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Playa del Sol Grand, Playa del Sol Costa Sur, Howard Johnson Hotel Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Sol Los Cabos

  Legal Name:
Big Window S.A de C.V
  Resort sales locations
Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas
  Rental Companies:
Royal Vacations, Holiday Property Management

Common Issues: Guarantee rentals, resales, guarantee rooms, annuity

Playa del Sol Toll Free Phone number:

To receive more information about Playa del Sol Timeshare complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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179 Complaints
  • GregApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I bought a timeshare at Playa del Sol because the seller told me that it was a good business and I could rent my weeks for $2,500. I paid a broker company to rent my weeks, but now that I am looking for information I realized that the timeshare weeks rentals its not a good business. This is a scam and I´m wasting my money with them.

  • AdamsApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Another sucked in! Playa del sol. We bought on April 2010, we also signed  a waiver to cancel in 5 days. We paid $30k. They don`t want to buy it back as they told us before. Any chance to recover any of the money and cancel the membership

  • AndyApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Tenemos 3 años con nuestro tiempo compartido en playa del sol y día con día  están subiendo las mensualidades y cuotas, nosotros pagamos en dólares, pero ganamos en pesos y  estar al corriente con las mensualidades cada vez se nos hace más pesado. Estamos buscando cancelar nuestro contrato , pero aun no  le informamos a playa del sol porque sabemos que nos pondrán muchas trabas para no cancelar.

  • AlejandroApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Compré una membresia en Abril del 2010 en playa del sol,  y quisiera disolver mi contrato por que encontramos una serie de irregularidades respecto a lo que nos dijeron los vendedores y lo que viene en nuestro contrato. Nosotros pensamos en pagar para que nuestras semanas fueran rentadas pero gracias a Dios no lo hicimos, hemos encontrado muchos casos como el nuestro y queremos cancelar nuestro contrato.

  • CathyApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    My husband and I also bought a membership at playa del sol, with a total purchase price of $25,000. We made a down payment for $7,000 and our monthly payments are for $450. It has been very difficult for us to make the payments and we think that it is better if we cancel the membership.  We have sent some emails to the resort but they have not answered us.

    • Larry McKinnonApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

      Take the loss now, quit making payments and just forget it.
      This is what you call a scam. Don't waste any of your time or money.

  • DianaApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We were cheated by a representative from Playa del sol, they made us believe that we were purchasing something that it wasn´t. we try  contacting him but it was impossible. The information that he provided us was fake and no one at Playa del sol want to be responsible for the promised he made to us.  

  • JamesApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I found several complaints online for Playa del sol . I called  them to book room for November 2010 but is not available . I worried about availability. Then we called them to sell it back our membership but they told us that we have to paid in full before we can sell it.

  • PaulApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    I own a membership at playa del sol but the maintenance fees keep increasing, they want special assessments. I have tried to get help with selling the property  but I wasn´t able.  We have the same stories an experience as the other sin this forum. Is there any way to get out of this  timeshare scam contract?

  • Ernesto SanchezApril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Mi esposa y yo compramos un tiempo compartido en  julio de este año.las tácticas de venta que utilizaron fueron muy agresivas  y molestas.  Queremos cancelar el contrato y recuperar lo más posible del pago que dimos.  Soy desempleado  y no puedo seguir pagando las mensualidades que están en el contrato sin tener una ganancia de por medio como ellos me habían mencionado y que ahora sé que no es verdad.

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