could be the most difficult task to do in life ever, its near impossible to cancel a timeshare, believe , i bought one like 3 years ago and actually i stil have a lot of complaints with the resort salespeople , they pretend to demmand me if i stop paying , when i want to use is never available, so i dont know what is wrong with this people, i feel total scammed really.

  • MousaOctober 20, 2014, 8:19 am

    I'm in this conditions and also I have threatened by telephone that anger me move or worse, I would like to contact with you. I have a lawyer who is leading the cancellation but in spite of that I still threatening.

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