The Royal, Gran Caribe Real, Gran Porto Real, Real
- Legal Name:
- Razon Social: Club Real Resort S.A. de C.V.
- Resort sales locations
- Localidades: Cancun, Playa del Carmen
- Hotel Representatives:
- Andres Garcia Blumentritt, Jose Luis Romano, Adriana Gutierrez, Isabel Ortiz, Yessica Altamirano, Art "Turi" Martinez, Lorena Salvatori, Gricelda Vielma Jurado, Hever Rebeles, Marcela Perez, Mariana Ceron, Jessica Juarez, Marcos Vallado, Elisa Pere
Common Complaints:
- Salespeople claim that the all-inclusive fee is per night, when in reality it is per person per night
- Promise to rent out their timeshare weeks as a financial investment and to pay off the membership. In reality, clients are referred to a third party agency that charges a listing fee and does not complete the rental.
- Claims that Club Real was better than all timeshares and they are completely different because the salesperson can sell your weeks to other members and potential members who they have lined up ready to buy them.
Real Club Phone number:
Phone number +52 998 287 5792
Fax +52 998 287 4407
Fax EU & Canada 1 800 838 3014
Toll Free EU &Canadá 1 800 832 8033
Mexico Toll Free: 01 800 546 7438
Toll Free: 01 800 546 7435
Club Melia Membership termination.
esta membresía es una por quería aparte se la venden a cada quien dependiendo del marrano a mi me la vendieron a base de mentiras diciendo que son noches que podía usar en cualquier parte del mundo resultó q no es cierto no tengo ni 15 días y ya los odio por ventas engañosas sus vendedores son un fraude total
sinverguenzas de tomo y lomo los peores la pero clase de personas que he conocido los vendedores una lacra y la membresia y los regalos no los entregan no cumplen
Don't buy! They told me that the broker they recommend would sell my shares....Well, we bought the shares in 2007 and they didn't even sell a week.
They told me that they don't recommend that broker anymore. So they gave me another broker who also didn't sell any of my shares.
Beware ! I will never buy a timeshare again. I will never vacation in Mexico again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Necesito asesoría, compre una membresía de Real Club en Cancun la verdad no la puedo usar, es muy costosa. La vendo, la remató lo que sea
buen dia solicito informacion sobre membresia al club, gracias y a sus ordenes lic. osorio
Me vendieron una membresía que ni siquiera puedo ocupar por i según no cubre casi nada ahora quieren i pague una más cara están locos
dont get caught , even dont try to see what happens if you assit to a timeshare presentations, all of that is only lies that can cost you a lot of money ! i speak from myself , for own experience timeshare field is not a good investment, even you cant use it because is never available .
hello people, in first place you need to know that real club is not a good investement, even if you only go to vacationate is not, the maintenaces fees are so high and the staff people only are looking the way to rip out your money , very bad experience with those guys
hello people, in first place you need to know that real club is not a good investement, even if you only go to vacationate is not, the maintenaces fees are so high and the staff people only are looking the way to rip out your money , very bad experience with those guys