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Timeshare Rentals and Resales


Sell Timeshare SCAM

Sell Timeshare SCAM

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Sell timeshare? Scam most times

Probably, if you don't follow these simple rules.

The Internet is if full of timeshare scam stories from people who tried to sell their[...]

Timeshare Resale Companies: Scams, Victims, and Solutions

Timeshare Resale Companies: Scams, Victims, and Solutions

Schedule your FREE Consultation to CANCEL your Timeshare HERE

  • An everyday story in the timeshare resale industry

Telemarketers called a Colorado man with dementia and got him to spend thousands.

They called a California resident, who was[...]

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Global Golf Connections: A FRAUDULENT Way to Spend Money at Grand Mayan

Global Golf Connections: A FRAUDULENT Way to Spend Money at Grand Mayan

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Rental and resale timeshare companies are getting more creative every day. Learn the new trick from these companies to lure vacationers to spend their money on a[...]

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Timeshare Salesperson Responsibility In Timeshare Scams

Timeshare Salesperson Responsibility In Timeshare Scams

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Are you Able to Contact your Timeshare Salesperson When you Need Them Most?

Is what you heard at the sales presentation the same as what you are being offered on your[...]

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Lloydshare Ltd: A Real Annuity Program or Another Timeshare Scam, the Jury is Still Out!

Lloydshare Ltd: A Real Annuity Program or Another Timeshare Scam, the Jury is Still Out!

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People are purchasing timeshares now with the promise that their money will be returned to them at the end of their timeshare.

Learn how timeshare owners are hooked into[...]

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Timeshare Rentals = Timeshare Fraud

Timeshare Rentals = Timeshare Fraud

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Why do we keep falling for the common scam that someone will rent my timeshare weeks for a profit to help us offset the cost of the new timeshare? Timeshare sales reps  are[...]

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Purchase Offers from Timeshare Resale Companies: Protect Yourself from Deceptive Tactics

Purchase Offers from Timeshare Resale Companies: Protect Yourself from Deceptive Tactics

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Many timeshare owners have been called out of the blue and told that the market is hot! For their timeshares and have a buyer waiting to purchase their unwanted timeshare.


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Timeshare RESALES = Timeshare FRAUD

Timeshare RESALES = Timeshare FRAUD

Schedule your FREE Consultation to CANCEL your Timeshare HERE

"A few months ago, I went to a sales presentation, and the sales representative asked if I was interested in selling my timeshare for about twice what I paid for it.


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