Home » Resort Black list » REAL CLUB Timeshare COMPLAINTS


The Royal, Gran Caribe Real, Gran Porto Real, Real

  Legal Name:
Razon Social: Club Real Resort S.A. de C.V.
  Resort sales locations
Localidades: Cancun, Playa del Carmen
Hotel Representatives:
Andres Garcia Blumentritt, Jose Luis Romano, Adriana Gutierrez, Isabel Ortiz, Yessica Altamirano, Art "Turi" Martinez, Lorena Salvatori, Gricelda Vielma Jurado, Hever Rebeles, Marcela Perez, Mariana Ceron, Jessica Juarez, Marcos Vallado, Elisa Pere

Common Complaints:

  • Salespeople claim that the all-inclusive fee is per night, when in reality it is per person per night
  • Promise to rent out their timeshare weeks as a financial investment and to pay off the membership. In reality, clients are referred to a third party agency that charges a listing fee and does not complete the rental.
  • Claims that Club Real was better than all timeshares and they are completely different because the salesperson can sell your weeks to other members and potential members who they have lined up ready to buy them.

Real Club Phone number:
Phone number +52 998 287 5792
Fax +52 998 287 4407
Fax EU & Canada 1 800 838 3014
Toll Free EU &Canadá 1 800 832 8033
Mexico Toll Free: 01 800 546 7438
Toll Free: 01 800 546 7435

To receive more information about Real Club Timeshare Complaints and how to cancel it, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill in the form in the contact section or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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Read what other timeshare scam victims say:
177 Complaints
  • BradleyMay 9, 2014, 12:50 am

    Be aware of the salespeople, they are very rough and they'll never take a "no" for response!!!

  • my3sonsMarzo 31, 2014, 10:53 am

    Looked us in the eye and lied to us... portrayed the programs with a computer presentation completely fabricated... they told us we could trade into any hotel listed on Expedia and transfer into a suite or deluxe room by using points and paying transfer fee... we planned on using to visit our children in NYC and Boston not vacationing around the world... LIES all LIES... when we asked for validation it was explained that we would have to wait until membership was activated... we didn't have any reason to think they were lying... ignored the voices in our heads to "Get it in writing" they prey on people like us, we thought we asked all the right questions, did some research... they answered our concerns with more lies... when trying to cancel upon returning home, no one returns calls or emails or when they do it is never with an answer, when pressed to get names you are told they are "protecting their bosses" from who a middle aged New England housewife!!! Why do they need protection if they are not doing anything illegal... We would rather pay this money to an attorney than let them get another dime of our hard earned salary!

  • JessicaFebruary 4, 2014, 12:36 am

    Use the money you saved by skipping the Real Club Timeshare and have some fun.

  • MarckJanuary 27, 2014, 6:55 am

    They say they have many people looking for timeshares and they will put you into contact with them. The truth is you will never hear from them again.

  • GustavJanuary 6, 2014, 4:06 pm

    Too many scams. Need more solutions from the regulators!

  • HalleyDecember 30, 2013, 9:38 am

    i would like to know, is there a way to cancel my timeshare? any help will be greatly appreciated

  • MikaelDecember 2, 2013, 12:23 pm

    do not go to a timeshare presentation and if you do, be prepared for some super hard selling. They will change people on you 5 times before you can claw your way out of there.

  • RobieNovember 25, 2013, 10:44 am

    They were just outstanding and professional when they dealt with us.The way the timeshares are stealing from us is such a horrible injustice.

  • gustavNovember 8, 2013, 1:08 pm

    We also were scammed by Playa Del Sol. We told them we not interested in using the one in P.V. We like to travel and were told you could exchange it ANYWHERE. He pulled out a book and showed all the places to exchange.
    When we tried to see if these places were available NONE were.

  • JuliaNovember 1, 2013, 3:26 pm

    they need to be taught a lesson - lies and deception towards american citizens is simply not acceptable!

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