Mayan Palace Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Susan D.

Mayan Palace Timeshare Cancellation Testimonial-Susan D.

In 2008 on a short vacation with a friend, my wife was approached by a timeshare salesman at the airport in Loreto, Mexico. Using promises of attractive gifts and “no strings attached” the salesman convinced her to come listen to their timeshare presentation. At the presentation the sales staff used incentives to add pressure to the decision making process and falsely stated that no “Buyer’s Remorse” clause existed for contracts in Mexico, making the purchase a now-or-never proposition. After several grueling hours of convincing, my wife agreed to the purchase.

The true, overinflated costs of the timeshare only later became evident. The annual maintenance fees immediately increased about 10%. When we vacationed at the resort we found exorbitant price tags on meals, amenities, and transportation. At that visit we were again enticed into attending a “members’ update” presentation and then pressured into buying an “upgrade” in our membership. The salesman made promises of incredible returns on the sale of some of our rental weeks in order to not only fund the upgrade but pay off the purchase of our first timeshare!

Afterward, we were skeptical about the promises the salesman had made and did some research online. We learned that this was a common false and unethical sales practice and that we had been taken again by the unscrupulous timeshare salesmen. We had, unfortunately, signed a contract and were bound by its terms. We felt trapped.

That same day we were fortunate to discover MexicanTimeshare Solutions through their website. They immediately and freely gave us the advice we needed to cancel the upgrade the day after signing it (which the sales manager made sure was not a pleasant experience for us). Later, when we returned home and determined to end our timeshare membership, they were able not only to get it cancelled in a matter of months but were able to recover a substantial part of the money we had paid. Their services were highly professional, competent and reasonably priced. We were grateful to have a skilled representative with such integrity working on our behalf. The removal of this burden has been a huge relief and we unreservedly recommend their services to anyone.

Jed and Susan D.

October, 2009


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