Villa del Palmar Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Jean Marie H

Villa del Palmar Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Jean Marie H

Dear Mexican Timeshare Solutions,

I can’t thank you enough!  Our wonderful Mexican vacation turned into a nightmare because of the vacation club scandal we fell for.

As a professional couple (we are both doctors) with 3 young kids we were not expecting the level of deception and dishonesty we encountered. After being plied with alcohol, and being promised the moon, we signed for what we thought was going to be the beginning of years of wonderful family vacation together.  After getting home and attempting to book our next year vacation it all started to unravel.

Frantic, I tried contacting the vacation company at the numbers listed.  When I couldn’t reach a working number, I scoured the internet for information.  Thankfully, buried in the horror stories was the contact info for your firm.  I appreciate the time you took to discuss my options, and the realistic time table and possible outcomes you laid out for me.  Never once was I made to feel stupid ( which I certainly did on my own…..). In two short months, my contract and promissory note were successfully cancelled, and the down payment I contested with the credit card company was agreed to by the vacation club.

I did pay for the “non-refundable” processing fee and for the 5 days “free” stay at the club while we were there because you and I both agreed that fighting that would likely cost more than I would recoup!  You made this as painless as possible, and as easy as possible.

Overall, of the $28,000 in vacation club fees that we were locked into, we recouped $26,785!  Your fees were also very reasonable, spelled out in the beginning, and did not change with “hidden costs” (which after my experience, I was very worried about!).

Again, thank you for all your help.  If any of your clients or potential clients are interested in speaking to someone about your services for vacation club fraud, you may contact me with their info, and I will be happy to speak to them.


Villa del Palmar Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial by Jean Marie H


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